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2008-08-18 3:21 PM

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Altoona, Iowa
Subject: Run-Bike-Swim Race
I have a tri this weekend that starts with the run. Any suggestions or ideas about this type of tir? How should I race each portion of the race? I didn't think about it soon enough to do run/bike bricks but I will get a couple in this week.

Any help would be appreciated.

2008-08-18 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1611379

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Lake Oswego, OR
Subject: RE: Run-Bike-Swim Race
I would love to do one of these!
2008-08-18 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1611379

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El Segundo, CA
Subject: RE: Run-Bike-Swim Race

What distances? What's the swim like (lake, ocean, pool? Wetsuits?)

My first tri was a Run-Bike-Swim sprint (5k, 9-miles, 100-yd pool). My best piece of hard-earned noobie wisdom is this: don't burn out on the run. It seems obvious, but if you're used to finishing a tri with the run where you can go all out, it may take some serious restraint to hold back a little, especially since you'll have fresh legs.

Definitely do some run-bike bricks. I didn't, and I felt it on the bike, especially at the beginning.

Have fun

2008-08-18 3:42 PM
in reply to: #1611379

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: Run-Bike-Swim Race

Sounds fun. The run/bike transition isn't that much different than a more normal T1. In fact if you use socks you'll already have them on at the start and taking off running shoes should be faster than removing a wetsuit. Hopefully you won't need a wetsuit for the swim as that could be difficult to get on. You may want to start the swim a little slower than normal to prevent muscle cramps in the cooler water after you've been using the legs extensively.

Have fun!

2008-08-18 3:44 PM
in reply to: #1611379

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Altoona, Iowa
Subject: RE: Run-Bike-Swim Race
3 mile run
10 mile bike
150 meter pool swim

Both the run and bike are mostly flat.

Edited by BucNIowa 2008-08-18 3:46 PM
2008-08-18 4:57 PM
in reply to: #1611379

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Subject: RE: Run-Bike-Swim Race

Where is this race?  That is a dream triathlon for me!!! 

2008-08-18 5:05 PM
in reply to: #1611379

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Subject: RE: Run-Bike-Swim Race
More information in your logs would be helpful. According to your logs, it's been quite a while since you've been on the bike. If that's the case, I'd definitely take it easy on the run, and bike and swim as hard as possible.
2008-08-18 5:14 PM
in reply to: #1611669

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Subject: RE: Run-Bike-Swim Race
That pool is going to be saltwater by the last racer.
2008-08-18 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1611379

Subject: RE: Run-Bike-Swim Race
I did that one last year - I'm assuming it's the Dog Days?  I loved it!  The swim is my favorite part of any tri and the run kills me.  This gave me a chance to see how well I could do on the run - PB by over 5 minutes (I hadn't run just a 5K in a couple years).  It's not a very hilly bike.  The surprise was how tired my arms were for the swim.  I wasn't expecting that!  You'll enjoy it - they put on a great race.  Hopefully you'll have better weather!  We were delayed about 30 minutes because of lightning, and had a nice light rain through the bike.  Enjoy!!
2008-08-19 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1611379

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Altoona, Iowa
Subject: RE: Run-Bike-Swim Race
It is Dog Days. I am looking forward to it.

I have been neglecting my bike for the last few weeks. I know that will come back to bite me but I just can't find the right time to ride for any length of time. Excuses, excuses.
2008-08-19 11:23 AM
in reply to: #1611653

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Altoona, Iowa
Subject: RE: Run-Bike-Swim Race
gopennstate, the race is in Belmond, Iowa.

2008-08-19 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1613549

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Subject: RE: Run-Bike-Swim Race

BucNIowa - 2008-08-19 12:23 PM gopennstate, the race is in Belmond, Iowa.

 Doesn't help me so much, does it!  Bummer.  Have fun!

2008-08-25 11:58 AM
in reply to: #1611379

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Whispering Pines, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Run-Bike-Swim Race

hey bucniowa,

i'll be participating in one similar to the one you did. sounds like fun! i am curious to see how this will pan out. for me, since running is a stronger point than swimming, it'll definitely be interesting, especially jumping in the pool after having given it a red-line effort on the two previous events! i wonder how i'll feel in the pool!

my tri will be a 5k trail run, 12mi bike, and 1/4 mi swim in a pool...

any tips that you may care to share about your experience?


Edited by tri_d00d 2008-08-25 12:03 PM
2008-08-25 3:18 PM
in reply to: #1611379

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Altoona, Iowa
Subject: RE: Run-Bike-Swim Race
The thing that I heard about most from the people that did this race last year is not to go out too fast. You will have fresh legs at the start of the run but remember there is still the bike to go. The swim was actually refreshing after running and biking. Before jumping into the pool take a second and catch your breath. I saw someone come off their bike panting and try to jump right in the pool. They had to stop and relax before continuing. It was fun to do things in reverse. I will definatly do this race again next year. Have fun.

Edited by BucNIowa 2008-08-25 3:19 PM
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