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Belle Isle Sprint Tri - TriathlonSprint

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Belle Isle/Orlando, Florida
United States
88F / 31C
Total Time = 1h 18m 18s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 5/9
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at hotel at 5:30. Breakfast of english muffin with peanut butter, a couple bites of oatmeal, small cup of coffee, sipped accelerade. Got to the race site in the dark and proceeded to get devoured by mosquitos until the sun came up. Racked the bike and stood in line to use the bathrooms that wouldn't flush due to no power on. Nasty stuff!
Event warmup:

Stretched and a quick swim to get used to the water temp.
  • 09m 24s
  • 400 meters
  • 06s / 100 meters

Not a great swim for me. This was only my second race and the first was in the ocean where I was a lot more bouyant. I couldn't catch my breath for to the first bouy. After that I settled in somewhat, but still felt tired and short of breath for the duration of the swim. There was not much of an announcment for the start. Just a lady back on the beach behind us saying GO! Caught a lot of people off guard.
What would you do differently?:

Swim a little more to warm up maybe. Try to get into a groove quicker. Find my own space! Got kicked a lot by the guys doing the breast stroke.
Transition 1
  • 01m 14s

Pretty good. Better than my first race for sure. I fumbled with the helmet strap a little. It helped wearing the tri suit and not taking time to put on a top when you're wet. I might start training without socks, that seems to take up some time also.
What would you do differently?:

Lose the socks, practice with the helmet a few times.
  • 41m 30s
  • 12.43 miles
  • 17.97 mile/hr

Felt like a great start on the bike. At the midway point I counted about 30 people ahead of me at the turn around and I thought that was pretty good for me. I was passed by five people on the bike and only passed up two. The ride back was a head wind almost the entire way. Very hard work! This was 12.4 miles, almost 2 1/2 miles longer than my first race and I still improved on my time.
What would you do differently?:

Try and catch the girl that passed me. She was cute! Just kidding, I probably wouldn't do much differently other than train longer on the bike. Not drink so much toward the end. It made me a little sick on the start of the run.
Transition 2
  • 00m 51s

Happy with the whole thing with the exception of struggling slightly with the number belt while running to the gate.
What would you do differently?:

Practice putting on the number belt in a hurry.
  • 25m 21s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 08m 09s  min/mile

Sluggish start on the run because I drank too much accelerade on the bike towards the end. Picked it up towards the end and passed a few people. Felt great at the end.
What would you do differently?:

Work on a more consistant pace throughout.
Post race
Warm down:

Drank water and gatorade, ate a b-nana and cheered on the other finishers. Hung out with the wife and dog and checked out all the cool bikes.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Not enough longer bike rides in training. Kind of confused about the swim. I felt rested and nourished, but couldn't get into it.

Event comments:

Seemed well organized with the exception of some traffic. Roads were open to traffic in both directions and there were some pissed off locals who had to wait for anything race related. Lots of volunteers that were very helpful. Nice bunch of people in the race too. I'd do it again.

Last updated: 2005-10-04 12:00 AM
00:09:24 | 400 meters | 06s / 100meters
Age Group: 4/9
Overall: 0/
Performance: Below average
Suit: De Soto tri suit
Course: Triangle, from a small beach area.
Start type: Wade Plus:
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current: Low
200M Perf. Below average Remainder: Average
Breathing: Average Drafting: Below average
Waves: Navigation: Average
Rounding: Average
Time: 01:14
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Good
00:41:30 | 12.43 miles | 17.97 mile/hr
Age Group: 7/9
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Wind: Headwind with gusts
Course: Nicely paved, flat course, lots of cops. Some exposed areas really caught the wind on the return ride.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence: ?
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Average Hills:
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Too much
Time: 00:51
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes Average
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:25:21 | 03.11 miles | 08m 09s  min/mile
Age Group: 3/9
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Course: Flat through a nice neigborhood with lots of trees and shade. Two, well placed water stations. That's twice as many as my last race that was on the beach in the hot sun with no shade.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3

2005-10-04 12:27 PM

South Beach, FL
Subject: Belle Isle Sprint Tri
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