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2011-04-07 5:25 PM

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Subject: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
NAME: Steve Bradley/stevebradley

STORY: I am heading into my 12th year of triathlon/multisport, with a total of 100-even races under my belt -- 82 triathlons, 12 duathlons, 6 aquabikes. (There are also a couple dozen straight running races). I obviously love this lifestyle -- the challenges, the camaraderie of race day, the on-going high level of fitness. I am now 62, and have no immediate plans to stop training and racing. My body may have different thoughts (and expresses them in no uncertain terms at times), but my mind is thoroughly committed to continuing triathlon through my 60s.....and into my 70s.....and then onto my 80s, and......

FAMILY: There is Lynn (since '74!!), about 15 months my junior; and Jane, just-turned 27; and Peter, 24-and-a-few-months; and old hound Luna, turning 14 in July. I live in Casselman, Ontario, about 30 miles east of Ottawa. I grew up just outside Boston, MA.

CURRENT TRAINING: Self-trained, but having learned the ropes from '03-'07 when I was coached by Erik Cagnina of D3 Multisport. I train extensively and intensively; being retired has its benefits -- and loose ends that need to be tied! I swim/bike/run about 10-12 hours per week from October to June, and augment that with weight-training 2 or 3 times a week. I have recently begun doing a lot of Yoga, concentrating on the "gentler" styles of Yin and Hatha. I have never been good at stretching, so my body is tremendously grateful for my current commitment to Yoga!

2011 RACES: Still in production! I normally do 10-13 races a season, but this coming season I will likely aim for 8-11. I am presently signed up for three olympics (Keuka Lake, Cayuga Lake, The Nation's) and a sprint (West Point). I am on the verge of signing up for about four more, and then will add a final two or three further along. Recent years have seen me with an even mix of sprints and olys, and one or two half-irons. I have done two irons ('04 and '05), but none are currently in my plans.

2011 GOALS: As the above -- still in production! I have spent the last two seasons working on my speed at the olympic distance, getting from about 2:30-2:35 down to 2:25-2:30. At this point I'm aiming for consistent 2:28 and under. Beyond this, I am still working at earning straight USAT All-American, as opposed to All-American Honorable Mention, which has been my position the past few seasons. What else? Oly swims under 28 minutes; half-iron swims under 38; sprint swims around 13-14. Finally, a half-iron under 5:15; my last two have been 5:21 and 5:18 (Bests were 5:07 in '04 and 5:09 in '07). Finally-finally, as always --- minimal injuries!!!!!

WEIGHTLOSS: Not an issue for me*, other than hitting the peak of race season at 170-172. I am currently at about 173/174, and have been there throughout the winter. I carry this on a 6'2" frame (which my doctor informs me is shrinking.....). * When I hit 200 in spring '98 it became an issue, and I addressed it first as a pure runner, and then morphed into a triathlete two years later.

GOOD MENTOR??: Well, this will be my fourth group, and my history is available through the mentor archives (group names: stevebradley; GrooveTime!; Got Your Mojo WORKIN"!). You can see by the number of posts that my groups are hugely prolific, and I work hard to keep the interest going and the info flowing. I am a retired teacher who has USA Triathlon Level One coaching certification, and those two qualities, combined with a vast amount of personal experience, make me a thorough, attentive, and supportive mentor. Hope to see a pile of you on board here over the next few days!!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-04-27 12:16 AM

2011-04-14 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup
Hey Steve.  I'll jump in with ya.  I'm relatively new to the sport (this is my 3rd year) but like you I have adopted it as a lifestyle.  I'll post a bio a little later.
2011-04-14 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3447578

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


Welcome aboard, fairly-well-seasoned-and-presumably-somewhat-wily vet! Looking forward to your bio, whenever you can get it posted!

2011-04-14 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3447599

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


Hurry, and you can be second!

2011-04-14 7:29 PM
in reply to: #3435045

New user
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

Hey Steve,

Can I join? Can I?

