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2009-04-13 8:11 AM

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Thank you for the interest, but we are now full.

NAME: jerryrika / Jerry

STORY: Hello everybody, my name is Jerry and I got the Triathlon bug in 2005 in Okinawa, Japan where I still live today. I completed my first sprint then and was instantly hooked. Since then I have completed Izena 88 three times, Ishigaki Olympic distance triathlon twice, Naha Marathon 3 times, and a lot of other sprint and oly triathlons through out the years since I started.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 4 children. Wife (Rika), first daughter (Kiana, 8), first son (Austin, 5), second daughter (Kalea, 3), and second son (Andy, 4 months).

CURRENT TRAINING: The last race that I completed was Ishigaki Triathlon in April of 2008. I really haven't don't much training for the past 2 got in the way, and my weight has skyrocketed. But I am back...and things are going good. Just taking it easy to start off, but will continuously up my distance and time spent exercising.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: This year is going to be great! I will do Izena 88 again in October, then in November I will do the Tour de Okinawa (around the island - 2 day), and finally...if I recover in time...I will do Naha Marathon in December. My training from now through the end of the year will be to prepare me to complete all of these races.

2010 RACES: 2010 will be another big year for racing. Probably start with Ishigaki triathlon, then any local base triathlon's and open water swim events. Then I will focus on Izena 88, Tour de Okinawa (50k), and Naha Marathon.

WEIGHTLOSS: Weight has recently been a problem for me. Before I got married I was surfing a lot so I was fairly skinny, but that all changed when I said "I do". I put on about 20-30 lbs. When I started doing triathlons, my weight fluctuated between 89 - 87kg. In 2007 I got a new job that took me away from Okinawa and my family and my weight jumped up to 95kg. I came back to Okinawa after almost 1 year and my highest weight was 100kg (220 lbs). That is when I took a hard look at myself and said things have to change. I looked at my diet...what I had been eating and drinking (Hello my name is Jerry and I'm a Dr. Pepper holic). I also looked at how little exercise I was getting and started making changes. So far it is working and I have been losing about 1kg per week and am now at 93kg. I still have a long way to go to reach my goal.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I will be a good mentor because I log into BT almost everyday to log my daily exercise and can encourage future mentee's on their training and diet...maybe even make some suggestions. I will continue to post what I am doing and how it is going for me in hopes that it will help others.

Edited by jerryrika 2009-04-28 9:17 AM

2009-04-21 10:14 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Here or there
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Hi Jerry!

I'd like to join your group.  I'm 41 and never ran more than 2 miles until about 3 years ago (I also swore I would never ride anything that wasn't gas powered!), I started running and got into it for awhile and started thinking about a tri.  I fell off the wagon and my weight ballooned to 246 as of January 2008.  When I saw the doctor in April of 2008, she said your cholestrol is too high and you have two options, medication or drop some weight and exercise.  I started back in to running again and continued to work hard through the winter.  I signed up for my first triathlon, an Oly on April 18th.  I finished it, but I was disappointed with my times.  My weight is currently fluctuating between 209-215.  I promised myself that once I got through my first tri, I would focus on losing more weight, so that's where I am now, but I'm also dying to improve my performance.  I'm scheduled for a sprint on May 9, so I'm trying to focus on eating right and using a training schedule to lose weight but improve my times.  I've also signed up to do the exact same Oly in October, so I'd like to use the coming months to drop my weight down to 180 or so and see how much I can improve from the first Oly to the one in October.  I've been keeping up my log for actual pretty well for the last two months and I'm committed to updating the nutrition now too.  Any help you can lend would be great!  Thanks!

Jeff - (Brock's Dad

2009-04-22 2:31 AM
in reply to: #2080346

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Welcome and thank you for joining!

I think you are off to a good start and hope you keep it up. I saw your times posted for your Oly the other day, and honestly think you did a great job. How were you feeling on race day? According to your logs you had some pretty heavy training right up to the race. One thing that a lot of people in this community does is "taper" before a race. Something that might help in the future is in a week or two before your race, cut your training time and distance down significantly, but maintan the intensity.

Also, don't forget to include recovery weeks, where you slow things down for a bit...give your body time to heal up. Then you will start getting the results you are looking for.

Once again, welcome to the group, and keep up the good work.

