Road Bike Maintenance 101

author : chrisandniki
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Learn to perform routine maintenance on your bike. Knowing basic maintenance will make you a better rider. You’ll also come to recognize the complexity and beauty of this machine.

You’re whistling through the countryside on your metallic steed; racing up and down hills like you’re Lance Armstrong. And then - one of your tires becomes mushy. You’ve gotten a flat.

This happens so often that many veteran cyclists take for granted how daunting this is for new riders. Well, rest easy. You can learn to perform maintenance on your own bike. But why should you bother? Bike stores are everywhere? Consider the following:

  • Performing basic bike maintenance is easy. Even if you have trouble hanging a picture or putting together your children’s Christmas gifts, you can learn to work on your road bike.
  • Basic bike maintenance doesn’t require strange and fancy tools. You probably have everything you need hanging around the house. And even if you don’t – you’ll only need a couple of inexpensive tools.
  • Performing your own basic bike maintenance is cheap. Why pay a bike shop to fix flats when you can do them cheaply yourself? Besides, no one will do as good a job on your bike as well as you will. [.....]
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    date: December 14, 2004


Chris Tull is a writer based out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Once upon a time, he was a ‘burgers-and-beer-only’ kind of guy. Chris has since lightened up on the diet and added yoga, weight lifting, and (of course) triathlon training to the mix.


Chris Tull is a writer based out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Once upon a time, he was a ‘burgers-and-beer-only’ kind of guy. Chris has since lightened up on the diet and added yoga, weight lifting, and (of course) triathlon training to the mix.

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