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2009-09-03 2:14 PM

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Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Subject: Anyone take FLEXERIL?
Anyone take this or been prescribed this?
I got a script for it today- for my miserable back b/c the PT and endless core exercises weren't making the pain go away...

2009-09-03 2:29 PM
in reply to: #2387873

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Subject: RE: Anyone take FLEXERIL?
Im an EXPERT in the area of being a back pain patient!!  I thought it was going to end my current level of physical activity and possibly my job as a firefighter. First off...... what do you have wrong with you?  What type of pain?  Where is it? What type of treatment have you had?  Have you seen a specialist who knows WTH they are doing.  All the perscription muscle relaxers in the world wont fix the underlying issue. They just help you put up with it!  

My issue this year-

The short version is I have had low back pain for 17 years. I have really tight hamstrings which over the years has caused some issues with the natural curvature of my lower lumbar. I also have degenerative disc disease of L-4,5, and S-1. This just = less space for the nerves in that area and cause them to become irritated. The nerve irritaion results in muscle irritaion and spasms. 3 months ago I injuried my L-5 disc causing a small tear. It was the worste pain Ive ever been in in my life. I was bed ridden for a couple of weeks. A referal to a specialist, an MRI showing the damage, a steriod pack for the inflimation, and eventually, an epidural injection of steriods directly to the damaged area completely healed me up. I feel like Im 16 again. Although I know it wont last forever. 

The fact is.....first you need to know what is wrong, then you need to take the right steps in fixing it including finding the right person for the job, and lastly, there are many things you can do daily to help reduce the risk of a future injury.
I know how you feel. Its probably the worste thing you can have happen when you want to stay active and on schedule with your training plan!  

Good luck! Hope this helped.

Edited by highfyre 2009-09-03 2:35 PM
2009-09-03 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2387873

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Subject: RE: Anyone take FLEXERIL?
I have used it and I have prescribed it. If you are someone who has significant reactions to meds, be very careful before you take it and then decide to climb on the bike or go swim as it can make you sleepy. Also, it can mask a real mechanical injury. You may feel good when you take it and if you decide to bike, you could worsen the injury. (it is impossible to say what that risk is as internet diagnosing isn't really too good) When I took it for my back, it helped and it did it with no side effects. IMO, you should take it and follow the PT advice while holding off on training. Give it a rest then see how you do. That is the safest thing for your back and also keeps you out of danger on the bike or in the pool.
2009-09-03 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2387873

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Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Anyone take FLEXERIL?
i have a long history of chronic back pain from an old injury- they have xrays, i have very good docs, but the last few weeks its been dragging me down- I feel like i just want to lie down or do something other than sit.
Personally I think sitting is the worst, but i haven't met a boss yet who thinks it's ok for me to run at a treadmill in front of my desk
The Flexeril would be an "as needed" for instances of strong pain, but also giving me a new PT program.  I'm not at the surgury/injection/sciatica stages yet thankfully. however, 4 of 5 members if my immediate family have multiple disc injuries and bad backs so I'm trying to learn to prevent and manage so I don't become immobile!
2009-09-03 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2387873

Akron, OH
Subject: RE: Anyone take FLEXERIL?
Flexeril is a muscle relaxer.  It is used for muscle spasms and muscle pain.  It has very significant drowsiness as a side effect for most people.
2009-09-03 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2387873

Subject: RE: Anyone take FLEXERIL?
I've had amazing results with acupuncture. specifically the tan balancing method for pain!
Its pure magic!!!

2009-09-03 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2387873

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Anyone take FLEXERIL?
Flexeril is probably one of the mildest of muscle relaxants.  See how it makes you feel.  We are all like little chemical plants.  We all process medications such as Flexeril differently.  You could give it to 10 different people and have 10 different reactions.  Think of it as a tool.
You hurt. 
You take the medication. 
You don't hurt as badly. 
You don't have serious side effects. 
It doesn't cost too much. 
Well, I guess it's the drug for you.

2009-09-04 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2387873

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Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Anyone take FLEXERIL?
I took one pill last night at 8pm- was dead asleep by 9 and didn't stir at all till 7am.  Now I am spending all day today in a groggy haze- ick!  (pain did go away tho!)  Also I have a fever, but I think that's unrelated as I felt I was coming down with something all week anyway.

So, I feel like sh*t today but at least my back doesn't hurt and I got sleep!
Probably will not take another one fo those unless it's an Extreme Necessity.
(or on a plane flight to Australia)

2009-09-04 2:46 PM
in reply to: #2388210

Subject: RE: Anyone take FLEXERIL?
dscottmd - 2009-09-03 4:55 PM Flexeril is a muscle relaxer.  It is used for muscle spasms and muscle pain.  It has very significant drowsiness as a side effect for most people.

+100 for me

When I occasionally took Flexeril about 12 years ago, I would be EXTREMELY drowsy the next day.  I eventually had to stop taking them unless I didn't mind being drowsy until noon the next day.
2009-09-04 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2387873

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Subject: RE: Anyone take FLEXERIL?
Do over the counter anti inflamatories help at all?  I take I buprofen sometimes even when Im not huring too bad. I also use fish oil each day. It has anti inflamatory effects and I feel like i makes me a bit more energetic.
2009-09-04 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2390210

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Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Anyone take FLEXERIL?
gonnafinish plscheer - 2009-09-04 3:26 PM FYI
I took one pill last night at 8pm- was dead asleep by 9 and didn't stir at all till 7am.  Now I am spending all day today in a groggy haze- ick!  (pain did go away tho!)  Also I have a fever, but I think that's unrelated as I felt I was coming down with something all week anyway.

So, I feel like sh*t today but at least my back doesn't hurt and I got sleep!
Probably will not take another one fo those unless it's an Extreme Necessity.
(or on a plane flight to Australia)

My wife takes it occasionally for her back pain.  Her reaction is similar, but it has lessened in the last few months.  Like you, she only takes it when it's really bad, and only before bed.  Normally, she tries not to take it after 7 or 7:30, because the way it knocks her out can make it hard to get up in the morning if she takes it too late.  It does provide her with a lot of relief.

2009-09-04 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2387873

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Subject: RE: Anyone take FLEXERIL?
Have taken it occasionally in the last few years - BIG time sleepy, so I generally cut them in half and only take the 1/2 unless it is at night - I figured out that eyelids are muscles too - because they seem to relax the most.  Does alleviate some lower back spasms that I struggle with but the drowsiness is sometimes more that I am up for.
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