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Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2004-03-13 11:02 PM

New user

Subject: new guy
I am also new to this. My first race is in May (Gulf Coast in Panama City). Lisa, last summer I could hardly run 2 miles, but ended up running the NY Marathon in Nov. in under 4 hours. The start of training was the hardest for me. After a month or so it wasn't so bad. I kind of enjoy the runs. Everyone tells me to try to run on soft ground to save the legs and knees. If you run more than 1 hour take a 10-12 mintue cold bath... But what do I know. I am new to this sport.

rob :-)

2004-03-14 12:06 AM
in reply to: #12276

Subject: RE: new guy

Welcome to the board -- from a non runner such as I ---- a marathon is waaaaaaay too much!!!

Good luck, nice to have you here.


2004-03-15 3:14 AM
in reply to: #12276

budapest, hungary.
Subject: RE: new guy
welcome. good luck on your training.
2004-03-15 3:16 AM
in reply to: #12276

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Extreme Veteran
Boise Idaho
Subject: RE: new guy
Welcome to the team!
2004-03-15 8:07 AM
in reply to: #12276

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: new guy
Welcome to the T-Spot!
2004-03-15 8:11 AM
in reply to: #12276

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New Port Richey
Subject: RE: new guy

Welcome to the site. That is awesome that you completed a marathon. This site has a lot of great people always willing to help. Good luck.

2004-03-15 12:05 PM
in reply to: #12276

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Berkeley, CA
Subject: RE: new guy
I know the ice bath seems like a strange idea, but it is definitely helpful for endurance running (I've never really used it while tri'in, as the longest I've done is an Olympic distance, but I used it when I was training for a marathon.) You just fill up a bath with very cold water--dump a couple trays of ice in, then sit in it for about 7-10 minutes. (I've never used it unless I was doing at least a half-marathon distance--about 2 hours. I wouldn't use it for only an hour as soreness passes pretty swiftly). It really deals with the inherent stiffness that you would get otherwise.

Crazy idea, and but it works!!

Welcome, though, and I'm sure you will enjoy the site.

2004-03-15 12:18 PM
in reply to: #12276

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Gold member
Subject: RE: new guy
welcome to the site!  about the ice?  really?  is it JUST for soreness and recovery? im at about the 6mile mark getting up to 12miles later this year...i cant see myself having the guts to ice waist down.
2004-03-15 12:24 PM
in reply to: #12276

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Berkeley, CA
Subject: RE: new guy
Ron, it truly feels horrible in the short term, but the benefits are worth it. But it HAS to be ice cold. Ugh. I hate it, but you sort of get used to it. But I mean it when I say, it's not really necessary until you are hitting a 2 hour mark (I think.) Perhaps if you do a lot of running, you eventually get ove it and don't need it, but I'm not there yet!!

Is Ellen our long-distance runner (or is it Sharon?), maybe we should consult?

2004-03-15 12:33 PM
in reply to: #12466

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Gold member
Subject: RE: new guy
i think its sharon...good call.  maybe i need to start a countdown to the first icing.
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