General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Run First then Lift weights vs Lift Weights first then run Rss Feed  
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2011-09-29 12:20 PM

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Subject: Run First then Lift weights vs Lift Weights first then run

I have a question for those of you that are way more expereinced that myself. Because of my schedule I typically will train two activites on same day and also in the AM before work. Here is my typical schedule:

Monday - Swim 5:00 AM for 45 minutes then Lift weights immediately after done at country club

Tuesday - Bike 6:00 AM with a Transition short run immediately after

Wednesday - Run 6:00 AM

Thursday - Swim 5:00 AM for 45 minutes at country club drive home then Bike at 6:00 AM

Friday - Run at 5:30 AM then drive to country club and  Lift Weights

Saturday - Long Bike

Sunday - Long Run


I really want to Swim three times a week, but trying to figure out how to fit in, I have trained without lifting weights, but I fell I benefit greatly from lifting weights so I want to continue with 2 weight train days per week. Any Ideas would be great, I just need do my training all before work, I only compete in Sprint Triathlons also.

2011-09-29 12:34 PM
in reply to: #3705250

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2011-09-29 12:40 PM
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Edited by wgraves7582 2011-09-29 12:42 PM
2011-09-29 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3705250

San Antone, Texas
Subject: RE: Run First then Lift weights vs Lift Weights first then run
If you want to improve your running, run first then lift.  If you want to improve your lifting, lift first then run.
2011-09-29 12:56 PM
in reply to: #3705250

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Run First then Lift weights vs Lift Weights first then run
Wll, since you  did say "Any ideas would be great", how about eliminating the weight workouts and substituting in S/B/R workouts instead? Just to try it and see how it goes. I know you feel like weight training benefits you greatly, but maybe it doesn't in terms of triathlon performance. There is a well--established train of thought along those lines. It looks like you're very consistent, so it would be interesting to see your results from eliminating the weights for a while and increase your s/b/r instead.
2011-09-29 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3705250

Subject: RE: Run First then Lift weights vs Lift Weights first then run

I usually lift 3x/week atfer my swim/bike/run workout. However I will never lift with the same area as the workout. So if I swim I will do leg weights and bike/run I will do upper body. This may not be too important when in base training mode but as you ramp up the intensity it is just oo much for my body to handle and not enough recovery time if I do the same muscle groups.

As far your timing why can you not workout at night? I travel a good bit and am relegated to doing situps, pushups, dips, and have a strech band that I use since I do not often get to a weight room. You don't have to have weights to get a good workout IMO

2011-09-29 1:56 PM
in reply to: #3705250

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Run First then Lift weights vs Lift Weights first then run

I seem to recall an article saying that if you lifted after running you had higher risk of injury, and that it was best done before. It provided some good sounding reasons so I'll try to look it up.

I've done both, before and after, and honestly can't tell a difference, (most, if not all, of the strength workouts I do are upper body focused and I am not swimming or biking right now)

2011-09-29 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3705313

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2011-09-29 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3705250

Bountiful UTAH
Subject: RE: Run First then Lift weights vs Lift Weights first then run
I lift first then run. To me it's about giving my body the simulation of riding my bike then running. my leg muscles are warm and slightly worked. I have actually had better 5k times that way. It seems if I run cold the first mil or so is slow.
2011-09-29 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3705250

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Run First then Lift weights vs Lift Weights first then run

I have read that if you are wanting to burn fat to lift before you run. I dont know how that would translate to becoming a faster swimmer, runner or biker though.


2011-09-29 3:22 PM
in reply to: #3705327

Subject: RE: Run First then Lift weights vs Lift Weights first then run
I really like this Idea, I may give this a try

2011-09-29 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3705327

Subject: RE: Run First then Lift weights vs Lift Weights first then run
What does your week look like? do you train 3x each S/B/R or 2X? 
2011-09-30 7:48 AM
in reply to: #3705250

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Run First then Lift weights vs Lift Weights first then run

My week has been running concentrated lately. Starting next week my split is like this:

Mon: AM(upper body circuit, swim), PM(bike)

Tues: abs, run

Wed: AM(shoulder/arm circuit, swim), PM(bike)

Thurs: abs, run

Fri: AM(legs/back, swim), PM(bike)

Sat: abs, run

Sun: rest


Since I get off early on fridays I will be doing a longer ride then. I ride during lunch breaks so that my training interferes as little as possible with my family life. Hope that helps!

2011-09-30 7:59 AM
in reply to: #3705250

Subject: RE: Run First then Lift weights vs Lift Weights first then run

I lift before I do anything. I run 6 days aweek and lift 3 to 4 days a week. It depends on if I combine my leg day with shoulders if I do 3 or 4. I am in my final four weeks of marathon training training right now which is why I am mostly just running but I do get at least two bike rides and one swim in a week as well.


I have been told to lift last but I feel better doing it before I head out. I do medium weight and 2 sets of 15 reps each. Chest and tri's one day, back and bi's another, legs another, and shoulders on one more unless I combine the last two. I always do 200 crunches with 80lb's resistance each lifting day too.

2011-09-30 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3705250

Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: Run First then Lift weights vs Lift Weights first then run

Convententional bodybuilding wisdom would tell you to ALWAYS lift before any aerobic exercise. 

1. First and foremost, it is safer to lift with the maximum amount of strength and energy. (You know your limits and you will not drop a bar on yourself).

2. Glycogen stores deplete themselves while you are lifting very quickly. Doing aerobic exercise prior to lifting makes these glycogen stores deplete much more quickly.

3. Aerobic exercise after lifting (after glycogen stores are depleted) generally burns more fat rather than carbohydrates.

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