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2017-09-25 8:44 AM

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Subject: North Korea - Rocket Man
Last night on the new they were talking about Trump referring to the NK leader as Rocket Man and my wife commented that she thought that was uncalled for. But the more I think about it the more I think this is part of a strategy. A strategy that provoke NK to attack or shoot a missile at Quam. This would them give us legal and moral justification for taking them out.

Watching NK develop nuclear ICBMs is like watching a mentally ill child loading a 357 magnum.....he has 1 in the chamber and is trying to load the rest of the rounds.....do we want to wait till he had fully loaded and the hammer back before we take action?

So maybe the strategy is in fact to start a war?

I have to chuckle everything I heard the talking heads on MSNBC and CNN talking about NK and how we "have no strategy". Are they really that stupid? Do they expect the State Department and the Department of Defense to publish our strategy with dealing with NK on the internet?

One thing about dictatorships is they have a very strong chain of command and you don't DO anything without being directed to from above. So my guess is we will heavily target the top military leaders and totally disrupt their chain of command....so the orders to attack never make it down to the artillery men on the DMZ. Just arm-chair Generaling here. But I'd guess that 4 floors below the Pentagon there are people who war-game every scenery and develop battle plans for every contingency.

One final thought/gripe. I hate that Trump has ruined the term Rocket Man. In 1998 I did my first ever triathlon, the Rocket Man. They call our city, Huntsville, AL, "The Rocket City" as the rockets that put the men on the moon were designed, built and tested here. So I did the Rocket Man sprint triathlon and placed 2nd in the clyde division (there were only clydes). I did this race several more times and it eventually became a sanctioned Olympic distance tri. In 2002 I ran my first marathon and being an idiot, I wore a cotton tee-shirt. It was my Rocket Man tee-shirt. So for 26 miles spectators all along the course would cheer, "Go Rocket Man!" "Looking good Rocket Man". So now Trump has ruined my moniker.

(WDW MArathon.JPG)

WDW MArathon.JPG (26KB - 16 downloads)

2017-09-25 10:34 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

, California
Subject: RE: North Korea - Rocket Man

So maybe the strategy is in fact to start a war?

I thought of this too.  But Trump very often made a big deal out of not "telegraphing" our military actions when referring to Obama's mistakes.  But now he's sort of doing exactly that.  Not much of a surprise if you tweet it first.

But on the other hand, under the war powers act, he needs *either* authorization from Congress, or for NK to attack the United States first.  Maybe he's trying to provoke that because he doesn't think they can hit the mainland, or his generals think we can shoot down their limited attack. Not sure.

2017-09-25 11:57 AM
in reply to: spudone

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Subject: RE: North Korea - Rocket Man
Originally posted by spudone

So maybe the strategy is in fact to start a war?

I thought of this too.  But Trump very often made a big deal out of not "telegraphing" our military actions when referring to Obama's mistakes.  But now he's sort of doing exactly that.  Not much of a surprise if you tweet it first.

But on the other hand, under the war powers act, he needs *either* authorization from Congress, or for NK to attack the United States first.  Maybe he's trying to provoke that because he doesn't think they can hit the mainland, or his generals think we can shoot down their limited attack. Not sure.

As has been posted before, we are technically still 'at war' with NK since NK never surrendered or signed whatevertheheckitis to end the war.

I think the strategy is to provoke him into 'crossing the line' and then we take him out with a guided missile aimed at his balding head....and then hope the 'second in command' is more willing to work with us.
2017-09-25 12:12 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

, California
Subject: RE: North Korea - Rocket Man

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by spudone

So maybe the strategy is in fact to start a war?

I thought of this too.  But Trump very often made a big deal out of not "telegraphing" our military actions when referring to Obama's mistakes.  But now he's sort of doing exactly that.  Not much of a surprise if you tweet it first.

