BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2007-12-09 8:40 PM

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Subject: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

NAME: kaqphin/Catherine - but everyone calls me Cat

STORY: Im a 25yo in Australia... I got into triathlon in 2005 because a friend wanted to try one, while she hasnt continued in the sport I have and really love it!

I love the people, the challenge and the environment - BT is a BIG part of that!

FAMILY STATUS: Single - my brother is planning to move to Aussie next year and I cant wait to have family around in the same city!

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now Im in a one on one swim challenge with Bajapat (Pat) trying to outswim each other for December here on BT.

Generally my training is all about being consistent (swim some, bike some, ride some and STRETCH! all with a purpose) and despite having injuries knock me out in November feel free to check out my October logs for an indication of what Im aiming for with the three disciplines or my current logs for a swim focus!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Im just coming off the off season here in Australia. Was signed up for a 5K run and a sprint tri before chrissie but Im currently unable to run due to a couple of injuries (Plantar Fascitis and Runner's Knee).

So instead Im not looking at ocean swimming including a race in Sydney Harbour as a way of keeping active. I would like to complete at least a sprint and possibly and Olympic this season if I get cleared to run again.

Long term I am aiming for a HIM - just waiting to heal from my injuries and trying to manage a long term illness which has slowed down my progression a little - but I do believe in never giving up and keeping a positive attitude (even if things seem tough!)

Training Goals: To become a faster swimmer over 2k+ distances

To improve my bike handling (I only learnt to ride as an adult) and spend more time on my bike, especially on the road

To do my PT and eventually be cleared to run. On running: Running is my weakness but I had built up from nothing to a 1.5 hour long run before I got injured.. I will say this, no matter what you can learn to run - you just have to take it SLOWLY! (yes I know how HARD it can be!)

WEIGHTLOSS: I was on high doses of steroids (due to illness) for almost a year in 2006 and gained a lot of weight. Right now Im just trying to get through the holidays before kicking off a focus on weight loss - Im happy to help anyone who wants to join me. My goal is to loose about 20 pounds (10 kgs) for a start and then reassess.

I will be doing this by maintaining a balanced training schedule and eating less crap Yes I will be a bit more scientific than this but Im all about balance, eating well most of the time and enjoying some treats too!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Im on BT all the time so will almost always respond to the thread within 24 hours maximum.

I have a positve attitude and will regularly keep an eye on your log and how you are going. As well as leaving inspires, especially overnight so you get to wake up to some encourgement in the mornings. (the time difference helps!)

If you have a question I will help the best I can, and if Im not 100% sure on the answer then I will find out for you, whether that be from finding a relevant BT article, asking someone on the forums or that I know here in Australia.

Ive made a lot of great friends on BT and Im really looking forward to making some more so I promise to be as available as I can.


Edited by kaqphin 2008-03-22 9:15 PM

2007-12-10 12:11 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Lubbock, TX
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
Hey Super Cat!

Sign me up for your group....If you still have room of course!

Edited by rgattis 2007-12-10 12:14 PM
2007-12-10 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Absolutely! I didnt even think these were live yet!!!

Will add you to my friends list now!

As way of introduction Id love to know a little about you, as well as what you are training for... what are you goals and strengths/weaknessess? What do you want to get out of the mentor experience?

For me (and I guess Ive covered it above) my strength would be swimming, my weakness running and from the experience... I want to help others discover how fun this sport and lifestyle can be!

Edited by kaqphin 2007-12-10 2:45 PM
2007-12-10 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
I would like to be in your group. After seeing you in action on the challenge boards, I think you'll be an awesome mentor.

Tri History - 2008 will be my fourth year of triathlon. In 2007, I did 6 sprints, 2olys, 1 HIM and the bike leg on an oly relay. I'm not a newbie, but do need a swift kick in the you-know-what to keep training, especially in the run.

Family - Married mom of two (boy and a girl)

Planned 2008 races - I'd like to do two HIM's this year. One in June, the other in September. Hopefully 3 sprints and an oly as well. It all depends upon if my right hip flexor heals quickly enough (pulled it in early September) to put in the proper training.

