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2004-03-10 9:50 AM

New user

Denver, CO
Subject: Bike Question
I am looking at purchasing a used bike. However it has a dent in the frame. It is a pretty good bike and way cheap due to the dent. My question is, will a small or medium size dent affect the performance of life of the bike or is more of a cosmetic thing?

2004-03-10 10:24 AM
in reply to: #11633

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St. Catharines, Ontario
Subject: RE: Bike Question
I wouldn't get a new bike if mine was dented but I would be hesitant to buy one that is dented. It depends where the dent is how severe. When it got dented the frame could have been put out of alignment and it would definitely affect performance. It would take a decent mechanic or frame builder to make shure everything is still straight. It depends a lot on the bike as well. If it is a lower end aluminum frame with a dent it is probably not worth anything. A high end steel frame has more fatigue strength and could handle being dented a little better. A steel frame can be straighted a little after being nocked out of alignment while an aluminum frame can't really be bent back into shape. If it is in the top tub from being dropped against something it might not be a big deal. If it was in a nasty crash there could be some problems. The dent can also give a clue to the condition of the rest of the bike. How true are the wheels? Has anything else been bent or banged up? If there is a dent in the frame there is a good chance that the bike has been through some abuse and all the parts could be in rough shape.
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