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2006-12-26 10:56 AM

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL


STORY: This TRIATHLETE began with a marathon about 8 years ago. I did not consider myself an athlete in ANY form of the word.  Some friends got me to start running, and then I did a marathon 7 months AFTER I started running regularly.  Got hooked and now have done 5 marathons and numerous half mary's and shorter races.  Then the buddies decided we needed to TRY a  TRI!.  Started training and completed my first triathlon in November of 2005.  Needless to say I became HOOKED.  It's a great sport and the people are really encouraging and accepting.  I've now completed 11 tri's -- 10 Sprint and 1 Olympic. 

I'm not the fastest athlete out there, but come from a non-athletic background to a postion where I feel like an athlete.  If I can be successful in this sport, ANYONE can.  I've helped 5 or 6 friends get through their first marathon, and would love to help others fall in love with the great sport of Triathlon

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 4 children (3 girls and a boy) ranging from 17 to 11 years old

CURRENT TRAINING: My training is pretty consistent.   I'm training 6 days a week.  Typically 3 swims, 2 runs and at least one brick. Bike is not a huge focus right now because of WINTER in the West.  Focusing on strength and speed improvement in both the core, run, and swim.  Running speed in past year has improved from about a 9:00 mile 5k to a 7:15 mile 5k.  Swimming, while still slow, has improved to about a 2:00/100 pace vs 2:30 plus per 100 a year ago.  Believe in training hard, but having fun along the way.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: 10 Sprints including Lifetime Fitness in Minneapolis, 1 Olympic.  Have placed in Top 25% in all races, and have taken 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in my Age Group (Male 45-49) this past year!

2007 RACES:  Season for 2007 is still in development, but I am planning on at least a couple Olympics, and MAYBE a HIM.  Training is going to focus on getting ready for those distances.

WEIGHTLOSS: When I started training seriously a year ago, I was 210 lbs ( that's heavy for someone 5'8).  I'm now down to about 180 with a goal of dropping another 25 lbs or so.

Would love to work with ANY triathlete who is looking for encouragement, support, and a lot of fun!



2006-12-29 1:44 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
2006-12-29 10:28 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
This guy is the real deal people!  Sign up for this group! 
2006-12-31 12:52 AM
in reply to: #633210

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
2006-12-31 7:05 PM
in reply to: #633210

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
After reading your profile, I would really like it if you would be my mentor. In March 2007 I will be 30, and decided that I wanted to make the year special by completing my my first 5k and sprint triathlon. I am just returning to competive sports after finishing grad school. The last 18 months have been kind fo rough for me, and these goals are my way of recapturing my fighting spirit. I have spent the last year (2006) getting back into running, swimming and cycling. I am now ready to put all those workouts into one training plan for triathlon.

Hopefully you can help me keep the fun of all this in perspective and help me from getting too "Type A" (as I am prone to do) about the whole thing.
2006-12-31 7:47 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Roeland Park
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
You sound like someone that could teach me a few things. Like Joyjoy, I too will be turning 30 in April 07. I am starting as a beginner in all senses of each sport. I did run my first 5k last year at this time with a respectable 33:45 finish for someone who only trained for about 3-4 weeks before hand. Not to shabby I guess. I never thought I would enjoy running, but I feel great every time I do. Since then, I've only done one 4-miler and still was running slow.

I've also never really learn to swim the "correct"way (ie. flailing your arms in the water and thrashing wildly is not considered swimming) and I will be embarking on some good, old fashioned swim lessons here in town to improve my technique.

I will hopefully be purchasing a bike within the next month or two, albeit, its a bit cold outside right now, so the gym bike will work fine for me.

Now, approaching the big 30...I want to get serious and do something with my fitness and set some new goals for myself. I enjoy the challenge to train hard, but I must admit, I do need someone to kick me in the butt from time to time and hold me accountable.

For 2007: I've got one 5K at the end of January (its in a cave) and a 4-miler in April. Possible 1/2 mara in October. I would love to do a sprint tri this year, we will see how my swimming holds up!

I like to have fun while I train. Its not how fast I am nor how strong I can get, but how good I'll feel when its all over. Count me in!

2006-12-31 8:26 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN

WELCOME to the group joyjoy and kcguy!  

Glad to have both of you aboard!  I'm excited to work with you and help you fall in love with this wonderful sport called TRIATHLON!  We'll have a great time working together I'm sure!

To start, here's a couple of housekeeping things that will help us work and play together!

