General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 10.29.2019 Tricked up Tuesday Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2019-10-29 1:48 PM

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: 10.29.2019 Tricked up Tuesday
Dragged my butt out of bed in ATL for a jaunt with my old friend Fred Mills.

7 miles staring at the wall...

Book selection for this part of the week is a long story about Tom Brady. Needed a change of pace, this is doing fine as I can recall some of the events occurring.

I want to be Tri Training again. Getting sick of just running. Just under a month till JFK and back in the pool at the end of this week.

if you guys are feeling like me, it's a hell of a week to be us!!!

2019-10-29 10:07 PM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Subject: RE: 10.29.2019 Tricked up Tuesday
4.3 miles covered on the treadmill.

Mostly easy stuff with some 6% hill work thrown in to keep it interesting. Lots of rain scheduled around here this week, going to have me stuck inside for most of my runs.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 10.29.2019 Tricked up Tuesday Rss Feed  

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