But on the other hand, under the war powers act, he needs *either* authorization from Congress, or for NK to attack the United States first.  Maybe he's trying to provoke that because he doesn't think they can hit the mainland, or his generals think we can shoot down their limited attack. Not sure.

As has been posted before, we are technically still 'at war' with NK since NK never surrendered or signed whatevertheheckitis to end the war. I think the strategy is to provoke him into 'crossing the line' and then we take him out with a guided missile aimed at his balding head....and then hope the 'second in command' is more willing to work with us.

Well now dear leader is threatening to shoot at a U.S. bomber, which is about the least damaging scenario for us and would be about the dumbest thing he could possibly do.  I think he's running out of ideas on how to continue the verbal escalation.

2017-09-25 1:19 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: North Korea - Rocket Man

Here's my thoughts on the whole thing. (I know you've all been waiting for it)

Countries like NK and Iran have a major export that has a huge impact on their overall economy and income stream.  That export is fear.  They "saber rattle" to scare all the neighbors and the UN and the US come in and give them billions of dollars and other aid to "please don't attack anyone" and then they go back into their hole for a few years.
When the funds start wearing then they rinse and repeat.

With weak kneed politicians from around the world (all parties) for decades this strategy has worked magnificently for them and they've received billions in reward.
Then along comes a Trump card who simply calls their bluff.  OK, you want to "nuke the world" go ahead, try it and watch me pulverize your entire country.  
Rocket Man simply doesn't know what to do now because for generations what he's doing has worked, so he thinks he can just keep threatening a little more and a little more and then maybe that will get the money flowing again, but so far Trump isn't blinking.
Anything can happen, but I honestly think Rocket Man is doing everything he can to try and get out of this mess while still coming out a financial winner.  It's uncharted territory for him and he likely has no idea what to do other than rattle his saber more. 

2017-09-25 2:37 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: North Korea - Rocket Man

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by spudone

So maybe the strategy is in fact to start a war?

I thought of this too.  But Trump very often made a big deal out of not "telegraphing" our military actions when referring to Obama's mistakes.  But now he's sort of doing exactly that.  Not much of a surprise if you tweet it first.

But on the other hand, under the war powers act, he needs *either* authorization from Congress, or for NK to attack the United States first.  Maybe he's trying to provoke that because he doesn't think they can hit the mainland, or his generals think we can shoot down their limited attack. Not sure.

As has been posted before, we are technically still 'at war' with NK since NK never surrendered or signed whatevertheheckitis to end the war. I think the strategy is to provoke him into 'crossing the line' and then we take him out with a guided missile aimed at his balding head....and then hope the 'second in command' is more willing to work with us.

But we also technically never went to war with North Korea. Can't end a war that never started.

2017-09-25 2:57 PM
in reply to: Bob Loblaw

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: North Korea - Rocket Man

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by spudone

So maybe the strategy is in fact to start a war?

I thought of this too.  But Trump very often made a big deal out of not "telegraphing" our military actions when referring to Obama's mistakes.  But now he's sort of doing exactly that.  Not much of a surprise if you tweet it first.

But on the other hand, under the war powers act, he needs *either* authorization from Congress, or for NK to attack the United States first.  Maybe he's trying to provoke that because he doesn't think they can hit the mainland, or his generals think we can shoot down their limited attack. Not sure.

As has been posted before, we are technically still 'at war' with NK since NK never surrendered or signed whatevertheheckitis to end the war. I think the strategy is to provoke him into 'crossing the line' and then we take him out with a guided missile aimed at his balding head....and then hope the 'second in command' is more willing to work with us.

But we also technically never went to war with North Korea. Can't end a war that never started.

I think because it happened so long ago we don't hear as much about the Korean war.  I know my dad was over there working on bomber engines, but that's about all I know.  
I was reading the Wiki on it and the US deaths are almost 37k killed with 92k wounded.  Not quite Vietnam numbers but close enough.  eek 

2017-09-25 3:08 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: North Korea - Rocket Man

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by spudone

So maybe the strategy is in fact to start a war?