First, EVERY workout should be logged on your blog.  This will help you to see and track your progress, plus help me to help you!   You'll note that there are "other" sports listed as well.  Include this time in your blogging also. 

Second, add me, and our other team mates as buddies on your other blogs list.  That will make it easier for each of us to keep in touch with each other.  It's easy that way to "inspire" each other!

You both seem to have similar backgrounds and that will be good! 

Looks like you both have some basic goals in mind.  That's the great first step.  Next step, to help me help you is to think about how many days a week you want to workout.  We all have busy lives, but we need to set some training goals.  If it's 2 days -- great!  If it's 6 -- that's fine too.

Know you can always send me a PM anytime you want with  any questions you may have, or we can communicate b way of this forum or inspires.  At anyrate, we'll work hard together so your first race is a GREAT experience.

Welcome aboard, and -- HAPPY NEW YEAR, and more importantly, HAPPY NEW YOU!


2007-01-01 5:18 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN

Happy New Year, Team!   Have you been thinking about training goals?

Take some time today, and think about a short term goal for the Month of January.  It might be to swim 100 yards non-stop or run 5k in 24 minutes.  Think of a reasonable goal, set it, and then we'll work on getting you to it.

The other thing that is very important is your attitude.  If you think you can swim 100 yards, you can.  If you think -- I can't -- well, you won't.  I have confidence that you can do whatever you plan.

Put your goals on our blog page here, and if you need help setting them, drop a PM to me and let me know.  We'll work together and figure something out.    I also recommend once you have the January Goals made, Put them on your blog page as short term goals.  Remember --  a goal not written is only a wish!

Happy New Year -- Let's have some fun!



2007-01-02 2:46 PM
in reply to: #633210


Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
Hello. I'm Neil, aged 34, living in Kent, UK and working in London.

Apart from some novice-level rowing and a bit of rugby at college, and some scuba, I haven't done much sport other than cycling for commuting. In October a friend of mine completed a fun duathlon (was supposed to be a tri but the sea was too rough!) and challenged me to do something similar.

I have been cycling to/from the station for the last 18 months (3.2km flat each way) and have started going to the next station sveral times a week (6.6km including some hills). Also I recently started a new job where two of my team members are keen runners so have started doing some running and have got to the stage where I can run about 6km in about 28 minutes during my lunch hour. Ready to start a more structured training routine, so here I am.

I'm married to Katharine, have 2 young children and another one due in May.

I have yet to pick an event to compete in and haven't started swim training yet.

I'd like to join your group
2007-01-02 2:59 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN

Welcome to the Group NEZZA -- Glad to have you aboard.

Sounds like you're making good progress on your running, and the biking is not doing to bad as well.   We need to get you in the swimming pool obviously, but that can be done.

You're going to have a great time in this sport.  Congratulations on making the committment to get into better shape and health!

Take a few minutes, read my previous instruction posts above, and take those steps.   Be thinking about some January training goals specifically.  That's the key right now.  We need to work on taking the first steps, and then make sure that we have a "goal" race for you to start working toward.  I find I keep my training committments much better if I have a race I've spent money to register for, because I then know if I don't do it, I've tossed that money down the tube!

Welcome aboard, and Happy Training!


2007-01-02 3:35 PM
in reply to: #633210

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
Hi all!

I would love to join this group. I am attempting my first triathlon, and have a lot to learn and a long way to go with my training. I was very happy to find this site as I will need a lot of advice and encouragement!

I am 31, and have run a few marathons, but my last one was over three years ago. A surgery a year and a half ago derailed a lot of my training, and I am finally now just getting back to a decent fitness level. So, where it stands now -- I am an OK runner, sub-par biker, and . . . abysmal swimmer (really, I doggy-paddle -- it's not good). So, like I said, I've got a LONG way to go in my training, but am looking forward to the challenge!

Right now, my goal is to just create a decent beginning program for myself (that won't kill me), and get in the water (yikes!) within the next few weeks --- should be interesting!

Happy New Year to all, and looking forward to starting this endeavor!

~ Kristin from MN

2007-01-02 4:33 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN

Welcome KrisMarie!  What part of Minnesota do you live in.  I used to live in the southern suburbs of Minneapolis until job transfer sent me to Utah.

Take a look at the other teammates, and lets get you rolling --  Great to have you with us.

Be thinking of some short term goals for January, and I'll see if I can find a good race for you to enter in Minnesota.

Welcome Kris!


