2012 Giant Trinity Composite 2 - Size small.
OK, I bought this bike a couple of months ago, and used the frame, brakes and derailleurs for one sprint race.
The other parts were swapped out for others that I had and wanted to use. So the stock cranks, saddle, and entire bar/brake lever/shift lever setup is new.
The bike is dead mint, it looks like it never left the shop floor.
The one catch - at $2200 MSRP, it comes with a $179 wheelset
(shimano r501
). I no longer have the stock wheels, got rid of them when I bought the bike.
So this sale does -not- include wheels
(or pedals
), and I think I've priced it accordingly.
Why selling? Because after I did the one ride, I was approached by someone who offered me a deal on my dream bike, a Trek Speed Concept 9, and I couldn't pass it up!
$1650 shipped. Will be boxed by LBS.