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2007-12-20 1:40 PM

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: PanicTour's Group - FULL

NAME: PanicTour / Keith

STORY: I'm a 31 Year Old Civil Engineer that lives in Philadelphia.  I have been overweight (as least slightly) my entire life.  I needed to make a change so I started running 3 years ago to do a half mary with my wife.  She was doing Team in Training for her mom who was battling Lymphoma at the time.  Thankfully, she is doing great now. After doing 2 half Mary's U dove into the world of Triathlon in 2006.  I completed 2 Sprints and a Oly. 

I'm down 35 pounds from my weight of a few years ago and I've embraced triathalon as a way for me to stay focused on health oriented goals. 

I'm a middle-of-the-pack (MOP) guy.  I like data and my logs but I'm not a gearhead.  I don't really have a lot of technical knowledge so I rely on the forums a lot. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married, we have a 6 month old Boston Terrier - Forrester.

CURRENT TRAINING: I train best when on a plan.  Currently I'm prepping for a Full Marathon in March and then I'll shift to a HIM plan for the 2008 Musselman.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2006...Lehigh Valley Half Mary, Philly Tri Sprint, Steelman Sprint, Quakerman Oly, and lots of 5Ks and 10Ks.

2008 RACES:  Definites include B&M Trail Marathon in MD (March), Philly Tri Oly, Musselman HIM.  I'm going to squeeze in at least another 2 TBD tris into the 2008 schedule.

WEIGHTLOSS: I still need to lose 20 pounds.  I'm way down from where I once was, but I still need to get focused on losing more.  I don't want to be a Clyde for the 2008 season.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I was mentored last year by madcow and the group provided me with a great amount of support and encouragement.  I want to pass along that encouragement and knowledge to others.  I'm on BT on almost an everyday basis so keeping in touch with my group will be easy.  And finally, being a mentor will keep me actively involved and motivated. 

Edited by PanicTour 2008-01-01 10:35 AM

2007-12-30 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Near Gent
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - OPEN
Hi PanicTour,

I'dd like to apply for your mentorship.

Name: Leo, aka: DeltaTri

Story: I'm a 36 year old engineer living in Belgium. I rolled into triathlon gently. After years of sedentary weight gaining, I decided in summer of 06 to change my life style. Started swimming immediately, started running about january 07 (starting sooner was not really an option for my knee/weight combination). After a while, I realized that if I added cycling, I might stress my knees less, and I would be training for triathlons. I tried a "Just for fun" (250m, 20k, 2.5k) and immediately got hooked.
Being an engineer, I like logs and trying to find out what happens because of what. Training is more important to me than races, I'm not very competitive minded, and I'm probably not built for huge successes in this sport. But then again... I might get hooked along the way.

Family status: married to Anja, a girl named Anzu and a boy named Joos.

Current training: I joined a triathlon club, where I am a last of the pack guy. Besides the club trainings on swim, run and bike (1 each per week), I try to do 2 extra runs and an extra swim each week. Working on my base condition for the moment.

Planned races: will pick some sprints this year, maybe an oly late in season.

Targets: hard to define, as my race experience is limited to one. Finished that one very relaxed in about 50 min.

2007-12-30 10:59 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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New user

Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - OPEN
PanicTour, I would like to join your group plese.

Name: Mark Anthony Gallegos (aka: sfcgallegos)

Story: Well, I am a retired Army Soldier. I have been retired since January of 2007. I was used to working out (running and strength conditioning) for the last twenty years. I took the most part of 2007 off to concentrate on relocating my family and setting up a new residence, new job and all of that good stuff. In the process I gained about fifteen pounds and I found that my back condition (I used to jump out of planes) gets worse with the more weight I put on and the inactivity of not working out like I should. So that made me realize that I need to plan a few goals and get to making it happen.

I am not an elite athelete by any means, I like to stay active. I have been consistent at running, mountain biking and weight lifting.

Family status: Married for twenty years with three children that are from 18-22 y/o. I also have a Chihuaha.