Looking forward to chatting and training with everyone.


2007-12-10 6:47 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Welcome Pam!

I know we both have injury issues in common and you will be a great source of experience to the rest of the mentor group too!

Im going to check you are on my friends list... but Im pretty sure you are alrady there!

When I close the group i will get us one of those nice stickies with html links for the whole group for the team... Im not technically proficient so I will have to ask someone nicely to do it for me!


2007-12-11 12:00 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Hey I'm Jeni and I would love to join this group.

I am doing my masters degree in anthropology in Vancouver and after tearing my ACL a year ago and not being able to do anything active for months all I wanted to do was run (I was occasionally active but never an avid exerciser or a runner and had never been on a road bike before the injury) and with the green light to exercise I am getting addicted to this whole swim, bike and run whenever you can thing and what endorphines can do for you!! I'm also working on loosing the 40lbs I gained while injured.

Strengths: I swear Spandex is like a city wide uniform in Vancouver!! Cyclists and runners are everywhere you turn so there is lots of motivation. I LOVE my road bike which I bought as part of my knee recovery in July and grew up on a swim team so the swim is comming back to me easily.

Weakness: Running- right now I am trying to learn to enjoy running and not working my knee to hard. I am also pretty bad at remembering to stay hydrated during the day. I also want to get into a routine of hitting the pool first thing in the morning but I have a weakness for turning off my alarm and climbing back into my warm bed in the mornings.

Currently training for my first Sprint Tri in March.


2007-12-11 12:13 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Hi Jeni!

Welcome - a sprint in march sounds like a great goal... I will check out your BT log (i hope you are using it!) and see what you are doing with your run...

Im sure you are getting lots of great advice but dont forget that cycling will help with running as well as walking and an elliptical (if you have access to a gym). This will allow you to get your fitness up while not challeging your ACL too much!

Im not an early morning person but I have found a few things that help... 

1. Get everything you need packed up and laid out the night before (yes even your shoes and socks) so its a no brainer in the morning

2. Get up as soon as your alarm goes off so you dont negotiate yourself out of it

3. Start small.. dont go from getting up at 7 to getting up at 5 its too hard... maybe just get up half an hour early the first day

4.  Make it a routine... if your wake up times are all over the place then its really hard to get up early when you want to... (but the occasional sleep in is always good for the soul and mind!)

5. Go to bed earlier and make sure you are getting enough sleep, just because you can survive on 5 hours sleep does NOT mean you should! Your body gains the benefits of training in recovery and rest so the more you train the more rest your need!

On the hydration, keep a water bottle with you at all times... and fill it at the beginning of the day, when it empties fill it again. by having water with you, you will find you drink more as its there, accessible etc if you get bored with the taste try a little apple juice, orange juice or low joule cordial for flavour but make it weaker and weaker so you get used to just drinking water (and save the calories for treats!!! )

You sound like you are on the right track to me!  


Edited by kaqphin 2007-12-11 12:21 AM
2007-12-11 12:18 AM
in reply to: #1091616

Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
Cat is a gret person and a fine mentor.. anyone in her group will grow....

2007-12-11 12:23 AM
in reply to: #1094292

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Bajapat - 2007-12-11 5:18 PM Cat is a gret person and a fine mentor.. anyone in her group will grow....

LMAO - nice sig line Pat!

This is Pat who is trying to swim 37,000m (40,000 yards) with me (hypothetcially... him being in the US and me being in Australia) this month

Thanks for the props! Im gonna do the best I can!

2007-12-11 6:25 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Greenbelt, MD
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Hey Cat,

After working with you last month on the challenge I know you'd be a great mentor.  Can I join your group?

Just as a reminder as to who I am:

35yo single woman, horribly overweight (as I always say I could afford to lose at least 1 Olsen twin), come from a non-sports background (well I did play varsity tennis in high school but it was doubles and didn't include much running therefore as I lived at the net).  I have a pretty sedentary job (computer programmer), but get up off the couch to volunteer as an EMT.

