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2017-02-01 10:28 PM

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Bronze member
Subject: FB politics

I have some FB friends who have taken to posting lots of political articles lately. Articles like this: http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/01/opinions/bannon-trump-coup-opinion-ben-ghiat/index.html with the narrative "If this doesn't scare you, not sure what will. Read this and tell me this isn't happening. I want people to open their ears and eyes and get their heads out of the sand." 

So I guess I'm wondering do I have my head in the sand since I've just been going about my life since Trumps elected and I'm not yet living in fear? I'm pretty neutral on most issues and tend to want to understand both sides. I read this article as mostly opinion and playing on peoples fears so I tend to ignore this sort of thing but maybe I am being passive. This was posted by a friend who is a University Professor, has published research books etc. so I give her credit that she is more well read than I am on most things. But isn't this article mostly fear mongering and not really a factual article? Or am I being naive and passive? 


2017-02-02 7:01 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: FB politics
I resolved to quit posting political stuff on FB. I will leave that for BT's political forum for people who enjoy politics and enjoy debating and shaving different radical points of view...even young David Miller's radical ideas. :-) Unfortunately I think most people on FB are getting sick of the politics. It was fun and funny at first, not it's just too much.

As far as being scared....I remember 8 years ago thinking we as a nation were in deep trouble. We had takes a hard left turn, elected a socialist with no executive experience....a community organizer at the help with radical socialistic agenda. But turns out it was not the end of the world as we know it. The country survived and the pendulum has swung back the other way.

People who are fearful do not understand the beauty of our constitution. Our founding fathers recognized the possibility of a rogue POTUS and put in place a system of checks and balances. Congress controls the money and without money, you can't DO anything. And the SCOTUS provides limits on what is and is no constitutional. So tell you FB friends to trust the system of checks and balances. And tell them if they did not vote, STHU about politics.

2017-02-02 11:01 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: FB politics
My old boss swings way left. We had some very long political discussions during the time I worked for him. I learned that he is one of the most level headed, even keeled proponents of left wing ideology I have ever met. He was able to calmly, logically and respectfully discuss his positions and views without being offensive. He was pretty convincing and he made some pretty good points. We never stepped on each others toes and he was able to swing my opinions on govt spending more to the left.

Flash forward to last week: I was lurking on FB and came across his page; he was friends with someone I worked with in Houston years ago, so I gave his page a look. Holy smokes was I disappointed with what I saw. His butt hurt meter is pegged and he was lashing out like a wounded animal. Gone was the logic and calm I had come to expect and respect about the man. Nothing but pure hatred and disdain for all that don't think as he does.

So, I don't think you need to be worried, but your concern is good. I'm still in the wait and see mode on what Trump will actually do. I might suggest you seek out more sources for news and information. Don't rely on a word someone posts in FB. Look at the news outlets that are reporting news AND look at the ones that are promoting the civil unrest. That gives you a balanced view to decide upon. Keep in mind that left wing news sources and conservative sources are both trying to sell you something; so you'll need to dissect the stories and edit the facts from the platform propaganda yourself. If you feel threatened at that point, get out there and affect change!

Edited by mdg2003 2017-02-02 11:05 AM
2017-02-02 11:28 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: FB politics
I see the FB rants just like the protests. I was watching the fire last night at Berkley and heard one of the announcers say, there is a flag, they are burning a flag.....but I could not see the flag and they never game back to that. I got the impression that even CNN knows that you do your cause a huge disservice if you burn a US flag. Even people that agree with your cause will turn their backs on you. So CNN downplayed that part of the demonstration.

But the bigger picture is the constant protests. Do people really think they are winning over hearts and minds (and votes) by protesting in the street carrying signs calling President Trump names like fascist and call him Hitler.

Hopefully cooler minds will prevail....it's February.....Ground Hog Day!!
2017-02-02 11:40 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: FB politics
Originally posted by Rogillio

I see the FB rants just like the protests. I was watching the fire last night at Berkley and heard one of the announcers say, there is a flag, they are burning a flag.....but I could not see the flag and they never game back to that. I got the impression that even CNN knows that you do your cause a huge disservice if you burn a US flag. Even people that agree with your cause will turn their backs on you. So CNN downplayed that part of the demonstration.

But the bigger picture is the constant protests. Do people really think they are winning over hearts and minds (and votes) by protesting in the street carrying signs calling President Trump names like fascist and call him Hitler.

Hopefully cooler minds will prevail....it's February.....Ground Hog Day!!

Actually I think one group is winning by doing these kind of protests the anarchists . There was a girl who got peppered sprayed while on the news. (She was even thanking the left non violent protesters for being there thought protest was good thing.) I think the guy who pepper sprayed her was not a leftist protester but an anarchist. The same people who smashed the limo in DC. They want to spread chaos and helping to push a violent protest helps there cause. In the war between the left and right you have to watch out for the people who trying to make it happen.
2017-02-02 12:48 PM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Subject: RE: FB politics
Originally posted by chirunner134

Originally posted by Rogillio

I see the FB rants just like the protests. I was watching the fire last night at Berkley and heard one of the announcers say, there is a flag, they are burning a flag.....but I could not see the flag and they never game back to that. I got the impression that even CNN knows that you do your cause a huge disservice if you burn a US flag. Even people that agree with your cause will turn their backs on you. So CNN downplayed that part of the demonstration.

But the bigger picture is the constant protests. Do people really think they are winning over hearts and minds (and votes) by protesting in the street carrying signs calling President Trump names like fascist and call him Hitler.

Hopefully cooler minds will prevail....it's February.....Ground Hog Day!!

