Subject: 1 & MEGA done My first real athletic goal I learned in a spin class. These two guys were chatting, while I was huffing and puffing, and they were talking about beating the sunset in an Ironman. I envied them and wanted what they had. sooooo
I became a member here when I was like 36 or so, and in my 40th year I finally got to beat the sunset on my FL Ironman 140.6. After a few attempts I may add. 12:23:47!....................then dun dun dundun..... I ran a few marathons and such, but completely dropped organized training. Heck I even sold my bike the following weekend.
Here I am, just turned 49 and coming up on 50. I have no idea how well I can swim, unless it;' playing water volleyball. I can run, a little , and I have a decent bike again and go for long rides once in a while, and then hobble for a few days!
It's tough to have an Ironman brain, and a weekend warrior body. Plus I have this damn tattoo on my calf, and it's obvious I haven't done 140.6 in a very long time.
So I'm back..... fighting for badass 50! |