VIDEO: Nutrition Panel - Part 2

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Part two covers protein after workouts, caffeine usage during racing, the reason for muscle fatigue and general nutrition guidelines.

Some questions covered in part two are:

1 - Protein after a workout
2 - Hydration in a freshwater vs a saltwater swim
3 - Caffeine during training and racing
4 - The reasons for muscle fatigue
5 - Injury prevention supplements
6 - Carbohydrate deficit for race week before your carbo-loading pre-race dinner
7 - General nutrition for active people throughout the training season

Jesse Kropelnicki - QT2 Systems

Cait Snow - Professional Triathlete

Michael Folan - Infinit Nutrition

Kevin Reichlin - Team Doctor Garmin Slipstream

Jeff Godin - Blackstone Valley Human Performance

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VIDEO: Nutrition Panel Part 2 (641 downloads)


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date: March 14, 2010