2009-04-22 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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New user

Omaha, NE, USA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Hey Jerry. I would also like to join your group. I'm 44 years old married with two kids and another one on the way. I weigh in at 200 pounds and this will be my first attempt at a triathlon. I am signed up for an oly tri at the end of May. So I have about six short weeks to get ready. I am so noob. I don't even know what to where for the swim. Or bike or run for that matter. And I am picking up my tri-bike this Friday.

I would also like to shed some pounds. But to tell the truth I'm not sure if I need to or not. I'm 6 foot and my BMI would say I am over weight but my percent body fat is around 11 or 12 percent.

I am not expecting much from this first triathlon. I would just like to finish it alive.

 Oh. And Hello my name is William and I'm a Diet Coke holic.
2009-04-22 7:08 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Welcome to the group. Congrats on the upcoming baby...we(my wife) just delivered our last one in November...I love being a dad!

Wow, an Oly in 6 is your endurance? Have you been doing any training to start getting ready for it, or are you just starting? It is definately do-able, and it is good that your goal is to only finish can work on improving times after you get your feet wet on this first tri. Look into getting either a one piece tri-suit, or two-piece...if you don't like the top, you can always just race in the shorts for the swim, and throw on a t-shirt for the bike and run. Since you are getting a new bike, are you going to get clipless pedals...if so, then you are going to need shoes also. Also practice in them...try to get that initial fall out of the way before the race For the run, make sure your shoes are comfortable and don't hurt your feet.

According to everything that I have read, a body fat percentage of 11 or 12 pecent is still healthy. It all depends on how you perceive yourself. Maybe you just want to firm things up...a little bit of strength training will help with that. No need to go heavy unless you want to bulk up.

When you get your tri bike, post a pic for the group.

Go ahead and start logging your training. That way we can see how you are doing.

Again...welcome to the group!

2009-04-22 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2101808

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Here or there
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

jerryrika - 2009-04-22 3:31 AM Jeff, Welcome and thank you for joining! I think you are off to a good start and hope you keep it up. I saw your times posted for your Oly the other day, and honestly think you did a great job. How were you feeling on race day? According to your logs you had some pretty heavy training right up to the race. One thing that a lot of people in this community does is "taper" before a race. Something that might help in the future is in a week or two before your race, cut your training time and distance down significantly, but maintan the intensity. Also, don't forget to include recovery weeks, where you slow things down for a bit...give your body time to heal up. Then you will start getting the results you are looking for. Once again, welcome to the group, and keep up the good work. Jerry

I felt really good in the swim and the bike.  At about mile 19 on the bike, my legs wanted to give up.  I pushed on and by the time I got to the run, there wasn't 6 good miles in me.  I probably walked about a half mile of the 6 miles, the rest was progress forward.  Immediately after my legs really hurt.  I ate a banana and some oranges, drank a lot, and within about 15 or 20 minutes felt fine.  My soreness level was a little better than average.  I thought I did pretty good cutting back in the week leading up to the race, but I get antsy when I'm not exercising because I'm scared to death I'll slip backwards; however, when I do back off for a recovery day, I always feel great on the next workout.  Today, I got in almost 19 miles on the bike.  The first 10 I pushed really hard and averaged better than 18mph for most of it.  After that, I was getting a little lost in where I was and wasn't putting out the same effort, so I finished at around better than 17.  I should tell you that I picked my bike up at a garage sale.  It's an old 12 speed aluminum frame race bike.  The rims are old style spoke and I have to tune them after every ride.  A friend of mine just gave me a pair of clip in shoes, so I'm going to replace my pedals with the clip ins and see if that gives me any improvement in time.  In addition, the same friend has offered me his race bike for my next tri.  I am blown away by the guys averaging 21 mph, so I'm trying to figure out what else I can do.  It seemed like my cadence was equal with some of these guys that were passing me, but I had my bike in my highest gear, so I was trying to figure out what the differences are in the equipment.  Any suggestions on where to get good info on the best setup (crank length, seat height, shoes, etc) for improved cycling performance?  Also, how do you feel about interval training for the run any suggestions on whether and how to proceed with interval workouts for running?

Hope things are great in Japan and I didn't mention it, but I also have 2 kids, 12 (boy) 9 (girl) and I've been married for 21 years.  Being a Dad is GREAT... no it sucks... Yeah It's GREAT... no umm whose idea was this?... I love my kids!  As a friend once told me before I had kids... he had no idea that anything in live could bring you so much joy one minute and a minute later bring you so much prophetic he was...