Current Training: I am coming off of an episode where my back went out of town for about two weeks, so I am getting back into running on the treadmill five times a week for at least twenty minutes and and weight lifting five days a week also. I am going to upgrade my membership in the very near future and pick a plan that will help me reach my goal.

My Goal: To run a Sprint in April, July and October of 2007.

My strengths: I am motivated when I have a goal.

My weakness: I have to be sure to time manage, I work a weekday job and a weekend job, so time is at a premium. I have a tempermental back, it likes to go on unannounced vacations at the least opportune time.

Thanks for your time.
2007-12-31 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - OPEN
Leo and Mark -- Welcome!
2007-12-31 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - OPEN
Hey Team -- Your 1st task is keep your training logs updated.  Even if you do nothing for the day, post it in your log so I can check up on your progress.
2007-12-31 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Indianapolis, Indiana
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - OPEN

Would like to join the group and would enjoy the "company" during my 2008 journey.

Name: GumbleX / Troy

My Story: I am far from a superstar athlete, but have always managed to find endurance sports/activities very rewarding. Have complete several marathons (USMC 4x) and a collegiate boxing career early in my life before being swept up by life. I managed to stumble upon mountaineering and fell in love with the physical and mental challenge. Unfortunately, I have had to find alternatives since it's not that easy to take 3-4 weeks out of work and family to "go climb". Last year I finally took the plunge by purchasing a bike, getting back into swimming and managed to completed two sprints before being forced to the sidelines. I am looking forward to getting back into regular training and learning as much as I can from others.

Family Status: 3 kids (13, 8, 7) and a wonderful wife

2008 Goals:
Finish 2008 under 200lbs
Complete a long distance tri (HIM in late summer)
Eat healthy and set an example for my kids
Complete USMC Marathon with my best friend when he returns from Iraq

Planned Races:
Kentucky Derby Half-Marathon, Terre Haute Tri, Deer Creek/Caeser Creek OLY, Steelhead/Toyota Challenge HIM, Ride Across Indiana, USMC Marathon

Strengths: Mental and physical stamina, I am not a bunny rabbit, but I can be a pretty decent tortoise who finishes!

Challenges: A job that ocassionally takes over my life (my daily struggle)

Looking forward to the journey!

Semper Fi

2007-12-31 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - OPEN

Welcome Troy!  I used to be an avid long distance hiker but taking a few days/weeks/months away to go hiking doesn't work well with the rest of life's priorities.

2007-12-31 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - OPEN

Any room for some Team Estrogen in here??? I'm a 46 y/o ER doc in Louisiana, starting 2nd year of tri. One husband of 26years (also a newbie triathlete) and 5 kids (3 tri-ers).  Gotta run...code coming in. Anyway, I'm a girl. Is that OK with you guys???


2007-12-31 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Potsdam, NY
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - OPEN
PanicTour I would like to join your group too.

Name: Josh Fogarty (aka jfog458)

Current training: I'm a high school athlete here in conneticut. I am currently running indoor track. My strength is really running and that is what I do constantly. I do have a road bike and I try to get on it as often as possible.

Goals: Plan on doing a sprint tri the beginning of this summer and an Olyimpic at the end of this summer. I am going off to college at the end of 08 and I would like to start a tri club there.

I can help out anyone that wants some great running workouts but I will need help in the swimming department.
2007-12-31 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Arvada, CO
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - OPEN
Hi PanicTour. Is there room for one more here?

My name is Shari and here's my story. I am 37 years old, married with one teenage son, 3 cats and 2 dogs. I have a wonderful friend who somehow has talked me in to completing a Triathlon Sprint the first of June 2008 in Grand Junction Colorado. We have a group of 3 that will do the same race but I am needing some help. I am an active person but I would not say I am in good shape by any means but I am excited about this opportunity to get a grip on weight loss, nutrition and training.

Previous training? None, I am truly a beginner. I have no previous races or events under my belt.

Strengths? I guess I would have to say I will follow through with my goal especially if I have to be accountable to my team and with the training log.