Actually I think one group is winning by doing these kind of protests the anarchists . There was a girl who got peppered sprayed while on the news. (She was even thanking the left non violent protesters for being there thought protest was good thing.) I think the guy who pepper sprayed her was not a leftist protester but an anarchist. The same people who smashed the limo in DC. They want to spread chaos and helping to push a violent protest helps there cause. In the war between the left and right you have to watch out for the people who trying to make it happen.

Exactly! If you allow radicals to hijack you movement your cause is lost.

The Berkeley protest yesterday started off with students peacefully protesting an alt right speaker. Then the professional demonstrators and anarchists showed up. So the original protest was lost as people look on with disdain at the flag burners and rioters.

2017-02-02 5:03 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: FB politics

Originally posted by mdg2003 My old boss swings way left. We had some very long political discussions during the time I worked for him. I learned that he is one of the most level headed, even keeled proponents of left wing ideology I have ever met. He was able to calmly, logically and respectfully discuss his positions and views without being offensive. He was pretty convincing and he made some pretty good points. We never stepped on each others toes and he was able to swing my opinions on govt spending more to the left. Flash forward to last week: I was lurking on FB and came across his page; he was friends with someone I worked with in Houston years ago, so I gave his page a look. Holy smokes was I disappointed with what I saw. His butt hurt meter is pegged and he was lashing out like a wounded animal. Gone was the logic and calm I had come to expect and respect about the man. Nothing but pure hatred and disdain for all that don't think as he does. So, I don't think you need to be worried, but your concern is good. I'm still in the wait and see mode on what Trump will actually do. I might suggest you seek out more sources for news and information. Don't rely on a word someone posts in FB. Look at the news outlets that are reporting news AND look at the ones that are promoting the civil unrest. That gives you a balanced view to decide upon. Keep in mind that left wing news sources and conservative sources are both trying to sell you something; so you'll need to dissect the stories and edit the facts from the platform propaganda yourself. If you feel threatened at that point, get out there and affect change!

Similar situation as your boss I think. I'm really NOT looking to FB to keep up with politics, I come here for that . But I thought I would take a minute to read my friends point of view because she is a friend and I care what she is feeling and will try to understand but I am starting to see it like you say above. 

2017-02-02 5:05 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: FB politics

Originally posted by Rogillio I see the FB rants just like the protests. I was watching the fire last night at Berkley and heard one of the announcers say, there is a flag, they are burning a flag.....but I could not see the flag and they never game back to that. I got the impression that even CNN knows that you do your cause a huge disservice if you burn a US flag. Even people that agree with your cause will turn their backs on you. So CNN downplayed that part of the demonstration. But the bigger picture is the constant protests. Do people really think they are winning over hearts and minds (and votes) by protesting in the street carrying signs calling President Trump names like fascist and call him Hitler. Hopefully cooler minds will prevail....it's February.....Ground Hog Day!!

You mean this? Also posted by one of my FB friends:



2017-02-02 5:51 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: FB politics

I think it's kind of a cyclical thing too because my FB was filled daily for the past several years with the various "Obama's taking your guns" "Obama sucks" "Hillary is the devil" type posts and since the election it's been a near complete 180 with my FB being filled with "Trump sucks" "Trump is unstable" "Bannon is the devil" type posts.

No matter what, we have near half the country that generally supported Trump (or his policies) in the election and near half that generally supported Hillary (or her policies) so there's a pretty large divide.

I'd say a strong majority of people together are like you and taking a wait and see and judge the new guy based on his merits and what he does or doesn't do. 

2017-02-02 6:51 PM
in reply to: tuwood

, California
Subject: RE: FB politics

No matter what, we have near half the country that generally supported Trump (or his policies) in the election and near half that generally supported Hillary (or her policies) so there's a pretty large divide.

I think you need to rephrase that as "half that couldn't stand Trump" and "half that couldn't stand Hillary".

I bet both had less than 50% actual support

2017-02-02 8:10 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: FB politics

Originally posted by tuwood

I think it's kind of a cyclical thing too because my FB was filled daily for the past several years with the various "Obama's taking your guns" "Obama sucks" "Hillary is the devil" type posts and since the election it's been a near complete 180 with my FB being filled with "Trump sucks" "Trump is unstable" "Bannon is the devil" type posts.

No matter what, we have near half the country that generally supported Trump (or his policies) in the election and near half that generally supported Hillary (or her policies) so there's a pretty large divide.

I'd say a strong majority of people together are like you and taking a wait and see and judge the new guy based on his merits and what he does or doesn't do. 

True and my guess is the people like me are kind of quiet about politics so the outspoken seem overwhelming. 

2017-02-02 8:19 PM
in reply to: #5212330

New user
Subject: RE: FB politics
I am not so sure yet. If Trump keeled over tomorrow, i think the hate would be directed toward Pence. I believe the same would occur if Hillary had won and was impeached or.... and Kaine was in charge. Tribal i tell you.
2017-02-02 8:26 PM
in reply to: spudone

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: FB politics

Originally posted by spudone

No matter what, we have near half the country that generally supported Trump (or his policies) in the election and near half that generally supported Hillary (or her policies) so there's a pretty large divide.

I think you need to rephrase that as "half that couldn't stand Trump" and "half that couldn't stand Hillary".

I bet both had less than 50% actual support

There was definitely a subset of that as well.  I can't find it now, but I recall seeing a poll of people who were actually voting "for" each candidate but I can't remember what the numbers were.  I definitely voted for Trump and loved the guy throughout and the people at the rally's I went to loved him like crazy. 

2017-02-06 6:40 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: FB politics

Facebook, huh?  Sounds like some booolshit to me!

Get off my lawn!!!

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