General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Hello from Arizon Rss Feed  
Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2017-12-29 8:47 AM

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Mesa, Arizona
Subject: Hello from Arizon
Hello all,

I am Lance from Mesa, Arizona, USA. I have been in triathlon for about three years now. I did my first sprint in December 2015 but I spent a whole year working up to that. I got into the sport for fitness. At the time I weighed about 280 pounds and I wanted to get smaller.

Since then I have run just 1 sprint tri, about 10 olympic tri, six 70.3s, and one Ironman. I've also done one stand alone century ride and one 165 mile bike race. I'm down to about 190 pounds. I still have a bit that I want to lose but it's going. I'm 6'3" so 190 is actually a good weight for me (I know that may sound like a lot for most people).

I look forward to getting involved in the community!

2018-01-01 9:01 AM
in reply to: LanceBrace

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Subject: RE: Hello from Arizon
Welcome to the forum! I'm right there with you. 6'2" 210lbs at the moment. Race weight has been 200lbs. This year it will be 190!
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General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Hello from Arizon Rss Feed  

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