Beginner Triathlete - Beginners articles

author : Diane1961
comments : 3
photoFrom tragedy to triumph; the follow-up to Webster article.
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photoRelaxing during the swim. Relaxing the muscles that you are not using is the topic of this month’s swimming tip.
author : MegL
comments : 8
photoEver since I’ve started training for this triathlon, I’ve noticed some subtle differences between me and my friends who are actually VFT’s (Veterans of a Finished Triathlon).
author : Diane1961
comments : 0
photoI ponder my training. Should I have trained differently? Should I have trained more? Should I have trained harder? Should I not be wearing a sail?
author : MegL
comments : 9
photoBecause for everyone out there, crossing the finish line is more about life than the race itself.
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photoFind a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.
author : MegL
comments : 25
photoNo one likes to look like a fool, but it’s hard not to when you don’t know what you’re doing as a beginner, so if it helps, go ahead and pretend.
author : AMSSM
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photoBefore you lace up your shoes, pump air into your bike tires, or check the fit of your swimsuit, there are some other considerations to help keep you exercising safely well into 2007 and beyond.
comments : 2
photoSwimming three times a week is the minimum amount of time you will need to set aside if you are hoping to swim in a sprint triathlon. Three times a week allows you to vary your practices.
author : docgill
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photoThis life of mine is not so different from yours. It has a multitude of similarities. I suffer from uncertainty, I get nervous at the thought of registering and when getting to the starting line.
author : mscotthall
comments : 3
photoOften we face the dilemma of putting together a training plan for the school year that fits into our busy days. I thought I would share some ideas on scheduling your training.
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photoAs a novice swimmer I have listed a few things that may help you build your endurance as you approach the water with a sprint race in your future. It can be overwhelming if you are not a fish.
author : Mottyl
comments : 16
photoGet with the lingo! 70.3, Mary, FOP, Bonking, LBS, Brick, Fartlek, RHR...what's it all mean? Read our Triathlon Glossary of Terms for enlightenment.
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photoOver this next month I will be learning more about my bike each time I take it out to ride. I want to take full advantage of what it has to offer.
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photoMy goals for September were to continue my daily workouts, biking at least five miles and running two miles every morning. I have also set Sundays aside as a day of rest.
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