I got it into my head I would do a triathlon next year as a way to get in shape and lose some weight.  My doctor tells me I need to exercise (I'm type 2 diabetic and a little hypertensive) so I finally got around to doing it.  Plus I have it in my head that I'd love to eventually get into adventure racing, so figured this is a good way to get some endurance and learn some skills for that while having some fun.

I'm currently doing the conservative couch to 5k program from this site.  I'm up to running 12 minutes (well starting today) of my run/walk.  Okay, should be better termed jogging as it's somewhere around 13-14 minutes/mile (yeah, I know most people walk faster than that).  I'm also swimming 1650 yards 2-3 times a week.  Last night I swam a total of 600 yards in 1 shot so that was a nice new best there.  And finally I'm lifting weights twice a week (core, upper body, and some rehab kinda things for my knees which have always been a bit of a problem).

I'm going to get back to dieting after my birthday (Jan 2).   Until then I'm trying to just eat a little reasonably.

My first (and currently only) race is set for Aug 24.  It's Irongirl Columbia here in Maryland.  It's a longish length sprint (.62 mile swim/17.5 mile bike/3.4 mile run).  It's an all-women's tri so I'm psyched about that.  I hear it's pretty challenging, especially the bike.

By August I want to know that I can complete the course without having to resort to walking on the bike up hills or walking at all on the run.  I'm kind of hoping to finish around 2:30, but would just be happy not to be DFL among the Athenas under 40.  My other goal is to be down at least 40, but preferably 50 pounds by then.  That will really help (especially in the clothing for the tri department).

Oh and did I mention I like to ramble on?

I think that covers it. 

2007-12-11 9:08 AM
in reply to: #1092983

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Lubbock, TX
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
kaqphin - 2007-12-10 2:36 PM

Absolutely! I didnt even think these were live yet!!!

Will add you to my friends list now!

As way of introduction Id love to know a little about you, as well as what you are training for... what are you goals and strengths/weaknessess? What do you want to get out of the mentor experience?

For me (and I guess Ive covered it above) my strength would be swimming, my weakness running and from the experience... I want to help others discover how fun this sport and lifestyle can be!

Hey Cat.

I'm a 23 y/o former college athlete. Decided to get into Tri's because I missed competing, and I needed something to challenge myself. I have 2 Tri's on the schedule so far for '08. I have a race scheduled for May, but I haven't decided if I'm going to do the olympic distance or the sprint distance. In June I am going ot tackle the half iron man, that is the race I have been focusing my training towards.

As far as my strengths and weaknesses.....Swimming is DEFINATELY my weakness, but I have hooked up with a swim coach here in town and he has been working with me, so my simming is definately getting better.

I have been cycling for a little over a year now and I have always been a runner. I ran cross country for 6 years so I would say those are my strengths.

From a mentor, I would like to learn more about the little things of the sport. I have a pretty good workout plan, but need help with re-fueling, hydrating, eating on the course, all those things you don't really know how to prepare for. Also transitions. I have never even seen a triathlon in person, so I need advice on how to do all those thigns as well.

So basically I just want to learn everything I can from your experiences!

2007-12-11 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Hi Cat, can I join your group as well?  I was in the running challenge and had a great time.  I think this would be a great way to keep me focused for the 2008 season.  Thank you!


2007-12-11 2:25 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
can i get in your group cat?? super fun!
2007-12-11 2:39 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Hi Dia, Lyssa andf Kelley!

Welcome - I will read your posts more thoroughly when I get to work (Im running late... again!) Yes you can join!!!


2007-12-11 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1094398

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Hi Kelley,

Dont worry about rambling on, it just means you are thorough!

I think you are doing the right thing by trying to eat well during the holiday season (and birthday) and not focusing too much on weight. Why? Well sometimes you need to have a little fun!!! Plus.. just not gaining during a time when all your favourite foods are around is a massive achievement! This is a lifestyle NOT a life sentance (a bit extreme but you get where Im going with it)

Sounds like you and I are both kicking off a nutrition focus in the beginning of the year and I look forward to reading what you are up to, I understand with the diabetes its really important to be careful. You have some really ambitious weightloss goals so it sounds like you are going to have some great transformations this year! Can I suggest taking a picture on your birthday, a full body shot, and putting it away somewhere for a couple of months so you can see how far you come this year... I think you are going to be super happy!

