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Moderators: k9car363, the bear, DerekL, alicefoeller Reply
2003-08-12 7:18 PM


Subject: Mom's weight loss plan (rant)
So my Mom decided last weekend that she would like to lose a few pounds, since her and some friends are going to be going on a vacation. Which is very admirabal, and not to be mean but she could NEEDS to lose a few pounds.

So I was just upstairs and she was telling me about how she "cheated" on her diet. And as she is telling me this, she grabs some angel food cake and reasons out "atleast it dosen't have any fat". This is frustrating since I was very proud of my mother for starting to take the steps that I took a few months back. But now that she has seen what I've went through, (with very good results so far), turn a blind eye towards actually fulfilling her goals. It's just plain frustrating I tell you!


110% or you might as well not get out of bed in the morning.

Edited by gustums 2003-08-12 7:20 PM

2003-08-13 9:00 AM
in reply to: #444

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Subject: "at least it dosen't have any fat".
unfortunately the general public is very misinformed...many thanx to the snack-food makers..THANX!!!.  have patience and try to educate your mom.  i have some general dieting/nutrition info at http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/Exposed.htm
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