Canadian Triathlon Forum British Columbia » Half Mara to HIM Rss Feed  
Moderators: alicefoeller Reply
2011-02-08 12:27 AM

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North Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: Half Mara to HIM
Can't believe it is almost the middle of February already.. or that I've verbally committed myself to the OLIVER HIM in early June!!

I'm back up to Half Mara distance and running the "First Half" in Vancouver this weekend.. and do 2000m+ in the pool a few times a week during training..

Any recommendations for cycling?? Routes? Groups? etc?

2011-02-08 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3344304

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Pitt Meadows, BC
Subject: RE: Half Mara to HIM
You in North Van? Check out the North Shore Tri Club if you're looking for a group of triathletes.

If you're looking for routes, the Horseshoe Bay route is always great, then get in some good climbing and go up Cypress (although pretty cold this time of year).

You could also head across Second Narrows bridge and out along Barnet. Depending on what you wanted to do, you can do some hills up SFU, or keep heading out towards Poco/Pitt Meadows/Maple's up to you!!

Or, you could head across Lion's Gate, through Stanley Park, out to UBC, over to Iona by the airport.

Oh the choices!!
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Canadian Triathlon Forum British Columbia » Half Mara to HIM Rss Feed