Weakness? I am not nervous about the bike part but running will be a new experience and I don't know how to swim. (I have already signed up for swim lessons)

I am very impressed by this website and the mentors that are available and I know the feedback and advice will be intrumental to me and my tri-team. I liked your group because you have some great experience but still have goals you want to meet and you like to have a training plan. And you want the training log completed on a regular basis!
2007-12-31 4:37 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - OPEN

Ok, made it back. Anyway, I think I could learn a lot from this group. I like the way you set goals and log them. And they seem like realistic goals, too. I can also identify with juggling life and tri. I already added PanicTour to my friend list, so you can see my log. Warning!!! Disclaimer!!! It's my log, OK. I put things in there to help me in the future when I review the past. Enter at your own risk!!!.

Quick Bio: Lifetime geek. Consistenly picked last for team sports. Have obsessive interest in nutrition and health. Came home one day last year and announced I was doing a tri to my family, who was sunbathing and drinking beer by the pool. Skepticism led to fanaticism and here I am, a real tri-geek, rearing tri-geek offspring.

Accomplishments: Completed 2 sprint tri's last year, in spandex, in public!

Goals: Mardi gras 1/2 mary Feb 24, various sprints and OLY's this summer leading up to HIM in the fall. Have registered and paid for New Orleans 70.3 in April '09.

Limiters: Aerobic base is perilously limited. I run very slowly. I have no trouble finding my bike at T1, even if I'm in the first wave.

Strengths: I never give up. And I love my bike :-).

Looking forward to a great 2008! Happy New Year, Ya'll!

2007-12-31 5:36 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Springfield, IL
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - OPEN
PanicTour, I would like to join your group.

My name is Ward Thomson, from Springfield, IL. Back in high school, I swam all 4 years and ran cross county a couple of years. One problem, that all was 25 years ago! Since then I have ran a couple of 5k's but without any real commitment.

I have been working on core strenth and cardio the last several months, though not in a
totally dedicated fashion. I have a traineir to maintain my core training amidst the tri training. My nutrition will never be the best, but I try. I will follow the "Couch to Sprint" workout with a few modifications. because I am a little ahead of the "couch level". I have logged a couple of days so far, and will attempt to log everyday. You all can help and hold me be accoutable. Officially, my training starts Tuesday January 1, 2008, because it is a new and successful year!!!

My wife, Beth, and I have no kids, and she it totally supportive of my goals and understands I want to achieve them.

My ultimate goals for this year are: Sprint Triathlon in late July- time goal 1h:18mm
10K in late August- time goal 55 minutes

My strengths are swimming and biking.
My weakness will be a bad knee with no cartilage.

Always remember the big picture and train with that in sight.
Always train safely!

I hope you all have a safe and goal acheiving new year!

2008-01-01 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - OPEN

All are welcome.  Seems like we've got a good group.  Lets lock it up!

Please add each memebr of the group to your friend's list.  Try to get to know one another and leave some inspires (messages).  The fun starts tomorrow!

Edited by PanicTour 2008-01-01 10:44 AM
2008-01-01 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1125888

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Springfield, IL
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - OPEN

Happy New Year group! 

Can't wait, must workout today!   I actually started my training schedule on Sunday, then Monday I could not get off work before the gyms closed.  Since it was about 20 degrees outside, I decided to blow of the last day of the year.  Today will be some biking and core strength training.



2008-01-01 3:54 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
OK, first question of the new year. I'm considering an OLY in April that will need a wetsuit. Have never even put one on. Any suggestions for requirements for a basic suit? OLY's in my area are few and far between. Hate to miss this one.
2008-01-01 4:07 PM
in reply to: #1126389

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Indianapolis, Indiana
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

I would recommend going to a local shop and trying on a few different brands. I promise it will feel like the tightest thing you have slid on before! Don't have to feel pressured to buy one there, I actually purchased one off of ebay and you can find some pretty good deals once you know what to look for and how to recognize a good deal. You can also try renting one. I have not so but a friend of mine used and last year with good results. Hope this helps.