I thought of this too.  But Trump very often made a big deal out of not "telegraphing" our military actions when referring to Obama's mistakes.  But now he's sort of doing exactly that.  Not much of a surprise if you tweet it first.

But on the other hand, under the war powers act, he needs *either* authorization from Congress, or for NK to attack the United States first.  Maybe he's trying to provoke that because he doesn't think they can hit the mainland, or his generals think we can shoot down their limited attack. Not sure.

As has been posted before, we are technically still 'at war' with NK since NK never surrendered or signed whatevertheheckitis to end the war. I think the strategy is to provoke him into 'crossing the line' and then we take him out with a guided missile aimed at his balding head....and then hope the 'second in command' is more willing to work with us.

But we also technically never went to war with North Korea. Can't end a war that never started.

I think because it happened so long ago we don't hear as much about the Korean war.  I know my dad was over there working on bomber engines, but that's about all I know.  
I was reading the Wiki on it and the US deaths are almost 37k killed with 92k wounded.  Not quite Vietnam numbers but close enough.  eek 

I wasn't trying to belittle the sacrifices of our servicemen. I was referring to the fact that we weren't technically at war since Congress never declared one. So I guess we're still in a conflict?

2017-09-25 3:10 PM
in reply to: Bob Loblaw

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: North Korea - Rocket Man

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by spudone

So maybe the strategy is in fact to start a war?

I thought of this too.  But Trump very often made a big deal out of not "telegraphing" our military actions when referring to Obama's mistakes.  But now he's sort of doing exactly that.  Not much of a surprise if you tweet it first.

But on the other hand, under the war powers act, he needs *either* authorization from Congress, or for NK to attack the United States first.  Maybe he's trying to provoke that because he doesn't think they can hit the mainland, or his generals think we can shoot down their limited attack. Not sure.

As has been posted before, we are technically still 'at war' with NK since NK never surrendered or signed whatevertheheckitis to end the war. I think the strategy is to provoke him into 'crossing the line' and then we take him out with a guided missile aimed at his balding head....and then hope the 'second in command' is more willing to work with us.

But we also technically never went to war with North Korea. Can't end a war that never started.

I think because it happened so long ago we don't hear as much about the Korean war.  I know my dad was over there working on bomber engines, but that's about all I know.  
I was reading the Wiki on it and the US deaths are almost 37k killed with 92k wounded.  Not quite Vietnam numbers but close enough.  eek 

I wasn't trying to belittle the sacrifices of our servicemen. I was referring to the fact that we weren't technically at war since Congress never declared one. So I guess we're still in a conflict?

Oh sorry, i wasn't in any way suggesting that.  I was merely reading up on the war after reading your statement.  I truly didn't know much about it and those casualty numbers just jumped out at me so thought I'd share.  The way I'd always thought of the Korean war was just a little conflict that was briefly touched on in History class.  It was a lot more. 

2017-09-25 3:22 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: North Korea - Rocket Man

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by spudone

So maybe the strategy is in fact to start a war?

I thought of this too.  But Trump very often made a big deal out of not "telegraphing" our military actions when referring to Obama's mistakes.  But now he's sort of doing exactly that.  Not much of a surprise if you tweet it first.

But on the other hand, under the war powers act, he needs *either* authorization from Congress, or for NK to attack the United States first.  Maybe he's trying to provoke that because he doesn't think they can hit the mainland, or his generals think we can shoot down their limited attack. Not sure.

As has been posted before, we are technically still 'at war' with NK since NK never surrendered or signed whatevertheheckitis to end the war. I think the strategy is to provoke him into 'crossing the line' and then we take him out with a guided missile aimed at his balding head....and then hope the 'second in command' is more willing to work with us.

But we also technically never went to war with North Korea. Can't end a war that never started.

