Subject: Bishop to e6. Good analogy on Trump:
Bishop to e6.
That was the name of the 17th move in what is commonly referred to as “The Game of the Century” when, on Oct. 17, 1956, 13-year-old Bobby Fischer beat chess master Donald Byrne, 26, and turned the chess world upside down. Fischer’s move offered a sacrifice of his queen, which Byrne accepted, but then Fischer followed with a series of planned, precise attack moves ultimately leading to a checkmate.
When Fisher made that move, those familiar with chess who were stuck in conventional paradigms, common strategies and established protocols gasped in horror as they clearly realized the young prodigy had lost his mind, his nerve, or both. Others, perhaps not as learned, wondered what he might be up to without having a clue. Then there would have been the original, unorthodox thinkers of their time who may have dropped their jaws, fallen back in their seats and thought, “Oh my God, I can’t believe what I’m seeing. This is brilliant.”