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Greenwood YMCA Sprint Triathlon - Triathlon

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Greenwood, South Carolina
United States
70F / 21C
Total Time = 1h 17m 57s
Overall Rank = 74/112
Age Group = 35-40
Age Group Rank = 13/19
Pre-race routine:

I worked the third shift 12 hours the night before (it sucks, but it is what it is), started drinking coffee at 5:30 am and had some oatmeal. Took a quick shower and headed for the race when my relief arrived at 6 am. My training buddy and I rode together and arrived with just enough time to get marked, set up and attend pre race meeting.
Event warmup:

Stretched, changed clothes....I should have gotten their earlier and warmed up, I have never warmed up before I need to try it.
  • 6h 08m
  • 328 yards
  • 1h 49m 44s / 100 yards

My training partner and I put down the same est swim time 6:30, he finished 30 sec or so ahead of me, I never could catch him after that.
What would you do differently?:

I probably could have wnt faster, i passed two guys in the swim, and my heart rate was fine coming out.
Transition 1
  • 00m

You had to run with the bike a good ways to the mounting point, maybe 100 yards from where I was,,,times for t-1 not seperated
What would you do differently?:

not too much
  • 44m 27s
  • 12.4 miles
  • 16.74 mile/hr

it was a small tri they didn't break times down compared to others in age group
What would you do differently?:

I stayed in the aerobars a lot, I went pretty hard, I kept my Buddy in site, I passed 5-6 people , got passed by one
Transition 2
  • 00m

no time for t-2
What would you do differently?:

I need to work on transitions
  • 27m 22s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 08m 48s  min/mile

I had to stop to pee in the woods. I went out too slow and they were no mile markers, so I had no idea of my pace
What would you do differently?:

I should have learned/found out where the mile markers were
Post race
Warm down:

Congratulad my Buddy on defeating me. had a bananna and some cookies and a water, thats all they had

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Probably my weight, I got to loose some weight, and lack of speed work

Event comments:

Your race number does not reflect your swim I was race # 23, but I was probably the 50th swimmer to enter the pool, usually in a pool swim # 1 goes first etc, not in this was a little confusing, but they made it work.

Last updated: 2006-04-09 12:00 AM
06:08:00 | 328 yards | 1h 49m 44s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/19
Overall: 0/112
Performance: Good
Suit: tri bottom
Course: Pool swim-snake
Start type: Inside Pool Plus:
Water temp: 78F / 26C Current:
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Good
Waves: Good Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 00:00
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Good
00:44:27 | 12.4 miles | 16.74 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/19
Overall: 0/112
Wind: Some
Course: Nice course, except it had a turn around you had to almost stop dead in the road and turn around. out and back , beautiful country roads, great scenery
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence: 85
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Too much
Time: 00:00
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes Bad
Jumping off bike Below average
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:27:22 | 03.11 miles | 08m 48s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/19
Overall: 0/112
Performance: Good
Course: Nice run course a couple of loops through a residential section and rural roads
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3

2006-04-23 5:53 PM

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Laurens County, SC
Subject: Greenwood YMCA Sprint Triathlon
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