Beginner Triathlete - Lower Leg Injuries - Shin articles

author : AMSSM
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photoHow much can I train after getting stitches?
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoSince this summer I have been battling shin pain in both legs. I limited the running because I assumed that was the cause.
author : AMSSM
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photoThere is a definite strength difference between the two legs. Is there anything I can do to balance the strength in both legs? Anything I should be concerned about?
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoWhat causes shin splints and what can I do to treat them and do compression socks work?
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoThe pain is palpable after a run mid shaft, medial to bone around the interosseous border. Resistive movement does not effect it. Most pain is with load bearing during a run.
author : Team BT
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photoShin splints occur in up to 13.1% of all runners. Sixty-percent of those presented with this complaint have errors in training.
author : AMSSM
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photoBeginnerTriathlete Member struggles with shin splints and is impatient to run again
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoI've been having mild pain on my right leg when I run. The pain occurs when running and is present for a few hours afterwards, then is gone. Do you have any ideas?
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoBesides the obvious rest and strengthening/PT around the ankles, what can I do to further find the root cause and correct it? Also, what are doctors’ stances on active release?
author : AMSSM
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photoWhat you're describing sounds very much like chronic exertional compartment syndrome. This can cause pain and numbness like you're describing.
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoAfter the Marine Corps Marathon, I started developing left lower/lateral leg pain late in my marathon training and pushed through it.
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoI have a sharp pain in my leg. I feel this throughout daily activities and while sitting at my desk as well. It has been ongoing, progressively worse, and much much more intense the past few weeks.
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoI think I might have a stress fracture. I'm not sure that I want to spend the money on an MRI if the result is simply to rest as the treatment sounds the same with more money in my pocket.
author : AMSSM
comments : 2
photoThe diagnosis, treatment and prevention of posterior tibial tendonitis.
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoI've rested them for 6 weeks, twice. I've had Active Release Therapy, massages, I'm doing Trigger Point, and stretching. Yet, I'm still having issues and can't get above 3 miles.
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