Subject: I need a fast runner for HOOD TO COAST RELAY! Are you a pretty fast runner (3:00 Marathoer )?
Are you a guy?
Are you over 30 years of age?
Can you fly to Portland OR or do you live in the region?
If yes to the above 4 questions... contact me ASAP
Our Hood To Coast Relay team just lost a guy... We train hard and party hard... The team has done 7 consecutive Hood Coast Relay's and should place pretty high in the standings.
Most of the guys have done sub 3:00 marathons and some are even faster...
You will run 3 legs 5 to 8 miles per leg...
If you don't know how fun this race is go to the Web Site and see. This race sells out in 1 day and is considered the number 1 relay in the country.
We have hotels and Vans booked...
Please list a few personal best race times (10K, 1/2 marathon, marathon etc... ) |