2007-01-02 7:27 PM
in reply to: #639670


Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
I'm tri-ing to think of my goals for January - here are my thoughts

- choose and enter a sprint triathlon on or before 7 May (my 35th birthday)
- create a structured training plan
- find a pool near work I can use in my lunch hour, and use it
- cycle to Tonbridge station at least twice per week (only once this week due to holidays)
- extend cycle leg distance to reach Hildenborough station (about 12km)

I currently cycle to/from a station every day, and plan to run in 2 lunch breaks per week. I can add 1 or 2 swims per week, and still have the weekends free.

Currently planning to cycle to Paddock Wood (the nearest station) on days when I am running, Tonbridge on 2 other days. The 5th day will be Paddock Wood again and be more-or-less a rest day.

Biggest problem at the moment is I'm having trouble sleeping!
2007-01-02 8:59 PM
in reply to: #633210

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
My training schedule looks like this for the next month:

MW - run am
TuTH - spinning (roadie on trainer)
Wed - swim at lunch
Thur - strength training with personal trainer
Sat - short bike ride, swim
Sun - Long ride

Pilates - 4 nights a week

My goal for the month of January is to be able to run a 5k in around 40 minutes.

2007-01-02 9:26 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Roeland Park
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
Here's what I've come up with:

-Prepare for and run/jog/walk Groundhog 5K on 28 Jan 2007 (LY 33:45)
-Run 2-3 days a week
-Start swimming lessons 06 Jan 2007 (plan to swim in the AM before work)
-Swim 2-3 days a week (KrisMarie we can splash wildly together!)

-research/purchase a new/used road bike (I am welcome to any suggestions, please help!)

-trying yoga/pilates at the gym (1-2 nights a week)

I've laid out my "typical day" and it seems that swimming in the AM and run/bike/weights will be in the early evening (between 7-9pm). Once the weather get warmer, I hope to use my lunch hour for a ride/run.

I also have trouble sleeping. I tend to be a light sleeper and any noise (save for the fan running) will wake me.
2007-01-03 10:41 AM
in reply to: #633210

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
Thanks for the nice welcome! Looking forward to training with all of you.

Brett ~ I live in New Hope, and currently I'm thinking of doing the Lifetime Fitness Tri. in July. That gives me a good solid six months of training, and I feel comfortable with that. I looked around quite a bit on the site yesterday, and found a 20-week program that I think might work well. I do find it interesting that they calculate training by time rather than distance, and that will take some getting used to.

My goals for January:

-- get my running back to the point where I can do four miles without walking (preferably in under 45 minutes)

-- find somewhere to take swimming lessons (yes, Kc -- there will be much flailing involved!! Ha!) I'm thinking of either a private/semi-private lesson at my gym, or possibly a Total Immersion clinic -- although that seems a bit pricey.

--get in the water! (Small step --- but since I haven't been in a pool in years, I just need to get used to it)

--start using the recumbant bike at the gym at least twice a week (20 -30 mins.) and start looking around for a regular bike. (I have an old mt. bike, but I'm thinking that might not work so well)

Alright, going to figure out this blog thing and how to log my workouts on here.

2007-01-03 1:40 PM
in reply to: #640103


Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
Fortunately I'm not normally a bad sleeper. No idea what the problem was on Monday night, but last night it was probably a combination of alcohol withdrawl symptoms and drinking too much caffeine at work. Hopefully tonight should be OK.
2007-01-03 3:34 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN

All Right Gang!  You've made some good goals!   Now to make them fun.   We'll have a little contest.  To the victor, the spoils  (and I'll let you know what the spoils are-- but I promise, the spoils of better fitness and lifestyle far outweigh them!)

Looks like we've got a couple of predominate themes developing here as far as goals are concerned.    1.  Everyone wants to improve their running, 2. Most are planning on FLAILING (I do it well!) in the pool.  and 3) many are needing bikes.  All good.  Now to attack!

1. Running:  Each of us (myself included) needs to run a MINIMUM of twice a week.  Three times is better.    KrisMarie commented about using time as a training guide as opposed to distance.  That is certainly one approach, and it has it's merits.  For me personally, I prefer distance, since I'm training to cover a specific distance.  But that's me.   Actually, as you progress, you'll start to think -- HMM -- guess I've got about 45 minutes for a run -- guess I'll run 4 miles (or however far you can run in 45 minutes)--  so it comes out in the end.