NAME: Shaun Marx/smarx

STORY: Currently 30 years old and living in a suburb of Detroit. Working as an engineer for one of the Big 3. Grew up near Niagara Falls and played a fair amount of sports as a kid/teenager. Then 'grew up', got a job and got a bigger gut. Had a good change of life in 2007. Was fairly out of shape and started exercising regularly. 2009 decided to get outside more to exercise and picked up mountain biking. I enjoy the mountain biking but scared myself a few times and wanted to keep my head intact. So I was looking for more. I was already biking and swimming and kind of running. One weekend in the fall of 2009 I saw something on tv about triathlons and told myself I could do that. 2010 brought jumping into triathlon full steam ahead. In early May I was diagnosed with bilateral inguinal (groin) hernias about 3 weeks before my first triathlon. I still completed the two I had registered for with results I was happy with. However my season was cut short. I didn't want to ruin my summer by having the surgery and waited and waiting and got convinced by my then boss to wait until January of this year to get them fixed. In February I started a new job and new challenges.

FAMILY: Living with my girlfriend and her 100 lb Black Lab/Great Dane/Mastiff/Weimaraner mix dog.

CURRENT TRAINING: Lackluster. I have been mainly focusing on the 5k. I gained most of the weight I had prior lost and this has me already very un-motivated as I was down to 190 on a 5'10" frame last June and felt that was too heavy. Now I'm substantially more. Running 2-3 times a week. Swimming 1-2 times a week. Cycling not at all. Seriously, I have only been on a bike seat 4 or 5 times since early February and last summer I would have ridden every day. Lots of room for improvement here.

2010 RACES:
- Hawk Island Triathlon, Lansing, MI, Sprint
- Welland Triathlon, Welland, Ontario, Hybrid Sprint/Olympic

2011 RACES: 5k in Mount Clemens on April 30th. Planned races are:
- T Rex Series in Brighton, MI (3 sprints each a month apart)
- Island Lake of Novi Triathlon (Sprint)
- Michigan State Chamionships (Oly)
- Deer Creek Fall Challenge (Half Ironman)

2011 GOALS: Finish first Olympic and Half Ironman. Complete a season with no major injuries. 2010 was hernias. 2009 was bursitis in one shoulder and tendonitis in both (no races in 2009 though).

WEIGHTLOSS: As much as I can lose in a healthy fashion. I know what I should be eating and how I should be eating but I have a lot of trouble doing it. GF has suffered an injury that takes her out of training (she was planning on doing same 5k as me and at least a triathlon this year), which will probably help both of us eat better as we share the cooking.

GOOD MENTEE: I'm looking to hear some other peoples stories and hope that will help me motivate myself. Seemed to help a lot last year. Also looking to help others where I can. I definitely jumped into triathlon a lot further/deeper head first than a lot do. From that I think I've developed my own knowledge base of triathlon info. I started from just being active to lose weight to finding a sport I really truly enjoy and hope I can enjoy for some years to come. I did not come from a swim or bike or run background. Other than swimming lessons as a kid, riding a bike as a kid and running for sports as a kid.

Edited by smarx 2011-04-14 7:48 PM
2011-04-14 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3435045

New user
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


I know..Here I was writing out my post and I got beat out...I'm here now though!

Nice to meet you Jeff (I read your profile on here..). VT Football? I spent 9 months living in Blacksburg when I was working in professional racing. Nice area. Cooking as well? We may get along too well!

2011-04-14 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup
NAME: Sarasota Hokie/Jeff.  Currently live in Sarasota, FL but a huge fan of Va. Tech Hokies football - hence Sarasota Hokie.  Youngest son just got accepted to Florida State so might have a problem in the household next year if VT plays FSU in the ACC Championship Game again!!

STORY: Off the couch in 2008.  Got introduced to the BT website and decided to give triathlon a go.   Since then I have incorporated endurance sports as part of my lifestyle.  Somehow I have managed to develop quite an addiction to endorphins!! 

