Lesson #3- Hand Entry & Rotation

author : Tri Swim Coach
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Now we will add in the focus on how you will enter your hands in the water upon recovery, and how to rotate to the next side.

By Kevin Koskella, www.triswimcoach.com

We've covered the head position and hip rotation, two very important parts of freestyle. Now we will add in the focus on how you will enter your hands in the water upon recovery, and how to rotate to the next side.

Let’s start with a basic hip rotation drill to prepare you for what’s next. Read the description, then click to view Video #1 for the demonstration:

Hip Rotation Drill

With your hands at your sides, kick flutter with your head down. Rotate completely from one side to the other with your hips (90 degrees on one side to 90 degrees on the other side), without moving your head. When you need air, breath in front of you, and immediately bring your head back down into position. Feel free to use fins on this drill.

WARM UP: 400 yards or meters, your choice

Set #1: 5x25’s (or 50’s), hip rotation drill as in the video. [.....]

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date: September 3, 2005

Tri Swim Coach

I'm at http://www.TriSwimCoach.com- a resource for beginning through intermediate level triathletes looking for help with swimming. The site features a free email newsletter offering tips and articles on triathlon swimming. I have also written an electronic book titled “The Complete Guide to Triathlon Swimming” and created "The Essential Triathlon Swimming DVD", both available on www.triswimcoach.com.

For a 20% DISCOUNT on Zoomers Z2 fins and Freestyler paddles, go to www.finisinc.com and use discount code ‘aggies20’ at checkout!

avatarTri Swim Coach

I'm at http://www.TriSwimCoach.com- a resource for beginning through intermediate level triathletes looking for help with swimming. The site features a free email newsletter offering tips and articles on triathlon swimming. I have also written an electronic book titled “The Complete Guide to Triathlon Swimming” and created "The Essential Triathlon Swimming DVD", both available on www.triswimcoach.com.

For a 20% DISCOUNT on Zoomers Z2 fins and Freestyler paddles, go to www.finisinc.com and use discount code ‘aggies20’ at checkout!

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