Subject: Back At It Back before children and hurting my back, I was a regular here. Children take time. Hurt backs and not committing to doing physical therapy exercises reduce capability. Going back to school is also does no favors for regular exercising. But after participating in 30 days of biking here in Minnesota (mostly in my basement) in march, I decided it was time. I needed to sign up for some races to stay motivated. I've done maybe 15 sprints and olympic length races previously, but it's been probably 6 years since my last race and 9 years since I've done more than one a year. So I've signed up for three mid to late season sprints in the area and I'm pretty excited. True to myself, I'm not really following a training plan, particularly as my work schedule is pretty chaotic looking. But I've been getting out to train a majority of the days per week and I'm feeling pretty good. I bought a race bike shortly before I hurt my back. Now I'm looking forward to really getting out there and utilizing it. See you around. |