Beginner Triathlete - Beginners articles

author : She-Ra
comments : 12
photoI never imagined that 350 yards broken down into 7 REALLY long lanes would be so big! I gasped out loud and told Grady that maybe I had underestimated the swim.
author : RaytownPete
comments : 0
photo”Dang! That water’s cold!” immediately hit me. In these first few seconds, my triathlon goal sunk quicker than my legs and torso had. I now knew this was going to be a lot harder than I imagined.
author : Diane1961
comments : 0
photoI step gingerly into the pond. I did not know water could be that cold and not be ice. Briefly I can see the bottom and then everything is black except for my pale hands extending from my black suit.
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photoThe first time I ventured into the deep murky green lake and could not see the bottom my muscles tensed and my imagined fears surfaced. What exactly lies beneath?
author : MegL
comments : 7
photoDo you see the bladder as half-full or half-empty? In this instance, it really doesn't matter how you look at it... you'd just better go.
author : mars
comments : 5
photoThe journey of an average Joe entering the triathlon world. I was 35 pounds overweight and out of shape. Enough was enough, and it was time for me to take back my health and my body.
author : MegL
comments : 3
photoWhat do you bring to the starting line? What are you going to leave on the course? What will you take with you across the finish line?
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photoRest, Enjoy, Lighten-up, Attitude check, and Expectations, all of which are possible, spell “relax.” I believe if I practice, I can succeed at becoming a relaxed swimmer.
author : MegL
comments : 2
photoSo someone convinced you to get off the couch and truck-it to the finish line. Now what? Here's a look at the process from admiring others to inspiring others.
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photoMy first duathlon was a success. I had so many fears before the race but none of those fears happened. And when it was all over, I felt I had accomplished something big.
author : acbadger
comments : 0
photoAre you getting adequate rest after your workouts? Rest and over-training effects on weight loss, weight gain.
author : Diane1961
comments : 2
photoThe Webster race was a debacle. I have another race at the same course in 5 weeks. What do I do? How do I train?
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photoAttempting to copy someone’s stroke is like attempting to mimic their stride, voice tone, or any other personal idiosyncrasy. Their stroke is their stroke. You can learn from them, but you can't copy.
author : Ontherun
comments : 2
photoIt may seem simple, but too many athletes get hurt during the season. We all need to stay safe while we share the roads. Here are some reminders to remain alert to our surroundings.
comments : 1
photoHave a goal when you get into the water. If your purpose is distance, then set your pace for endurance. If your objective is speed, then incorporate drills.
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