General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Fast transitions are important!!! Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2007-04-02 2:59 PM

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Tyler, TX
Subject: Fast transitions are important!!!

At a sprint tri this weekend I finished at #92 of 722, but at least 11 people who finished behind me were actually faster than me on the swim/bike/run!  They just took too much time in transition...

And if my transitions were perfect (they weren't), I would have placed one or two positions better, including ahead of a guy in my age group...

I'm still a relative newbie at this triathlon stuff, but have figured out that gaining time over competitors in transition is far easier than gaining on them on the course! 

Wait, maybe I should delete this message before those 11 people figure this out and bump me down to #103 next time...

Message: It's definitely worth practicing transitions!

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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Fast transitions are important!!! Rss Feed