Edited by brockadoo 2009-04-22 9:46 PM

2009-04-23 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2103833

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New user

Omaha, NE, USA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Hey Jerry.

I think my endurance is pretty good. I run a 10k about 5 time a week so total miles a week around 30. I do the occasional 1/2 marathon and I am doing on on the 3rd of May.

I don't bike or swim much. I do a 42 mile bike ride every year on my mountain bike and can keep up with the roadies pretty good. Other than that just off road riding during the summer. I consider myself a good swimmer and have be swimming laps 25 laps (50 lengths) about three time a week (just started that.. I need to find out how long the pool is   Okay, just called the health club I guess my 25 laps = 1250 Yards = 1143 Meters).

When I pick up my bike tomorrow the are going to adjust it to fit me and sell me some peddles (clipless) and shoes. So I should be good to go there.

I guess I am most concerned about the 1500 meter swim and what that is going to do to me.

I will post a pic of my new bike this weekend. Also started logging my training

Anyway talk with you guys later.
2009-04-23 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Marlboro, NJ
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Hi Jerry,


I would also like to join your group as reading the threads it sounds like right up my alley. I am 40yrs old and training for my first sprint at the end of July. I have been actively working out for over a year now and last fall after turning 40 signed up for the tri as figured why not?! I am married with two kids (9 – girl and 6 - boy) and they all thought this was the craziest thing and initially my goal was to just finish with a smile on my face, still is but now I am very hooked on the workouts and setting a little more higher goals for myself. I have been logging into BT for about a month now and believe I am in pretty decent shape that I should make the sprint no issue. Though as a newbie looking for guidance, assistance and sounding board from someone who has done this as would like to do it in under 75mins if possible.


I primarily workout at the gym in the morning before work and swim at night and with the weather here in the northeast now turning nice, can bike and run outside a little more. I have been doing lots of reading on this website and bought Friel’s book Your First Tri which has only given me more knowledgeable but also more questions.


Reading the threads btw you, William and Jeff (and seeing your profile) has led me to hope that you guys will allow me entrance to the group. I go on BT every day and log my workouts and read various threads and articles to try and educate myself.


And I agree with Jeff, being a dad is great and the best thing in my life! Just don’t tell my wife that…..

2009-04-23 5:19 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Marlboro, NJ
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Jerry, et al

Realized I forgot to add my name, it is Brian. Can you tell I am new at this???

Edited by bk broiler 2009-04-23 9:18 PM
2009-04-24 7:52 AM
in reply to: #2104254

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Ok, if by mile 19 of the race your legs were toast, that could mean that you were going too hard, and that is what probably made you not run as good as you would have liked. In the future, lets see if we can get you to not burn out your legs before the run

One thing that will help, if you haven't done any already, are bricks. Go for a 10 - 20 mile bike ride, and then immediately after go for a 20 minute run to start, longer when you feel ready. During these bricks you can work on your transition technique, and also get your legs used to going from biking to running. It usually takes me a kilometer or two for my legs to get used to running after a bike ride.

Do you have a bike computer to monitor speed and cadence? It is a good investment and will help with your training. If you can monitor your cadence you can vary your training rides. Slower cadence 50 - 60 in a high(tough) gear, to build up strength in your legs...make you stronger for pushing up those hills. Faster cadence, 80 - 90 in an easier gear to build endurance. A higher cadence will also save some strength in your legs for the run.

If you are happy with your bike, then I don't see anything wrong with it. I have been passed by old men on bikes 20 years older than mine. It isn't the bike that wins the race...only the engine on the bike A newer bike will give you more gears to choose from, to make going up hills easier, but on your 12 speed you have a chance to be an even stronger biker.

With clipless shoes and pedals you can push and pull on your pedal stroke. Takes some getting used to, and you will eventually forget to unclip at least once, but don't worry, it happens to everybody at some point...sometimes more than once before you learn to make sure you unclip.

I think with your bike, you may be limited on what you can do as far as modifications. By the time you spend the money to get it faster, you may realize you would have spent less buying an entry level bike that will come with the parts you are looking at, and will be lighter and have more gears. Take your bike to a LBS and look into getting properly fit for it. If they provide the service, they will adjust your bike to ensure the smoothest ride possible. Also, if you have a good LBS, they may be able to provide better suggestions on what you can do to improve your bike.

