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2008-11-24 1:58 PM

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Albany, NY
Subject: Cold stomach?
I've hesitated asking this because it just seems so strange to me... I don't know if this happens when I bike or swim, but I definitely notice it when I run. When I run, I'm one of those people that get really hot. I turn pink, I sweat, I need to really hydrate so I don't over heat. Been this way my whole life. But now, not only is my stomach the only part of my body that's NOT hot and sweaty after running, but it's ice cold.

It frustrates me now because after having 2 kids in the last 4 years, I'd really love to lose the flab around my belly. But how can I lose the belly flab if that area never "works out"? Every other body part seems to be getting fitter!

Does this happen to anyone else? Does anyone have any idea why? Is it from the kids or something else? Did I do something to my stomach muscles when I was pg? I never noticed this before the kids... but I was never really a runner then either.

Thanks in advance for any advice you all have...

2008-11-24 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1823855

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Subject: RE: Cold stomach?

I know exactly what you're talking about.  Happens to me too when I swim, bike or run.  I also have a kid, he's 4.  Wonder what it is? 

Edited by crews 2008-11-24 2:34 PM
2008-11-24 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1823855

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Brookings South Dakota
Subject: RE: Cold stomach?
rnihill - 2008-11-24 1:58 PM

I've hesitated asking this because it just seems so strange to me... I don't know if this happens when I bike or swim, but I definitely notice it when I run. When I run, I'm one of those people that get really hot. I turn pink, I sweat, I need to really hydrate so I don't over heat. Been this way my whole life. But now, not only is my stomach the only part of my body that's NOT hot and sweaty after running, but it's ice cold.

So if I understand this correctly, the skin around your abdominal region gets very cold? Your stomach is in side your body and is not going to actually get cold, so I'm assuming it's your skin?

If that's correct, I'm going to say, since you have a larger surface area there (the flab) you're not getting as much blood to that location, hence it gets colder.

rnihill - 2008-11-24 1:58 PM
It frustrates me now because after having 2 kids in the last 4 years, I'd really love to lose the flab around my belly. But how can I lose the belly flab if that area never "works out"? Every other body part seems to be getting fitter!

Does this happen to anyone else? Does anyone have any idea why? Is it from the kids or something else? Did I do something to my stomach muscles when I was pg? I never noticed this before the kids... but I was never really a runner then either.

Thanks in advance for any advice you all have...

Now you're wondering how to tighten up the skin around the abdominal region? I have that same problem, I used to weigh 230 lbs and now I'm 150. You cannot spot reduce fat, so it does not matter if your abs never "work out". And trust me, when you swim, bike, and run, you're workings your abs.

That skin around your mid section will tighten up with time. To lose the fat in that area, you have to simply burn more calories then you take in, and you'll lose fat. Mine has tightened up with time and reducing body fat.
2008-11-24 4:12 PM
in reply to: #1823855

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Subject: RE: Cold stomach?
I thought that if I did enough cardio workouts along with enough ab workouts, they would eventually meet in the middle somewhere and my abdominal area would appear toned again.  Eventually is just taking too dang long!
2008-11-24 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1824118

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Brookings South Dakota
Subject: RE: Cold stomach?
I totally know how that feels :p

I've got this little "pouch" at and right below my belly button. So other then that area, I'm about 9% body fat. Around my abdominal region in line with my "pouch" I've got some loose skin still. So right under my six pack I've got a little fat :p

To improve your midsection, you need two things:
1. Small amount of bf in that area, to see the ab muscles
2. ab muscles

To accomplish those two goals, you've got to do cardio and weighted sit ups. You don't build biceps by doing 100 reps with a 5lb dumbbell. So why would doing 200 situps build ab muscles? I feel really sorry for all these college girls at my school's wellness center doing endless amounts of situps. Abdominals are muscles too.
2008-11-24 5:06 PM
in reply to: #1824163

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Cold stomach?
This totally happens to me when I'm out running in the cold.  It's very simple.  Those of us with a little *ahem* extra fat around the mid section will experience this.  Your muscles are burning glycogen, in a very little sense.  As your body takes fuel and burns it for energy, it generates heat.  However, fat does not burn fuel, it is fuel (in a manner of speaking), so it doesn't generate heat.  If we all had great 6-pack abs with 4% body fat, I daresay we wouldn't experience the cold tummy syndrome.

2008-11-24 5:08 PM
in reply to: #1823855

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Subject: RE: Cold stomach?
Funny - I was going to post this exact thing but felt silly. My kids are 2 and 3, my stomach isn't bikini worthy but not horrible either. Yesterday I was toasty all over except my stomach which was under a thick wicking shirt and jacket and frozen!! I thought it was b/c it was facing the wind the whole time - the skin on my legs was cold too but internally, they felt warm. My stomach and skin felt cold....odd.
2008-11-24 7:25 PM
in reply to: #1823855

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oregon ave,
Subject: RE: Cold stomach?

I average 155lbs in the winter 145 in summer and 5'11", so no real "extra tire" here but it happens to me too, a lot.  My theroy is that the blood is being transported to the rest of your body to supply oxygen to your muscles.  Since your stomach is most likely not digesting lots of food, it does no need as much blood.  Less blood= colder area.  People who get frost bite usually get it on their extremities due to the reverse effect.  The blood goes to the core to keep the main organs in survival mode and the extremities freeze due to the lack of blood.


2008-11-25 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1823855

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Cold stomach?
Thanks everyone! I am glad to know I'm not the only one. I was feeling a little freaky...

I guess this all makes sense though. I just get to keep trying to run away the baby belly fat!
2008-11-25 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1823855

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Cold stomach?
And I guess some weighted situps too. I never thought about it like that before...
2008-11-25 9:00 AM
in reply to: #1823855

Subject: RE: Cold stomach?
Not to discourage, but hopefully to make you feel BETTER--I learned in a high school science class...oh so many years ago....that some people can not have the coveted 6 pack. She mentioned that when women have children, sometimes their ab plates get moved apart and never go back which is why some women will always have that extra skin.

2010-06-27 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1823855


Subject: RE: Cold stomach?

mee to. but it means your loosing body fat from your stomach

2010-06-27 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1823855

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: Cold stomach?
If I am not mistaken, this happens to everyone where they have more fatty tissue stored in their bodies. For some its the belly, others the behind and for some the love handles. I think blood is drawn to the muscles when you exercise and the other areas get colder. If you keep working out at an aerobic pace and eat well, you should reduce your BF percentage and the cold feeling should start disappearing...  Smile
2021-04-21 9:52 AM
in reply to: rnihill


Subject: RE: Cold stomach?
Oh no! We had the same experience and I know exactly what you're talking about. It happens to me too when I swim, bike or run and then drink a lot of water.
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