For now, let's focus on runs of 5k or 30 minutes.  Everyone has posted a goal of about a 30 minute or so 5k.  10 min/mile on 5k = 31 minutes, so that's ann EXCELLENT starting point, and for most VERY acheiveable.  For the month of January, our team goal is at least two-5k or 30 minute runs per week, just cover the distance.  You do NOT have to run the entire distance.  One very good approach is the run/walk method.  Start out running 5 minutes, followed by a walk of 2 minutes... eventutally you'll get to walk 1 minute every 10 (if thats too long without a walk, no problem).   And then, as race day approaches, you'll run the entire 5k (since we're all working on a sprint distance race).  With this approach, handled carefully -- you'll be amazed at how fast you'll improve.   Now, speed on the run.  These runs should be done with the "talk test" in mind.  Run at a pace that you can, with reasonable ease, recite the Pledge of Allegiance to yourself. (Nezza, we know you're in the UK, so you can use the first verse of God Save the Queen, or somehing of similar length).  Basically, you should be able to carry on a simple conversation with you or a running companion without too much huffing and puffing.

2-Swimming:  For the first week, just get in the pool and go for a swim.  Invest in a decent swim suit (competitive styles are best) and a pair of goggles that fit well without leaking.  That's really all you need to start.  Try to swim 50 yards or meters without stopping.  I don't care what stroke, just get comfortable in the water.  Do this at least twice this week and spend at least 30 minutes doing it.  Keep track of your yardage completed for the total workout, and how far you can go nonstop.  If you're going to take swim lessons, EXCELLENT.  Make sure you have a good coach.   As for the Total Immersion program, it's excellent for learning to "survive" the swim, but I'm personally not a big fan.  Many swear by it.  I just am lucky to have a great swim buddy, so he coaches me well (and I'm a SLOW learner!). 

3- Bike -- Much of the determining factor on a bike is this:  "HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT TO SPEND".  You can go anywhere from about $300 to $10,000  --  There does become a point of diminising returns.  I personally ride a bike that I paid about $600 for and it does me great.  My training buddy rides on a bike that he paid literally $349 bucks for and he's come in in the top 3 in several of his races, and almost always in the top 10.   My suggestion, don't spend a lot now, you'll have plenty of time to invest in a more expensive bike in the future if you want to.  If you can afford $1000 that's a good number, and you will get a respectable bike.  If you can spend $300-- there are decent bikes in that price range as well.  EBAY is a great place to pick up good values on bikes.  I don't know how "bike savy you are as far as components are concerned, but that comes in time as well.  I have another friend who on ebay picked up a $2000 bike for about 1200.  So there are good bargains out there.  Many do their first triathlon on the mountain bike they bought at wal-mart 5 years ago.  I do recommend getting a road bike if you have the means though.  You'll be more comfortable and successful in the long run.  I'll PM you that are looking for bikes a couple of good sources to consider.

4- Report often.  Make sure you blog daily your workouts. If you don't workout on a given day, note that you took a rest day.   Use my blog as an example.  Include how you felt the workout went.  Remember -- go into EACH workout with a specific goal to accomplish that workout.  Maybe it's run 6 minutes before walking, maybe it's swim 100 meters non-stop.  Have a goal in mind.  It definately will help you progress faster and better.   To many of us go into a workout with no plan.  Then we don't work as hard, and we don't accomplish near as much, and frequently, we give up on trying period.

Now the contest.  We all know your goals and the suggestions.   Now attack.  Goal is to be the team member who misses the fewest workouts and meets their goals.  On your blog in the short term goals section, list your goals for this month for us all to see.  Be the team mate who inspires the others most using the inspire me functions.   As we inspire each other, we build accountability to each other, and thus our motivation will stay higher.. Let's make this fun.  It should be.  We'll work hard, but let's make it fun along the way!


Happy workouts!


2007-01-03 4:45 PM
in reply to: #633210

Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
Hey! Is it too late to join your team?

My name is Kristen and I'm going to be 27 in March. I consider myself athletic...but more of a weekend warrior. I play hockey a few days a week and try to hit the gym after work as well. But without a real goal, I tend to lose motivation and will skip out on the gym for weeks at a time. I'm tall (for a gal...about 5'10") and love to eat and drink...therefore could use to shed a few pounds and tone up.

I'm excited about training for a triathlon. The idea came to me about a year ago while reading about it in some sort of health/fitness magazine. At the time, I looked into it and even picked out a couple sprint distance tri's in the state that I wanted to enter....but never signed up or started training.

This time, I'm ready to commit. I've found two sprints that I'm going to enter now (that way I've made a financial commitment) and am putting together a training plan. I've got about 6 months before the first event and am looking forward to beginning this journey with all of you.