I think because it happened so long ago we don't hear as much about the Korean war.  I know my dad was over there working on bomber engines, but that's about all I know.  
I was reading the Wiki on it and the US deaths are almost 37k killed with 92k wounded.  Not quite Vietnam numbers but close enough.  eek 

I wasn't trying to belittle the sacrifices of our servicemen. I was referring to the fact that we weren't technically at war since Congress never declared one. So I guess we're still in a conflict?

Oh sorry, i wasn't in any way suggesting that.  I was merely reading up on the war after reading your statement.  I truly didn't know much about it and those casualty numbers just jumped out at me so thought I'd share.  The way I'd always thought of the Korean war was just a little conflict that was briefly touched on in History class.  It was a lot more. 

You saying that Nebraskans didn't learn about the Korean War the way the rest of us did, by watching M*A*S*H? That war dragged out for awhile, like 10 seasons.

2017-09-25 3:24 PM
in reply to: Bob Loblaw

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: North Korea - Rocket Man

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by spudone

So maybe the strategy is in fact to start a war?

I thought of this too.  But Trump very often made a big deal out of not "telegraphing" our military actions when referring to Obama's mistakes.  But now he's sort of doing exactly that.  Not much of a surprise if you tweet it first.

But on the other hand, under the war powers act, he needs *either* authorization from Congress, or for NK to attack the United States first.  Maybe he's trying to provoke that because he doesn't think they can hit the mainland, or his generals think we can shoot down their limited attack. Not sure.

As has been posted before, we are technically still 'at war' with NK since NK never surrendered or signed whatevertheheckitis to end the war. I think the strategy is to provoke him into 'crossing the line' and then we take him out with a guided missile aimed at his balding head....and then hope the 'second in command' is more willing to work with us.

But we also technically never went to war with North Korea. Can't end a war that never started.

I think because it happened so long ago we don't hear as much about the Korean war.  I know my dad was over there working on bomber engines, but that's about all I know.  
I was reading the Wiki on it and the US deaths are almost 37k killed with 92k wounded.  Not quite Vietnam numbers but close enough.  eek 

I wasn't trying to belittle the sacrifices of our servicemen. I was referring to the fact that we weren't technically at war since Congress never declared one. So I guess we're still in a conflict?

Oh sorry, i wasn't in any way suggesting that.  I was merely reading up on the war after reading your statement.  I truly didn't know much about it and those casualty numbers just jumped out at me so thought I'd share.  The way I'd always thought of the Korean war was just a little conflict that was briefly touched on in History class.  It was a lot more. 

You saying that Nebraskans didn't learn about the Korean War the way the rest of us did, by watching M*A*S*H? That war dragged out for awhile, like 10 seasons.

haha, in my defense I grew up in Iowa.  ;-

2017-09-25 3:29 PM
in reply to: Bob Loblaw

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: North Korea - Rocket Man

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by spudone

So maybe the strategy is in fact to start a war?

I thought of this too.  But Trump very often made a big deal out of not "telegraphing" our military actions when referring to Obama's mistakes.  But now he's sort of doing exactly that.  Not much of a surprise if you tweet it first.

But on the other hand, under the war powers act, he needs *either* authorization from Congress, or for NK to attack the United States first.  Maybe he's trying to provoke that because he doesn't think they can hit the mainland, or his generals think we can shoot down their limited attack. Not sure.

As has been posted before, we are technically still 'at war' with NK since NK never surrendered or signed whatevertheheckitis to end the war. I think the strategy is to provoke him into 'crossing the line' and then we take him out with a guided missile aimed at his balding head....and then hope the 'second in command' is more willing to work with us.

But we also technically never went to war with North Korea. Can't end a war that never started.

Truth.  The last declared war was against Rumania in 1942.

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Other Resources The Political Joe » North Korea - Rocket Man Rss Feed  

North Korea

Started by Rogillio
Views: 604 Posts: 7

2017-04-21 12:19 PM Burchib
date : December 23, 2016
author : Team BT
comments : 1
Successful deployment of "the farmer's blow"