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 3 children.  Boy/girl twins who have graduated from college, married and started their professional careers.   Youngest son is a senior in high school getting ready for college next year. Also have one grandson (1 year old) who will be visiting Florida next week.

CURRENT TRAINING: Training 10 - 12 hours per week at least an hour a day.  Currently in week 7 of a 12 week HIM Specific Prep. Plan. Structure and planning work for me.  

LAST YEAR'S RACES: Completed Sprint and Olympic distance races.

2011 RACES: Florida International Olympic on May 15th and and the Great Floridian Long Course in October (not the IM distance).  Like the races but more importantly I have developed a deep enjoyment of training.  

WEIGHTLOSS: Currently at 185 down from 230 when I started endurance sports.  Know what's it like to make a change.
2011-04-14 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3447640

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

Likewise, nice to meet you. 

I didn't attended VT (my oldest son got his undergraduate there) but we are big time Hokie fans.  I like cooking but honestly I like eating more!!

smarx - 2011-04-14 8:33 PM

Nice to meet you Jeff (I read your profile on here..). VT Football? I spent 9 months living in Blacksburg when I was working in professional racing. Nice area. Cooking as well? We may get along too well!

2011-04-14 10:12 PM
in reply to: #3447635

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


Of course! Of course!

Nice bio, too -- much fuller than last year's. All that fine work last year gives you braggin' rights to a few well-deserved details!

I see we have to work on the "lackluster" part, but that beast is really more bark than bite. (I hope the same applies to your girlfriend's massive mastiff mix-mutt! )

As for cooks --- me too. That's three in so far, and three professed cooks; is this a trend??

2011-04-14 10:17 PM
in reply to: #3447780

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


Great Floridian, eh? I would like a nickle for every triathlete who went down to it thinking they would get Florida-flat, and found that Florida not only has some hills, but that they are meanrottenbadnastyandWICKED hills. Seriously, that event has exacted a larger toll on the Blithely Unexpecting than any other I am aware of.

My brother-in-law has one at Clemson and one at U.S.C. It can get unpretty at times. I think he is partial to the Tigers, leaving his wife to balance things by cheering for the Gamecocks. A truly bifurcated family!

More tomorrow.

2011-04-15 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

Hi Steve - I'm certainly in. Thanks for agreeing to do this again!


2011-04-15 10:29 AM
in reply to: #3447858

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

That's what I hear Steve.  I'm not doing the IM distance which they call the Ultra Distance.  I'm doing what they call the Long Course Distance (between Olympic and HIM distances).  However, the goal for next year is the Great FLoridian IM distance so this should give me some experience on the course.


stevebradley - 2011-04-14 11:17 PM JEFF - Great Floridian, eh? I would like a nickle for every triathlete who went down to it thinking they would get Florida-flat, and found that Florida not only has some hills, but that they are meanrottenbadnastyandWICKED hills. Seriously, that event has exacted a larger toll on the Blithely Unexpecting than any other I am aware of. My brother-in-law has one at Clemson and one at U.S.C. It can get unpretty at times. I think he is partial to the Tigers, leaving his wife to balance things by cheering for the Gamecocks. A truly bifurcated family! More tomorrow.

2011-04-15 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3435045

winnipeg, MB
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

Hi Steve and everyone else

I would like to join this group

NAME: Sandra

STORY: I swim and joined a bike touring group two years ago.  Now at 51, I'm learning to run and not too sure I will be able to make it. I never considered myself a couch potato, but I never been an athlete either. Probably an average active person. This triathlon thing is a complete new world for me. I came across BT one month ago and it’s impressive the amount of information that I’m finding here every day. I had a very bad Achilles tendon injury last year while playing squash and on top of that, on December 31st playing with a huge dog I injured the two crossed ligaments of my knee. That is kind of under control, my biggest worry is the Achilles tendon who seems to be chronic by now.

