The Hollywood casting couch is no secret and has been part of the Hollywood business model since silent movies. Why the big hoopla now over this Weinstein guy? Using the tired and true 'follow the money' concept of getting to the bottom of things raises the question. Who did this guy pizs off?
From what I gather, he was able to quash a lot of his actions in the past, but now that he hasn't had any hit movies in a while, the long knives have come out. Yeah, he prolly pizzed of someone, but who cares, so long Harve....
Mrs. W isn't sticking around for sh**storm. Smart lady. Looks likes she's getting to the front of the lawsuit line via divorce court. Hope her prenup gets her a slice of this dude's fortune before the lawsuits bleed him dry.
Seems like all of the liberal loudmouths and politicians have finally decided it was safe to denounce Harv and his sexual exploits. Took them a whole week before they finally did such. Lots of careers put between a rock and a hard place. Using their own logic in most of their arguments against Trump, it would seem that taking a week to condemn ole Harvey, that they might actually condone such behavior?
Oh come on, we all live a bit in denial. When Gretchen Carlson came out against Roger Ailes it wasn't like the who right hand side of the political spectrum came down on him all at once. It took a while, some people take longer to come out of denial, need more evidence. Like I said, hypocrisy has no political party. But, eventually, most of us do the right thing.
Bye Harv, bet your wife takes you to the cleaners. My bet is she'll do just fine.
I'm pretty much a news hound and follow the headlines during the day and watch mostly news shows at nigh....I had never heard of this guy! Evidently everybody who is anyone in Hollywood knows him, everyone in the MSM knows him and he brushes elbows with the likes of HRC and BHO.
Maybe I'm just 'out of touch'....maybe I don't think as highly of Hollywood as they think of themselves.
This guy is a producer, no reason that you would know him if you're not in the biz. I'm sure there are people in your profession that are well known within your profession that no one knows. This is why I laugh when people say "famous scientist" . Jeez, Einstein is famous, but name a famous molecular biologist.
Anyway, bet you see this logo at a movie in the last decade
Just going by looks alone, it appears ole Harvey was batting way higher in the lineup then his average should have allowed.......and he still had to be a dumbarse. LMAO
I don't worry to much about any "hypocrisy" issues......there will always be plenty of stupid people to go around.
Just going by looks alone, it appears ole Harvey was batting way higher in the lineup then his average should have allowed.......and he still had to be a dumbarse. LMAO
I don't worry to much about any "hypocrisy" issues......there will always be plenty of stupid people to go around.
Just going by looks alone, it appears ole Harvey was batting way higher in the lineup then his average should have allowed.......and he still had to be a dumbarse. LMAO
I don't worry to much about any "hypocrisy" issues......there will always be plenty of stupid people to go around.
Speaking of batting up...
Hell, the truth is......if we're a man married to a woman.....we all are.