2008-01-01 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
Thanks Troy. No local shop, but will consider traveling to big city to find one. May be worth the trip. Oh, wait, will be going to New Orleans in Feb. Hey, there's a thought. Will have to do some research in the meantime. Good tip!
2008-01-02 8:49 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
I'm pretty sure Trisports will apply part of the rental fee to a future wetsuit purchase. 
2008-01-02 8:53 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

OK gang.  What is on tap for today?  I've got an easy 5 miles planned for after work today.  Probably going to run on the treadmill @ the gym.

Easy challenge for the rest of the week -- drink at least 2 liters of way a day.  Sometimes in the winter we forget to hydrate.

When you get a chance answer the questions for me...

#1 - What and when is your "A" race for 2008

#2 - Are you currently on a training plan?  If so, which one?

#3 - Do you have access to a pool? 

#4 - Do you own a bike? 

2008-01-02 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1127556

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Springfield, IL
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

#1 - Stoneman Sprint Tri - July 27th in Springfield, IL

#2 - Currently using "Couch to Sprint" with some adjustments

#3 - Yes

#4 - No bike yet, but training indoors now.  Will have one by March.

The water should not be a problem, since that is all I drink. 


2008-01-02 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1127556

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Arvada, CO
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
Happy New Year everyone! My plan for today is to do 20 min on the treadmill (at a fast walk)and then the normal stretches/crunches that follow that. I will also try to figure out how to update my training log.

#1 - Tri-Sprint in Grand Junction, CO the first part of June (they have a tentative date on the website still)

#2 - I don't have a training plan. I'm open to any recommendations. Kind of overwhelmed with where to start.

#3 - yes to pool access. I will be taking some lessons (need to be able to breathe correctly) before the end of January at a local rec center.

#4 - I do own a bike (pretty old clunker but it works)

2008-01-02 3:55 PM
in reply to: #1128657

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

Kaileydog1 - 2008-01-02 1:57 PM  #2 - I don't have a training plan. I'm open to any recommendations. Kind of overwhelmed with where to start.

There are a bunch of good free programs on this site.  This may be a good one.

There are plans with additional detail that come with paid memberships, but definitely poke around the free ones 1st.  I used two free plans last year for my Sprint and Oly and they worked great.

2008-01-02 4:42 PM
in reply to: #1127556

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Near Gent
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
#1 'A' race is club championship, 'the Scotsman' in the Netherlands, August 9
#2 I am half on a schedule, club has a trainer who cooks up a running and a swimming training program and we ride bike every Sunday. I fill in the gaps for two more run sessions and a swim session every week.
#3 we have access to a pool, although it's not very flexible, and we need to share 1 lane with at least 4 to 5 more people. It can be frustrating if everybody else is breast-stroking, but at those times, I tend to focus on technique, with lots of rest, waiting for a good take off moment
#4 I have bought a race bike, as compensation for a forced non-training period of 3 weeks in october. Which was due to breaking my ellbow when falling with the mounting bike I used for bike training. Not the ideal for a beginner riding with other members of the triathlon club


Edited by leovdd 2008-01-02 4:47 PM
2008-01-02 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Near Gent
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
Small question,

Is there an easy way to navigate to the logs of the friends one has defined ?
It takes me at least 3 screens, and I'm on a very slow line (not due to being 'back here' in Europe, just knowing myself too well to allow me a broadband connection).

Cheers !
2008-01-02 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Potsdam, NY
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
#1 - What and when is your "A" race for 2008: Park City Mossman Triathlon in Bridgeport Connecticut

#2 - Are you currently on a training plan? If so, which one?: Mixing and matching untill I get a free life not inhibited by track coaches in the spring (March).

#3 - Do you have access to a pool?: Looking into a pool membership; have a pool that will open in June that is somewhat like a lap pool; 40 feet long.

#4 - Do you own a bike? Yes a 2007 Trek 1000.
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