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2003-11-24 8:50 AM

Extreme Veteran
Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: Weight training/running
I was wondering how people are incorportating their running and weight training on the same day. Normally I lift at lunch and run in the evenings (treadmill/outside) depending on weather. Well the weather has finally gotten very cold and it is snowing right now. I use my treadmill last night for a nice easy run and when I go to fold it up, nothing works anymore. I can't lower the incline to fold it and I can't even start running on it. The lights all work but it is a no go. It either needs re-calibrated (free) or a new curcuit board ($300+). If I wanted to spend $300 I would buy a new bike. So, I have the gym to go to.
Should I run first and get the body warmed up and then lift or should I lift first and then get in a good run and then a cool down? Anyone have any experience with one way or the other?
I did like my routine how it was but the flip side is variety in my work outs ;-)

Edited by FW Rio 2003-11-24 8:51 AM

2003-11-24 9:08 AM
in reply to: #2013

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2003-11-24 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2013

Extreme Veteran
Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: Weight training/running
I was thinking along those lines of doing my running first. I can see me working way too hard with the weights since I don't have a time limit of 30-45 min's at lunch and then wanting to get home to watch some of the football game and cutting the run short. I am planning on taking it somewhat easy this week, I am going to run in a 4 mile race on Thanksgiving morning. That way when I eat later I can feel that I have at least worked out and earned a decent meal.
As for the treadmill, it is way past the warranty and I am not very technical. Although that may change this evening when I take a look at it with tech support on the line. At least I have options at this point. I should consider myself lucky in that regard. Now it is just a matter of convenience. Thanks for your input.

Edited by FW Rio 2003-11-24 9:26 AM
2003-11-24 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2013

Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: Weight training/running
I don't run and weight train on the same day. I do the bike on non-leg days (and in future will swim on leg days. However, if you must run the same day, before or after depends on goal. If goal is to gain muscle, then do the run after the workout to maximize strength for workout. If goal is for running performance, then run first. Also be sure the run is an easy run in your schedule and not a long run or speedwork day.
2003-11-24 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2013

Extreme Veteran
Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: Weight training/running
That makes some sense. I work out 4 days a week. I somewhat follow the plan on weighlifting on this site and do one or two muscle groups each day. Today will be chest and tri's and either followed by a run or preceded by one. I am leaning towards running first, running being more important to me than the lifting, although both are high on my list. My goal is to concentrate on the run...that makes sense to do it first then. Thanks.
2003-11-24 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2013

Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: Weight training/running
A love the 4 day split routine. But with tri training, I can't fit it all in. I guess you will have to do both on some days :-) Be sure to get a carb/protein (preferrably shake) before your run/workout and a carb/protein shake immediately after your workout to replenish your glycogen stores and speed up recovery.

2003-11-24 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2013

Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: Weight training/running
A love the 4 day split routine. But with tri training, I can't fit it all in. I guess you will have to do both on some days :-) Be sure to get a carb/protein (preferrably shake) before your run/workout and a carb/protein shake immediately after your workout to replenish your glycogen stores and speed up recovery.
2003-11-24 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2018

Rutland Ohio (South Eastern Ohio)
Subject: RE: Weight training/running
I agree with Cameron, but would also like to add....You could switch them up depending on which workout you are focusing on that day. For example, after I do my longest run during a particular week, I usually come back the next run workout with something slower, easier and shorter. This is my recovery type of run to basically strech out my legs. My recovery runs are much less important than my other runs because the only purpose they serve is to losen up my legs and put in a few more miles(not really speed, strength or endurance building.) So basically my suggestion: Lift first if it is a low importance running day, since your run is most important. Otherwise lift second.

just my 2 cents
2003-11-24 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2023

Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: Weight training/running
nice point! I hadn't thought of it that way. I am just starting to put together my training schedule for January (have to get through half marathon and Christmas before hitting hard again) and will keep that in mind.
2003-11-24 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2013

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2003-11-24 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2013

Brisbane-Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: Weight training/running
I always do a light run before weights, get the blood flowing, but light run is the key. I spend 10-15 minutes, depending on the weather and how my muscles feel, going through the range of movement/stretching ect. Other than that I do my runnig program 3 - 4 days a week with a light gym work out in the arvo. So I suppose at the end of the day Im running every day, to a certain extent.


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