My first race was an All Women's race and I can say the support was amazing.. and the last competitor home got a HUGE cheer! It was a huge amount of fun and you will see all shapes and sizes competing... when we get closer to August we can look at your clothing options but dont worry, you have plenty to chose from!

I think Ive covered everything in your post but any questions just let me know!


2007-12-11 4:12 PM
in reply to: #1094693

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Hi Randy,

Sounds like you are right on track with the swimming, it really is a feel for the water and a technique thing much much more than anything else. So practice practice practice! Im not sure how often you are swimming a week but if you can get in the pool at least 3 times a week you will find it makes a HUGE difference as your body remembers all the practice you are doing...

I love to swim so if you have any questions between sessions please let me know and Im happy to help you where i can... is your coach assigning sessions you can do by yourself?

With a HIM in June I would say your May race will be more of a practice run for the HIM, Im sure you could do a Olympic if you are putting in that kind of training volume as long as you are using it as a test run for the main event such as practicing transitions, nutrition and getting a feel for the race environment.

In terms of transitions, which I know is one of your concerns, the best thing I can say is PRACTICE. Once we get into the new year makes sure you are regularly doing brick workouts bike ride, transition, run to get used to the rubber legs running of the bike feeling.

Also if you have a chance do a few swim to ride practices, not emphasised as much but just as important as standing up after swimming for a while means there is not much blood in your lower body which can cause problems for some people... if you get your body used to these it will make it much easier.

One other thing on transitions, while I think of it, as silly as it sounds do not rush. Yes be quick and efficient, but do not rush and forget anything. Do them with a purpose... loosing a minute of time to put on sunscreen and avoid heat stroke or to make sure you have got all of your nutrition or bandaged a blister can make the difference between finishing and not finishing or just enjoying your race versus surviving it.

Lets look at nutrition as you pick the work outs up, but basically anything you are going to be doing during the race you should be doing in training because your stomach will do funny things when you work out and you may find it cannot tolerate some foods. Find out what nutrition is available at the HIM and practice using it in training, if your body cannot handle it, find an alternative that works for you and you will need to carry it during your race (no big deal)

I look forward to reading about your HIM in 6 months... its going to be fabulous journey!


Edited by kaqphin 2007-12-11 4:13 PM

2007-12-11 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1095626

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Hiya Lyssa and Dia,

Welcome to the group.. when you get a chance give me a quick intro about strengths (running?), weaknesses, challenges and what you are focussing on!


Edited by kaqphin 2007-12-11 4:17 PM
2007-12-11 4:25 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
sorry i wasn't more thorough
i am 30 years old, i have three kids that homeschool, i did my first sprint triathlon in september, and looking back, i KNOW i was nowhere NEAR ready for a race. i'll be better prepared next time
i almost never swim, at least this time of year, i live on a huge lake that even in the summer is cold cold cold, so winter swimming is just OUT. i don't love the bike, but i'm starting to get used to it a little anyway, i can do around 10 miles in 35 minutes or so, which is a LOT better than i did in my race in september (embarassed grin-13 miles took me over an hour, like 20 minutes over an hour) my strength is running, i LOVE LOVE LOVE to run. i average around 8 MM unless it's a long run, then i'm usually around 10-12 MM so endurance and distance are something i need to work on with that.
once the lake is swimmable, i need lots of work there. i taught myself to swim about 2 weeks before my race from the TI book, which i LOVE, but i do need TONS and TONS of practice,
i'm planning on doing a couple of sprints next year, and would LOVE to train up for an olympic, but with the kids, and a husband who works more overtime that the president we'll see how that goes.
2007-12-11 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1095950

