General Discussion Triathlon Talk » oops I did it again........ Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2004-05-17 12:34 PM

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New Port Richey
Subject: oops I did it again........

I was browsing on active for local races this weekend and my finger accidentally slipped and I ended up registering for the lilac 10k. My wife is going to be a little upset since I am not working and I put the race on my credit card but I will try to convince her that in the long run this is best for me because if I don't have races to look forward to I won't work out and then I regain all my weight risking potentially fatal diseases. She won't stay mad for too long Any ways 10k will be the longest I have run since my military days and I look forward to the challenge. I almost signed up for a Du on Saturday but we have a family commitment in the morning so I signed up for the run Sunday instead. This will be the third running race for me this year and I hate running.


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