Customizing Your Training Plans and Workouts

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How to copy, move and delete your training log workouts. Use this feature to perform customization to your training plans.

Below are several ways that you can customize a training plan once you have imported the plan.  See Importing a Training Plan or Uploading your Training Plan.  Each of the three ways to modify your plan is suited to a specific purpose.

  1. Drag'n Drop 
  2. Copy/Move/Delete by Date
  3. Move by Day (NEW)

This is a Performance Member feature. 


Drag'n Drop

Where: Calendar Views
Use for: Fine-tuning your upcoming workouts to your schedule.




Copy/Move/Delete by Date

Where: Blog and Calendar views
Use for:

    Moving an entire date range of training data up or down by date.
    Example: Move your entire training plan back a month
    Example: If you have time before you training plan starts, simply 'copy' the first few weeks and put them in front of when your plan starts.
    Delete individual workouts or entire date ranges.

Before starting this, MAKE SURE you are in the appropriate training log...either your 'Actual' or 'Planned' training.


Click on the Copy/Move/Delete link in the screen you are using to open up the following new window.



1.  Select from the dropdown which of the copy, move or delete functions you want to use.


2.  Select your dates.

  • Only one day:  The 'From - To' dates should match.

  • A range of days:  Use the mini-calendar to select the appropriate ranges.

  • For the 'Copy' and 'Move' function, select the 'Destination' dates too.

3. Select the type of data you want to modify. (Swim, Bike, Run, etc.)


4.  Press 'Go' at the bottom.  Patience.  This may take several seconds.





Move by Day

Where: Blog and Calendar views

Use for: Example: Move all of your Monday swims to Tuesday to better fit with your schedule.  This saves time vs. the Drag'n Drop if your workouts fall on the same days every week.

Clicking on the 'By Day' tab from the 'Copy/Move/Delete' link will bring you to this screen:


1 - Enter the date range of the workouts you want to move


2 - Enter the sport


3 - Enter the current and final destination of your workout


4.  Press 'Go' at the bottom.  Patience.  This may take several seconds.







Training Plan Users

When moving or copying 'Planned Training' data, checking the box 'Biking Data' for example will move BOTH the bike time/distance AND the bike comments.  If you want the training plan workout and drill definitions for that day of training moved/copied too, you must also select 'Related Comments'.


Editing your Actual training 

You can use these tools to modify your 'Actual' training.  Example, you want to simply copy a workout you already did (swim set, strength training) to a later date to save time in data entry.



Be careful with this feature as what you do is permanent.  You will note at the top and bottom of the Bulk Modification window which log data you will be modifying-your 'planned' or 'actual' training.  Pay attention.


Performing limited customization to your plans

See the bottom of 'Importing a Training Plan' to perform some other limited plan customizations.


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date: March 16, 2009