Subject: RE: About starting a swim program ok cory. assuming u r relatively versed in a few basic swim strokes, ie the forward crawl foremost, sidestroke, breathstroke etc., pick out the easiest one for u to do. for me it was the breastroke. First of all, i am also assuming that u will not be able to do more than 1 forward crawl lap without leaving u breathless at this point - am i correct? so first, get yourself to the point where u can do your easy stroke for about 20min straight. u can rest between laps until u get up to about 20min straight. When u r at 20 min, start adding a lap of forward crawl in between your easy strokes. do a few of them interspersed between your easy stroke OR whatever u can do while still being able to finish 20min and not feel like u have had a heartattack. then just start adding another lap of the forward crawl every week or two until your doing all forward crawl for 20min. eventually get that up to 30min to be on the safe side. u must do the forward crawl though - it is the fastest stroke once your good at it , it is very difficult to build up endurance BUT all of the sudden u will find it effortless and all the struggle will pay off - u will even like it, its true, its true. also has beginner swim programs. although u have to know the meters that u swim in your pool or ocean, thats why i never did most swim programs and came up with my own - i wasn't about to count meters...and i don't count miles either - just laps and minutes. oh yeah, u mentioned about swimming in the ocean - unless it is really calm like glass, DON'T start your program in the ocean, even seeemingly little waves will take a lot of energy out of u. hope this helps - it may seem a little simple or crude, but it works. keep in touch regarding your training. i'm glad to help on anything. ron