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

lyssa-gator - 2007-12-12 9:25 AM sorry i wasn't more thorough i am 30 years old, i have three kids that homeschool, i did my first sprint triathlon in september, and looking back, i KNOW i was nowhere NEAR ready for a race. i'll be better prepared next time i almost never swim, at least this time of year, i live on a huge lake that even in the summer is cold cold cold, so winter swimming is just OUT. i don't love the bike, but i'm starting to get used to it a little anyway, i can do around 10 miles in 35 minutes or so, which is a LOT better than i did in my race in september (embarassed grin-13 miles took me over an hour, like 20 minutes over an hour) my strength is running, i LOVE LOVE LOVE to run. i average around 8 MM unless it's a long run, then i'm usually around 10-12 MM so endurance and distance are something i need to work on with that. once the lake is swimmable, i need lots of work there. i taught myself to swim about 2 weeks before my race from the TI book, which i LOVE, but i do need TONS and TONS of practice, i'm planning on doing a couple of sprints next year, and would LOVE to train up for an olympic, but with the kids, and a husband who works more overtime that the president we'll see how that goes.

Hey Lyssa,

I have the TI book, although I dont follow it I got it out of interest, so when you get back in the water let me know what you are doing!

It sounds like you have a really busy life, so they key will probably be finding the balance between family and training time, even dragging a couple of kids with you for a swim or a ride - I cant remember how old they are but you can get some great options for taking children riding or even run/walking with you.

Starting to ride is a challenge but it does get easier, the thing with riding is its all about Time In The Saddle ( T.I.T.S is what its often referred to) and the more you ride the easier it gets. Yes there are a variety of things you can do to but right now for you, its all about volume, just ride and enjoy - focus on getting out there just to get started! (or depending on whether its affordable maybe get a trainer so you can ride indoors while watching your family)

Riding and running do enhance each other, but I think the one thing you are going to have to be careful of is that you dont run all the time and neglect your riding! Ive done it before... basically I will do every workout EXCEPT my run... but once I started doing it regularly and seeing how quickly the improvement come when you are just new to a sport (for you it would be cycling) it helps keep you motivated to keep at it!  

Congrats on the first race - sometimes its hard to know if you are ready, it really is and sometimes taking the plunge (might be an appropriate word in your case!) then seeing where you are gives you some GREAT motivation plus an AWESOME indication of what to focus on.


Edited by kaqphin 2007-12-11 4:50 PM
2007-12-11 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1096012

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
kaqphin - 2007-12-11 2:49 PM

lyssa-gator - 2007-12-12 9:25 AM sorry i wasn't more thorough i am 30 years old, i have three kids that homeschool, i did my first sprint triathlon in september, and looking back, i KNOW i was nowhere NEAR ready for a race. i'll be better prepared next time i almost never swim, at least this time of year, i live on a huge lake that even in the summer is cold cold cold, so winter swimming is just OUT. i don't love the bike, but i'm starting to get used to it a little anyway, i can do around 10 miles in 35 minutes or so, which is a LOT better than i did in my race in september (embarassed grin-13 miles took me over an hour, like 20 minutes over an hour) my strength is running, i LOVE LOVE LOVE to run. i average around 8 MM unless it's a long run, then i'm usually around 10-12 MM so endurance and distance are something i need to work on with that. once the lake is swimmable, i need lots of work there. i taught myself to swim about 2 weeks before my race from the TI book, which i LOVE, but i do need TONS and TONS of practice, i'm planning on doing a couple of sprints next year, and would LOVE to train up for an olympic, but with the kids, and a husband who works more overtime that the president we'll see how that goes.

the thing with riding is its all about Time In The Saddle ( T.I.T.S is what its often referred to) and the more you ride the easier it gets.


