General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Absolute Beginner absolutely - swimming and base training Rss Feed  
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2004-02-23 5:55 PM


Subject: Absolute Beginner absolutely - swimming and base training
So I am genuinely interested in training up for a triathalon but I don't even know how to begin. Mostly I stick to running, road biking, and mtn biking. I will have run my fifth marathon at the LA on 3/7 (from LA) and will run the RNR in June in SD. I will continue with this but I want to raise the bar and, well, I like gear and where do you get to use more gear than in Tri. I guess I am half begun, as I cycle too but have never swum for fitness, unless there is a place for dog paddling - than I am in. So I am looking for advice. I live in the LA area and have checked out the LA Tri club but all their activities are just far enough with all this traffic to null the benefits. But I guess they are my best bet. So does anyone know where I can learn how to swim for competition? Or any links to other groups in LA? Oh and one more thing. I have been reading a lot about base training. Is this the way to go? I have just been chugging it for the last three years. Just running with my heart rate but not really training. I hate the idea of slowing down and refusing the need to open things up and run at a fat pace because it puts my heart rate over the base. Is this the way to go?

Edited by robot fury 2004-02-23 5:56 PM

2004-02-23 6:18 PM
in reply to: #8975

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Absolute Beginner absolutely - swimming and base training
My advice to you on the swim is to find a masters team and see if you can make their practices. You will learn a lot and swimming in a group is nore fun than training by yourself!

I'll leave the other stuff to those more qualified than I and there are plenty of them here.
2004-02-23 6:32 PM
in reply to: #8975

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: Absolute Beginner absolutely - swimming and base training
I have to agree that finding a masters swim program will benefit you greatly.
2004-02-23 7:11 PM
in reply to: #8975

Subject: RE: Absolute Beginner absolutely - swimming and base training

And if you don't know how to swim at all or not very well, the local Y usually has classes --

For training -- I suggest you check out one of the trainning plans on this site -- there's lots to choose from, and you can form fit one of them to your schedule and needs.

Welcome to our team -- and good luck

2004-02-23 8:54 PM
in reply to: #8975

Elite Veteran
Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Absolute Beginner absolutely - swimming and base training
Look at the training programs on the main site, therrrreee GREAT!
2004-02-24 4:30 PM
in reply to: #8975

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NW Suburbs of Chicago
Subject: RE: Absolute Beginner absolutely - swimming and base training
Hi Everyone.... my first post, so here goes....

I agree with the YMCA suggestion. My boyfriend who is also a marathoner with a PR of 3:20ish was sucking wind after swimming his first 3 lengths in the pool. I was shocked since I thought he had such awesome endurance. He was literally hanging on the side of the pool panting. That was the first week of January. He is taking a swim class at the Y and getting some stroke instruction. As of last Thursday he swam 500 yds slowly without stopping.

Good luck.

2004-02-25 2:29 AM
in reply to: #8975

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2004-02-25 9:11 PM
in reply to: #8975


Subject: RE: Absolute Beginner absolutely - swimming and base training
The RNR marathon is a great race. I've done it the past 3 years and will probably do it again this year. The spectators really pull you through the entire race. I'm a beginner swimmer as well, and also was hanging on the edge of the pool after only 1 length last month. I've progressed to being able to do 3 lengths at a time. I'm taking swim lessons at a local pool, and it really seems to be helping. Check out the book Total Immersion, it's got great tips on drills for improvement. Good luck.
2004-02-26 8:36 AM
in reply to: #8975

Palm Coast, FL
Subject: RE: Absolute Beginner absolutely - swimming and base training
I notice alot of people recommend the masters class. If you're new to swimming or can swim but have never learned to SWIM as in for competition I would skip the masters class for a while and get some private lessons because I found the first masters class I showed up for was way out of my league for starters because I didnt know proper technique and there was no way I was gonna be able to run with those guys without doing a little base training on my own for a bit. And I used to be a surfer! It was intimidating and a little discouraging. At my local YMCA their intermediate classes are from 9-10am (Doesn't anybody have to go to work?) I've found private lessons with one of the coaches at the YMCA -- 6, 1 hour lessons (twice a week) for about $65. A bargain in my opinion that I can do AFTER work.
2004-02-26 11:00 AM
in reply to: #8975

Hammond, La
Subject: RE: Absolute Beginner absolutely - swimming and base training

"TOTAL IMMERSION" is a great book on swimming, but a coach can be invaluable, especialy if you haven't done it properly. I have been taking lessons for 6 weeks now and it is awesome.

2004-02-26 12:15 PM
in reply to: #8975

Extreme Veteran
Boise Idaho
Subject: RE: Absolute Beginner absolutely - swimming and base training
two words.. TOTAL IMMERSION! it is a must. I am just reading the book now, It is a great help! here is the site...  they have all kinds of info on the site. good luck with all your training! your going to whoop some booty! Jack.

2004-02-26 10:05 PM
in reply to: #8975

Extreme Veteran
Epworth. Iowa
Subject: RE: Absolute Beginner absolutely - swimming and base training
Ditto on the total immersion - If you can make a workshop that would be great - but the book and video can be really helpful.
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