Chattahoochee Challenge Olympic Triathlon
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Chattahoochee Challenge Olympic Triathlon - TriathlonOlympic
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![]() Swim
Comments: Swim was time trail, ended up at the end of the line so had to wait for 10-15 minutes to get in the water. Liked the time trail start every 2 sec person would go. Ended up passing 20-30 people during the swim and I think I pushed it too much. Swam the first 1000 yards in 10 minutes but the next 500 yards took me 11 minutes because it was upstream. Course was well marked lots of support very well put together on the swim. Current was strong both ways. Finished the swim in about 21 minutes but the run from swim exit to transition took me 2-3 minutes I was gassed and wanted my HR to settle a bit. What would you do differently?: Slow down maybe just a bit to come out with a lower HR...possibly put more time in the pool at a higher intensity. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: Good transition, racks were not marked so had to squeeze in between bunch of people. What would you do differently?: Nothing good transition ![]() Bike
Comments: The course was a two loop course, flatish with some false flats and nothing I would call a hill. Biggest climb was about 20-30 meters thats about it. Porbably half or more of the course was on riverwalk which had other people on it (non racers) and it was very curvy and you couldn't really catch any speed. Course was marked at least 2-3 miles short. My average was around 19. Volunteers and police were awesome everything was marked properly and no issues there. What would you do differently?: Mark the course right so we can pace right :). I was happy with the bike especially since I crashed about 18 miles into it so can't complain, ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Fast transition no issues What would you do differently?: Nothing good ![]() Run
Comments: Run was an unknown for me, injured my leg few weeks prior to race so this would be my longest run in 3 weeks. Start off solid made myself slow down. Course was well marked spectators and people all around. Aid stations were spread out good i would maybe put in one extra one so it's every mile but really wasn't an issue because temps were not hot. I pushed mile 5-6 thinking finish is near just to realize that the mismarked this course as well and the run ended up being 6.90 miles. This killed me last half of mile I was struggling pretty bad. Picked off two guys in my age group right at the end so that kept me motivated. What would you do differently?: More run fitness more speed work and drop more weight. Lots of room for improvement here but it was the best run on an Oly I had. I averaged 9-20 pace. ![]() Post race
Warm down: Tried to walk around to cool down, waited for Brittney to finish What limited your ability to perform faster: More run fitness, bike crash and mismarked course on bike and run. Event comments: Things I liked: Race organizers did an awesome job despite the HUGEEEEE storm few hours before the race. Awesome job on keeping everyone informed with emails and posts every hour before the race. Course was well marked during the swim and bike and run so no complaints there. Volunteers were awesome great job and kudos to all who volunteered. Things I didn't like: Racks were first come first serve and lots of people took up more then one spot so no rack space. MARK the racks so everyone knows where they are supposed to be. Creates less confusion and athletes don't have to bicker amon each other. After the race noone was at transition to make sure people took the right bike just someone checking bib numbers and comparing it to the bike number would be good. Bike course itself, I did not like being inside the riverwalk, way too muddy, puddles everywhere too many turns and twists so you can't really catch any speed. Half of the course was on open roads so why not just extend those loops and keep us from those twisty small trails. I also crashed my bike in one of those curves just slipped under me received a nasty gash on my hands and elbows but luckily was able to finish. Bike course was two miles shorter then advertised 25 miles. Need to measure right distances that shouldn't be too hard. Run course was good but it was .7 miles longer then 6.2 advertised. I gave it my all last mile just to realize I had another almost mile to go. This tends to kill motivation. Please mark the distances correctly. Great race if they can fix those few little things this should be on everyone's schedule. I will definitly come back next year. Last updated: 2012-08-13 12:00 AM
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United States
88F / 31C
Overall Rank = 74/161
Age Group = M30-34
Age Group Rank = 10/19
Came into Columbus Friday at night and went straigh to dinner and then bed. Woke up at 3AM to thunder from hell. Race got postponed due to rain for about 30-40 minutes. I didnt get in the water until around 8AM
None watched some swimmer try and swim upstream it was funny to watch so I was dreading the last 500 since we had to go upstream.