Garmin Route Uploading

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Instructions on how to directly upload routes from your Garmin training device into your training logs.

The training logs now supports direct Garmin route uploading.  This is a free service for all members.

Uploading works best with devices that connect to a computer via USB cable. Serial cables or Serial-USB adapters may or may not work. We can't provide support for those.


The following is a list of Garmin products that are supported assuming you use a USB cable:


Forerunner 201Edge 205
Forerunner 205Edge 305
Forerunner 301Edge 605
Forerunner 305Edge 705


Here's how to upload your routes:



  • Connect your Garmin to your computer.

  • Login and go to My Routes

  • Navigate to the 'Create Map' screen.  In the top right you will see an 'Upload from' dropdown.  Select either upload from GPX or Garmin

  • A new window will display with a message up top. You may be prompted to download the Garmin Communicator plugin. This is required for communications from BT to the device.

  • If the Communicator Plugin is installed, a "Found" message will display in the window.

  • Click on "Get Data"

  • Once the data from the device is read, a dropdown list will display and the first route found in the list will be plotted on a mini-map.

  • Select the route you want to upload to the route tracker in the dropdown list and click on "Upload to RouteTracker". This step may take a minute or so, depending on how long the route is and how many points are being uploaded.

  • Once it's uploaded, save it as you would any other route and you're good to go!

A couple notes:

Make sure that your device is set to Smart Recording. If it isn't there will probably be far to many data points on any route to be able to upload it.

Please post any issues that you have in the Training & Nutrition Log forum.


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date: March 26, 2008