I just started including interval workouts in my runs. This last time I went I used the treadmill and warmed up at 5mph for 10 minutes, then bumped it up to 5.5 for 3min and 6.5 for 2 min...4 sets till 30 minutes. After that I had to slow down...dropped down to 4.5 for 10 minutes, then kept the pace at 5.0 - 5.5 for the rest of my run. I'll do some more research to find some good interval training...maybe some of the other guys have some ideas.
2009-04-24 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2105259

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Sounds like you are off to a great start. I don't think you will have any problems with the run. Try to get your swim up to to where you can swim 33 laps non-stop, and once you get your bike you can start working on doing low cadence - high gear work for strength, and high cadence work to improve endurance.

I'm not sure how you do your swimming, but maybe try to break your 3 workouts into three types...

One day do a speed workout where you warmup for a couple hundred meters, then go into 8 - 10 sets of 100's of 25-Easy, 25-Moderate, 25-Easy, 25-Hard...short rest after each hundred (long enough to try and keep your times the same). Be sure to cool down when you are finished.

Next workout swim 200's or 300's...4 or 5 sets at race pace. Ensure a good rest between sets so you can maintain the same pace throughout. Don't forget the warmup and cooldown.

Last practice your distance swims. Do two or three sets of 500's...even pace throughout and push it at the end...warmup and cooldown also.

Every once and a while add in a time trial where you swim 1000 or more non-stop.


2009-04-24 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2080346

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

I'd like to join your group if you still have room.  Here's some info on me:

Age: 39
Family: Married, 1st child due in August, plus 2 dogs & a cat.
How I got into Triathlon: wife got me running 2 years ago just so we could get in shape and maybe lose a couple of pounds.  After years of drinking/smoking/being a general idiot I really took to the running, and ended up doing 2 1/2 marathons that year.  Finished my first full last fall (Chicago), and am now getting ready for my first tri (Trizou a week from Sunday).  I'm not going in as ready as I would like, a back injury cost me 16 days of training, and I'm just now fully healed where I can train as much as I need to.  Next race is July 19 and I'll be much more ready for that one.  Also plan to do a couple 1/2 marathons this fall.

2009-04-24 9:16 AM
in reply to: #2106127

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Welcome to the group.

What is the distance of the s/b/r on your upcoming tri? Maybe 500m swim, 10k - 20k bike, and a 5k run? If so I think your goals you listed in your log are attainable with the amount of training that you have been doing. If there is anything specific I can help you with, let me know and I'll try my best.

Be sure to practice with some bike/run bricks. Helps with transition and getting legs used to running after biking. Keep up the good work.

2009-04-24 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2107614

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Glad to have you in the group.

Sounds like you have a full plate for the rest of this year. Since you are coming into your first tri off of a back injury, what are your goals? Also, what is the distance of Trizou's s/b/r? Your logs show me you are on the right track. Keep it up, but don't push too hard...don't want you to re-injure that back

2009-04-24 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2080346

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
It's a 400m swim (in a pool), 14 mile bike (couple of hills I think) and 5k run.  Not sure what to expect, so my goals are sort of 'loose'.  I think 8 min for the swim would be okay, never been in a 50m pool, so not sure if that will help or hurt.  If the hills aren't too bad than 19mph on the bike should be doable, and the run, well, who knows?  I'd like to think 8:15/mile, but my fitness just isn't where it needs to be right now, and with this being my first tri I'm not sure how I'll feel.  I'll be happy with anything under 9min/mile on the run, but hope to do better.  Once I get through this first race I'm going to do have a more structured approach to my 2nd tri, with about 10 weeks of training to get where I want to be.
2009-04-24 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2107624

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Marlboro, NJ
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Distance is exactly what you thought 500m/17k/3.1k. The swim is in open water (a very calm lake), not a pool. The open water swim does concern me slightly from everything I have read. Since it is in July, no wetsuit required so happy about that. The bike and run course for the most part are flat with very little hills. With my training on the bike and run I have been using inclines/hills/etc as figured that would build strength. When I first signed up I thought these would be difficult targets but now that I am training and have a plan, beleive I could probably shoot for an Oly but would rather set good personal time goals for the sprint and then go from there.

I have practiced in the gym with Swim/Bike, Bike/Run bricks to get my body and legs accustomed to the change. Will definitely build them into the training.

Can you please explaing a little more about the cadence on biking. I have a 27speed road performance bike (no tri handlbars or pedal clips but toe holders). I have never really thought much about cadence, speed, and what that all means to training. I have a computer for my bike but it does not track RPM, only speed. I noted in Jeff's thread you touched on this. With the weather getting nice here, I will be trying to bike a little more outdoors then in the gym (where I can monitor rpm) and just want to make sure I go about training the best way.