T.I.T.S LOL-at least i'll remember it!! rotflmao!!
2007-12-11 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1096041

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
lyssa-gator - 2007-12-12 10:04 AM
kaqphin - 2007-12-11 2:49 PM

lyssa-gator - 2007-12-12 9:25 AM sorry i wasn't more thorough i am 30 years old, i have three kids that homeschool, i did my first sprint triathlon in september, and looking back, i KNOW i was nowhere NEAR ready for a race. i'll be better prepared next time i almost never swim, at least this time of year, i live on a huge lake that even in the summer is cold cold cold, so winter swimming is just OUT. i don't love the bike, but i'm starting to get used to it a little anyway, i can do around 10 miles in 35 minutes or so, which is a LOT better than i did in my race in september (embarassed grin-13 miles took me over an hour, like 20 minutes over an hour) my strength is running, i LOVE LOVE LOVE to run. i average around 8 MM unless it's a long run, then i'm usually around 10-12 MM so endurance and distance are something i need to work on with that. once the lake is swimmable, i need lots of work there. i taught myself to swim about 2 weeks before my race from the TI book, which i LOVE, but i do need TONS and TONS of practice, i'm planning on doing a couple of sprints next year, and would LOVE to train up for an olympic, but with the kids, and a husband who works more overtime that the president we'll see how that goes.

the thing with riding is its all about Time In The Saddle ( T.I.T.S is what its often referred to) and the more you ride the easier it gets.


T.I.T.S LOL-at least i'll remember it!! rotflmao!!

haha well the next time you see it used here on BT you will know what it is Yes easy to remember and VERY important!

2007-12-11 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Hi Cat,

I'd love to be part of your group, if you've still got room!

About me: I'm 26 years old, have always been active, ran cross country and track in high school and a some in college, love to ski, hike, etc. In 2004 I tore my ACL in a skiing accident and started mountain biking as a form of rehab, (running was out of the question). I became obsessed with biking and have pretty much mtn biked all summer and skiied all winter for the last 3 years. I've competed in a few mtn bike races.

This past summer, I started to miss running and tried picking it up again and found that trail running wasn't as painful as running on pavement. I have a friend that does Xterra triathlons and I got it in my head that I wanted to one myself next summer, 2008. So, here I am.

Of course, there is one kink in my plan, which is the swimming portion. I never really learned how. I've been dragging myself to the pool for the past couple of months trying to learn, but I'm pathetically slow and have to stop to catch my breath after almost every lap. So.. I hope to soak up any tips and encouragement I can from you and fellow BTers about swimming and the triathlon world in general - finishing a triathlon would be a huge accomplishment for me!

2007-12-11 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1096136

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Hi Holly,

Welcome to the group! Sounds like you are another injury survivor! Congrats on getting back into sport - off road has always fascinated me and I do have a shiny blue mountain bike that I should take away from the pavement sometime!

Im happy to help you with the swimming, so let me know what you are doing and how often you are swimming etc so we can get you some plans together. Considering how well youve taken to cycling Im sure swimming will be aweomse.

You are right, finishing a race is a HUGE accomplishment and your first race is always a PB (Personal Best). Have you chosen a race yet?


Edited by kaqphin 2007-12-11 6:54 PM
2007-12-11 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
WOOWHOO for the torn ACL club!!  I also did my skiing and it was the first day of a ski trip after I hadn't been on a hill since I was kid.  All my friends were tackling double diamonds and I decided to take a ski lesson.  Yup! I tore it in my lesson!! Good for you for still getting on the slopes Holly.  I have since decided downhill is probably not my sport but may try cross country in the new year. I kind of miss the knee brace as a great conversation piece but glad it has made me appreciate exercise.
2007-12-12 12:13 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Its been really great to meet everyone... Im gonna leave our thread open until tomorrow morning (my time in Aus which is afternoon some time in the USA) then I will close it and lets get this thing going!

Im going to get someone more technical than me to make a html link to all our logs so we can all stay in touch with each other throughout the next 3-6-12 months and I will be looking in on all of your logs. I hope yuo will all so the same to encourage each other.

Please drop into this thread whenever you get the chance and let us know whats going on with your training and your life, I will do the same!  As well as posting any questions you may have so we can share ideas and answers.

I will try and find an interesting article and things of interest surrounding the sport to share regularly and if you find anything you would like to share with the group go for it!


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