Member Question: Getting to Iron Distance in One Year?

author : mat steinmetz
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I will be 20 this summer and am planning on doing Ironman Montreal. This will be my first year of triathlon, can I do this and stay away from injuries?

Member Question

"I will be 20 this summer and am planning on doing Ironman Montreal. This will be my first year of triathlon, but short course doesn't motivate me that much. I need a big challenge that requires extreme motivation. I come from a little running background, doing half-marathons and 10K races, but nothing longer than that.

Every time I talk about my goal to do an Ironman in ’09 to a coach, they quickly tell me that I'm going too fast.  I personally think I can do it. I've been training since September and Ironman Montreal is September 12, 2009, so I have a year to train for it. I'm planning on doing an oly, maybe one or two HIM in July/August, and then my Ironman.  Can I do this and stay away from injuries? "

Answer from Mat Steinmetz


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date: February 23, 2009

mat steinmetz