Subject: RE: 1st timmer challenge tntexpres - 2006-09-13 9:12 PM
I will accept your challenge but need some more info from you - I have been training for about 7 weeks now with a race date of 10-29 - a sprint .25/10m/3m - what kind of times our you currently doing? I did my first brick tonight and was not as pleased as I wanted to be - 40 min bike/10 mile ride & 27 min run/3 mile run - looking at last years race results this would put me about DFL when I factor in my current swim times of about 13/14 min. This would give me an overall time of about 80 min.
Whatcha got?
When is your race?
msampsell - you are about a month ahead of me, training and race date but I'd love to see how your race goes for you also. Hope you set the bar HIGH!!!hehehe
Good luck to both of you - I'll keep you posted.
My sprint is 800m/18mi/4mi. Race day is 9/24 (10 days away ). On race day I will have only had 4 weeks to train for it. Since my training time has been so short I have been focusing mainly on finishing the race (improving endurance ). The only thing I have timed are swims. My estimates are swim: 19 min bike: 60 mi run: 40 min. So that takes me right under 2 hours.
That is my goal. My other goal is to turn in a faster time than both of my sisters who are running the race. (They have both run marathons and triathlons before, I have not ).
I know there are transition times to be added to that but I'm hoping that I can make up for them somewhere... I'm thinking on the bike.
I'll get my RR up asap. Good luck everyone...