FAMILY: We moved to Winnipeg from Argentina 8 years ago. I came with my husband and 2 sons, Fabian 23 and Manuel 19. None of them is involved with any physical activity.

CURRENT TRAINING: Started 2 weeks ago following a plan. Also do some strength (mostly for the knee injury) and between 2 or 3 times a week I just go to the Y and attend any cardio/step/circuit training that they have at that time. The biking is mostly with the club. On Mondays around 50k and Wednesdays 30k.  I do have to change my approach to swimming. I always swam very slow thinking more of swimming as a relaxing activity rather than from a training point of view.

RACES: If the Achilles tendon injury does not bother me, I would like to try a 5k also a Sprint Triathlon on June 12th (birds Hill Park) and maybe another one on June 26th  (St Malo)

WEIGHTLOSS: That has been a problem for the last 20 years. I have no problem being active but controlling how much I eat is just a huge problem. I’m down to 186 from 205 which is good. I’ve been consistently dieting since July 2010 and went down to 179, but lost control when I injured the knee and had to stop most activities for 6 weeks (I also stopped counting calories). I know my problem is anxiety. I’m working on that.

2011-04-15 3:20 PM
in reply to: #3448332

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


You're welcome, and I'm very pleased that you hung around through the week-long drama of when this would go "live". Whew!!

2011-04-15 3:25 PM
in reply to: #3448674

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


Welcome! Yours is an interesting story, and having gone through a bout of Achilles myself a couple of years ago, I am immediately sensitive to your situation. I will go back into my logs and see what I said about the therapies for mine, and see if whatever it was might help you, too. Right offhand I seem to remember a fair bit of rest (that is, time off), but aside from the odd flare-up that doesn't sidelined me, I haven't had a recurrence (he writes, as he knocks on wooden chair).

I'm off to a run now, but I'll return later this evening with more of this and that.

Again, welcome --- and very glad to have you aboard!

2011-04-15 8:02 PM
in reply to: #3448514

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


That should be perfect prep for the ordeal which is the full "ultra" Floridian. I suppose ANY time spent of that bike course pre-race would be time really well spent.

There are courses where it's good to know where turns and all are.....and then there are courses like G.F. where one is rewarded by knowing from experience how to tackle those hills. My ex-coach, who twice earned a trip to Kona, did the full there in '09 and was pretty near annihilated. I guess it was both hot and very windy, and even though he was far from Kona-shape, he never expected to get clobbered like he did. Mercy!!

2011-04-15 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3448674

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

SANDRA again (although a bunch of hours later) -

Thinking more about the Achilles, (a) I can't find my '09 log right now, which sjould have my observations and ruminations on my own Achilles injury, and (b) was your injury a traumatic one, such as a full tear? I'm wondering that, seeing as how it happened during squash. I guess it could've been an overuse injury, but usually something happening during squash is more along the lines of very suddena nd very painful; might that be how it was for you?

With the Achilles in mind, you are very wise to be setting your sights on shorter distances -- no need to push it beyond its limits too soon! So in that regard, a 5km run in prep for a June sprint is a good approach. How is running going, generally? I see you are getting a good deal of cardio at the gym, but is any of it running?

Your cycling is in great shape -- especially for thoughts of a sprint. You are WAY over-distance on your bike training for a sprint tri, so that's a great place to be!

As for the swim, don't worry now about swimming slowly. Many experts will go to their graves feeling fervently that all beginning swimmers should spend many MONTHS swimming slowly and mindfully and with proper technique, so you just may be where you want to be. You might want to start adding some very modest speedwork to your swims, just a length here and a length there of increased arm turnover (so, if you are stroking 22 times for 25m, see what happens when you increase your cadence to 24 or 25 strokes per length [and that's counting both hands]).

I shall return (Lynn just got home).