Jeff - I have been doing interval training on the treadmill and have found it very good at building endurance as would do it 2-3 days a week. Grant it I am not at your speed yet but am going to continue using it over the coming weeks to build my endurance and pace up. Not sure what the other guys think.


2009-04-24 11:19 AM
in reply to: #2080346


Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Hi Jerry! Are you still open and are women allowed in here?  I'm a jenny-come-lately to the mentor thing but I thought it might keep me on track. Let me know if you are still open and I'll post my specifics. Thanks!

peace and heath,
2009-04-24 11:00 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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New user

Omaha, NE, USA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Hey guys.

Uploaded a pic of my new bike. But I can't seem to get it pasted here in the post. Anyway it is in my photo album if you click at the album link at the bottom of the post.

I'm not going to get to ride any this weekend as I'm leaving for Kansas City in the moring for a little get away with the family. I am bring my running shoes though.

Thanks for the swim workout tips Jerry. I am going to start on that next time I get in the pool.

Have a nice weekend!!


Edited by wjt2003 2009-04-24 11:01 PM
2009-04-25 6:14 AM
in reply to: #2109350

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Marlboro, NJ
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Nice pic, like the white! Use it well. I have a Trek Road bike and got it fitted/set-up at a bike store which really made a difference. Sure the bike is "disappointed" that you can not break it in this weekend. At least get out and do a run while away.


Edited by bk broiler 2009-04-25 6:16 AM
2009-04-25 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2107981

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

This isn't a mens only sport, so you are definitely welcome to join this group.


Edited by jerryrika 2009-04-25 8:52 AM
2009-04-25 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2109350

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

That sure is a nice bike you got.

Have a safe trip with your family, and good luck on the run.


2009-04-25 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2107770

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Looking at your last swim, your 400m times are 8:11 and 8:47. 8 minutes is are almost there. Transitioning from a 25m to 50m pool does take some getting used to. I don't do flip turns, so it is kind of nice to get that extra breath at the 25m mark before heading back to the other wall...don't have that luxury in a 50m pool.

Make sure that you don't go too hard on the bike. You will need to save some of that leg power for the run so you can hit your goal time.

Keep those loose goals, and have a great time.

2009-04-25 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2107933

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

Sounds like a good tri. I wouldn't be too concerned about the swim. Your times are looking good and I think you will make your goal. When you are in the water, just relax and [dory voice] just keep swimming [/dory voice].

Oly's are a lot of fun also. Ha are hooked before your first tri When you start getting ready for that Olympic distance, you will want to start looking at a nutrition plan. With a sprint, you are done before your body knows what hit it and while it will be important to stay hydrated during the event, it isn't necessary to have it perfect. That all changes with an Oly tri. You will have to find what works for you in training and stick with that during your race.

I like swim/bike bricks because that is one of the most time consuming transitions for me. I don't like bike/run bricks because they suck...but they are necessary.

It is easiest to measure cadence with a bike computer that has that feature. Cateye has a nice one (Cateye CD300DW), and there are a lot of others out there. But cadence can still be measured without a special computer. Just look at your bike computer, note the time and start counting the number of times your left foot reaches the bottom of its stroke for 15 seconds. Multiply that number by 4 in your head and that will give you your average cadence. Do it every once in a while when the terrain isn't changing very much, and do it on hills to see what you are averaging. Check out this link on cadence training...very interesting...

2009-04-26 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2109595

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Marlboro, NJ
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Woke up with thoughts of doing a nice 75min bike ride and putting your advice to work about testing cadence but had a joy (best laid plans of mice and men or Need to hit the bike store later and get repaired, buy a spare tube, tire levers and also learn how to change...this is fun!

So ended up going for my first run on the road instead (my gym is cleaning the pool this week so that threw off my training schedule - like the dory reference!). Did 3.5miles in just under 31 mins so was very happy with that (speculating that the interval training on the treadmill might be working for me). First 1.75miles my HR avg was 144 (my max is approx 180-185) and the next 1.75 my HR avg was 157 but also did it 1min faster. Also realized I need to buy something to hold drinks when I run so also back to the run store....

Hope everyone has/had a good weekend!



Edited by bk broiler 2009-04-26 8:56 AM
2009-04-26 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2080346


Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
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