2007-01-03 4:47 PM
in reply to: #633210

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New user

Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - OPEN
I'd like to join your group.
I have been trying to find more exciting ways to lose fat and get in shape. 2 years ago I was 240 and about 29%bf. I got down to 200 and 20% bf this fall. Now, I am getting fat again ( 210, 23%) I dont want to go back to my old ways. I was thinking triathlon would be the perfect next step to keep going in the right direction. I am also in Utah, and I am interested in easy triathlons like the one in Lehi, in April. Im not sure if that is enough time to prepare. I am looking forward to having fun and making fitness more of a lifestyle. I am really open to some direction in making a better year. Thanks Brett!

It is better to do than to do well
2007-01-03 4:59 PM
in reply to: #641264

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL

Welcome Kristen!  You'll round out our group nicely!  Glad to have you on board!  What part of the globe do you come from?

Hockey huh -- what position?  I took up the game as an adult -- don't play nearly often enough now, but really enjoy it!  Forward here.

TY-- We'll bend the rules a little and welcome you in -- this could be fun -- three guys, and three gals!  Would love to have you join our merry band of triathletes!  We're closing the group now that we actually have six of us, but that's ok -- we're gonna have a great time!

To the both of you, read through the posts above and take the steps we've talked about to this point!   That'll get you all caught up.

To all of the gang, please be sure to add TY and Kristen to your friends list.   Makes it much easier to encourage each other when you can simply click on their names and have their blog come up!

So we have -

UTTRIMAN --- Brett  -- Salt Lake City

KCGUY --  Danny -- Kansas City

joyjoy --  Joy -- where do you live?

nezza - Neil -- Kent, UK

KrisMarie - Kristin - Minneapolis Area

hamiltks10 -- Kristen -- Where do you live?

tyutahman -- Ty -- Utah


Now -- one last detail -- Nominations are now open for a team name -- UTTRIMAN's group doesn't have much of a Ring to it.  




2007-01-03 8:54 PM
in reply to: #633210

Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Thanks Brett! I'm glad to be aboard.

I'm located just outside of Detroit Rock City! I play forward and manage our corporate hockey team. We have a great time.
2007-01-03 9:22 PM
in reply to: #633210

Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Ok...trying to catch up with the rest of the group. Here are my short term/January goals.

-Run 3X per week
-By January 31st, be able to run for 20 minutes non-stop.

-Purchase a decent swim suit and goggles
-Register for swim lessons (probably at Lifetime)
-Swim 3X per week
-*I will set a specific swimming distance/time goal once I get an idea of where I'm at.

-Need help on the bike goal...

2007-01-04 11:08 AM
in reply to: #633210

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New user

Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
HI everyone Im glad Brett let me join as the 6th member.

It looks like I will be the oldest member too, Im 39, 3 kids (son 15, daughter 13, son 10). At work I sit in front of computers all day so I dont move a lot. I'm anxious to get more motivated to get outdoors and enjoy it. I started doing 5ks last summer and I didnt enjoy it much. I am hoping the triathlon will be more fun. At least thats what everyone says. You all seem much more athletic than me. I am hoping to catch some of your spirit.

Kristen- Wow, a hockey player. Im impressed. Im originally from Canada and all my cousins played. It can be very intense. I need some of that intensity in my workouts for sure.

KristinM- Wow, a marathoner, and working for a comeback after sugery. Very impressive. I guess if you have paid that kind of price and you still want more, you prove fitness is very valuable.

Niel- I am jealous you can bike during the day. I would love that opportunity just to feel that your exercise has purpose.

Joy- I need some "fighting spirit" too. what keeps you going? After the BSU victory Im ready to take on my own oklahomas.

Danny- Very cool a 5k in a cave. I want to hear how that works. How long are you in the cave?

Goals: 1. Spinning class 2X week
2. Run 5k distance 2X week
3. Register for the Tri in April
4. Drink a gallon of water a day

Note: I don't want to do much swimming yet, because I have really bad skin from the dry climate here and the chlorine makes me inch something fierce. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know, but generally after February, I seem to do much better.

Good luck everyone!
2007-01-04 4:41 PM
in reply to: #642124


Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Hi Ty, welcome to the group.

It makes it really easy to do at least *something* on the bike, 5 days a week, whatever the weather. But because the stations are fixed (!) it's difficult to extend the distance or time in the morning without jumping to the next one, and on the way home I often think "I'll just add in a quick 2km loop at the end" and when it comes to it, I can't cycle past the door - I'd rather stop to make sure I see the children.

I;m going to have to add a weekend bike ride to build distance in the saddle, I think.
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