2011-04-15 8:35 PM
in reply to: #3449626

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

SANDRA once more -

That's a very honest and frank explanation you gave for weight concerns --- and it's also very impressive what you've managed to lose whenever things were going well for you (that is, no injuries!). It seems as if you lose weight quite readily when you can keep yourself active; this is a good thing!

I never count calories, but at the times i have gotten heavier than I wanted, I just try to eat wisely (or at least wiser). A lot of this is simply controlling portions, and while most of the time I am pretty good at that, this off-season has been exceptionally good. I normally edge up to 180 by February or March, but this off-season hasn't even seen me at 176. (Maybe I have a tapeworm or two? )

In late '03 I decided to flirt with vegetarianism, and that rapidly morphed into full-blown vegetarianism, which lasted about three years. Thosee were days/weeks/months of cooking frequently and creatively, and when one cooks so often, one has to think mightlily about what they are eating, and why. That was a wonderful exercise for me, and the only reason I gave it up was that the cooking gig just became too overwhelming. that, and the fact that I truly enjoy meat --- not always, but far more than never!

Everey so often I think about going back to that...but then I just balk and settle for eaten more meatlessly than usual. I guess those vegetarian years were ones where I had COMPLETE CONTROL over what I ate, and not only was that empowering, but also a quick path to making health-wise decisions about everything I ate.

ANYHOW, I hope that the path you're on with triathlon and related training regimens helps you to meet your weight goals sooner rather than later!

2011-04-15 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3449644

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

My day today?

90-minute Yoga class (Shanti style, which is a slower form; my body craves this!). 8:15-9:45
70-minute A.R.T. (Active Release Technique) session with my massage person. This was geared to left hip and psoas. 11:30-12:40
40-minute swim, mostly technique work (pretty much all I do in the off-season). 2:10-2:55
51-minute run -- 10.3km. 5:00-5:51

Pretty good, overall!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-04-15 10:02 PM
2011-04-15 9:18 PM
in reply to: #3449611

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

Living and training where I do in Florida I'm familar with the  heat/humidity and wind.  Hills are a different story.  Biggest hill we have in Sarasota is the Ringling Bridge!!

stevebradley - 2011-04-15 9:02 PM JEFF -  I guess it was both hot and very windy

2011-04-15 10:06 PM
in reply to: #3449681

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


Two out of three ain't bad!

Where I am, there's flat and there's windy. I have to drive to get to stuff resembling hills, and as for heat and humidity.....catch as catch can in the summer, is all.

Somehow, despite a lack of hills, I have become a very good cyclist on them when they appear in races. I'm not sure how that happened, but I'll take it anyhow!

However, I have yet to make nice with wind. My training life would be a lot more copacetic if I could get to that point....but something about 6'2" on a 58cm bike makes it a bit more of a challenge!

2011-04-16 7:36 AM
in reply to: #3449740

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

I make nice with the wind all the time (when it's a tailwind)!!

stevebradley - 2011-04-15 11:06 PM JEFF - I have yet to make nice with wind.

2011-04-16 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3449888

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


Agreed! But answer me this --- why in any given series of rides are tailwinds outnumbered by headwinds by about a 1:7 ratio??

2011-04-16 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3449968

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

Ha.. Ha..  You got the ratio right!!

Short swim done today.  Long bike with transtion run on tap for Sunday.

stevebradley - 2011-04-16 10:14 AM JEFF - Agreed! But answer me this --- why in any given series of rides are tailwinds outnumbered by headwinds by about a 1:7 ratio??

2011-04-16 3:30 PM
in reply to: #3450050

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


My day will be a trainer ride this evening while watching the Bruins -- HOPEFULLY -- beat Montreal.

We're back into faux-winter here, with temps a few degrees above freezing and heavy rains that will maybe turn to flurries tomorrow and Monday. I've had but five outside rides thus far, whereas last year it was 11 in March and a bunch more by this point in April. But last year was uncharacteristically mild for March/Apreil, so i guess I have no reall reason to whine if this year is lagging behind.


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