Beginner Triathlete - 'Couch-To' Programs articles

author : Ron
comments : 12
avatarThis aggressive couch to 5k program will get you running from nothing and will be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
author : Ron
comments : 2
avatarThis couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
author : Ron
comments : 1
avatarCouch-to-sprint triathlon training programs to get you over the finish-line of your first triathlon.
author : Ron
comments : 1
photoWe have new 10 and 20 week training plans for the New Year! These mini sprint plans are very conservative and will get any person thinking of training for a triathlon ready to cross the finish-line.
author : mikericci
comments : 2
photoStart getting fit and losing weight in the New Year with our beginner cycling program. This program can get you fit and ready to then start any of our sprint or olympic triathlon training programs.
author : acbadger
comments : 16
photoThis part of the program focuses on utilizing the bike for cardiovascular exercise and moderate strength training for low-impact training-especially good for starting out and/or having weight to lose.
author : Ron
comments : 0
avatarA couch to olympic triathlon training program. These programs will take you from a walk/run program, to a sprint, then to an olympic.
author : acbadger
comments : 0
photoWe have used the past three months to build endurance and strength on the bike and have added the swimming component to the program. Now, we’ll start building on your swimming endurance.
author : Ron
comments : 6
avatarCouch to 5k programs for those starting from square one.
author : acbadger
comments : 1
photoWe will continue to use the bike for cardio workouts for the next two months of the plan and then begin incorporating the other 2 disciplines included in the sport of triathlon.
author : acbadger
comments : 0
photoWe have used the past six months to build endurance and strength on the bike and in the pool. Now, we’ll start building on your swimming speed and run/walking.
author : acbadger
comments : 0
photoThis month we have our peak training weeks followed by two taper weeks for our upcoming race. Transition setup and brickwork included.
author : mikericci
comments : 0
photoStart getting fit and losing weight in the New Year with our beginner cycling program. For month two, we are increasing the intensity and duration of the workouts.
author : acbadger
comments : 0
photoWe have used the past two months to build endurance and strength on the bike and will begin to incorporate swimming into the program.
author : acbadger
comments : 0
photoWe have used the past four months to build endurance and strength on the bike and in the pool. Now, we’ll start building on your swimming speed.
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