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2018-10-22 8:04 AM

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Subject: Invasion USA
Depending on the report, 5,000 to 7,000 people from Central America are heading north. Media is calling them "migrants"....make them sound like migratory birds as if they move from place to place for seasonal work.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands of Central Americans watching to see if these people make it into the USA. If they are successful, many will follow.

The Mexican tried to stop 5,000 Hondurans at the Mexico border but they forced their way into Mexico. This is bizarre!

"Conspiracy theorists" suggest that Soros is funding this. They question food, water, bathrooms for 7,000 people is expensive so someone must be funding the caravan. The theory goes that they 'caravan' will arrive at the US border to coincide with the US election and we will be flooded with pictures of "the children" and heartbreaking stories of how Trump and the republicans have no heart.

At any rate, it is about 1,200 miles from Mexico City to the US border. Hmmm, doing the math.....say you walk 3 miles/hr x 12 hrs/day = 36 miles a day. Not many people can walk 36 miles a day. 1,200 / 36 = 33 days. So unless they get transportation, they aren't going to make it before the election....unless they get help. Maybe Soros will send them busses.....

2018-10-22 8:52 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA

If this is another hair-brained Democrat idea it will fail just like everything else they've tried......so I'm not too worried about it.

2018-10-22 1:25 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA
"A Spanish language reporter who has spent weeks embedded with the migrant caravan said in a Friday report that people from Bangladesh had joined the mass of people trying to cross from Guatemala into Mexico."

Makes sense to me. If I were a terrorist and wanted to infiltrate into the US undetected, the caravan would seem like a good option.

Trump threatening to deploy the military to the boarder. Sounds good but to what end? If 7,000 people come storming over the border there is no way the military is going to mow them down with M-60 machine guns.

Maybe ICE can deputize 10,000 'minutemen'?

A quick search shows the military has more than 42,000 military police. About half of them are NG and Reserve and work in law enforcement. I think those would be the best troops to deploy to the boarder. The average soldier knows only deadly force and that would just escalate the situation.....ala Kent State.

Here's and idea I just thought of....what if we should build a fence?

2018-10-22 5:35 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA
I can't think of how to say anything on this subject that won't get me banned. Pie… anyone here like pie?
2018-10-23 7:06 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA
Originally posted by mdg2003

I can't think of how to say anything on this subject that won't get me banned. Pie… anyone here like pie?

Shut your pie hole, I am offended at the inference. ;-)

I think there is a hurricane heading across Mexico. So they might be arriving by air.....
2018-10-23 7:09 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA

You can't say pie!!!  For fork sake......have you learned nothing?

2018-10-23 8:31 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA
Sorry... apple turnovers? So bludgeony...
2018-10-25 8:14 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA
My guess is the caravan will peter out. I read where already people are getting on buses to take them back to their home countries. I'm sure this was an impulse move by many and now the reality of walking 1,000+ miles with no guarantee or food, water or shelter is staring to set in. Not to mention, walking all day long, day after day after day will take it's toll....especially if you are not taking in enough calories and fluids.

Could I make the trek? Yes, but only if I had a SAG crew providing food and water/electrolytes. It's just a matter of walking and camping out every night for a few months. When my son and I hiked towards Everest Base Camp we walked from 5 to 7 hours a day for 7 consecutive days. It was tough but still, it's just walking. People hike the length of the AT all the time...but they stop at stores along the way to resupply food and drink.

I'm sure some will actually make it to the border and when they do, we should give them a finisher's medal and bus ticket back to their home country.
2018-10-25 4:43 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Invasion USA

It's about 600 miles from Mexico City to Brownsville, TX and almost 1400 miles from Tegucigalpa to Brownsville.  

It's only 1000 miles for those desperate Hondurans to go from Tegucigalpa to the paradise that is Venezuela and they're conversant in the local language all along the route.  Google can't find a route that way...wonder why?

2018-10-30 9:50 AM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA
If you only had a backpack, how many day's supply of food and water could you carry? Knowing a little about calorie burn and nutrition, and since money is not an issue, I'd pack as many Power Bars and Cliff Bars as I could.

4,000 people x 1/2 gallon of water per day = 2,000 gallons of potable water.

Have not seen any reporting on the logistics of this operation. Who and how are they being fed? How are the distributing 2,000 gallons of water a day.
2018-10-30 12:24 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Invasion USA
Just saw this morning Trump said in an interview he plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil. Is this really want republicans want?

2018-10-30 1:57 PM
in reply to: Synon

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Invasion USA

There's a discussion on Facebook among some of my friends (from high school) about this. The anti-2nd-amendment folks are talking about how opening up the 14th amendment for this kind of change (and it's being characterized by supporters as a clarification on the original intent of the amendment, and not really a change) could backfire as "the axe swings both ways". My comment was that maybe, just maybe, that's the whole point of the executive order -- not to actually make the change, but to remind those who are after the 2nd amendment that indeed, the axe DOES swing both ways, and if you demand the 2nd amendment be dismantled, then it's open season on all of them.

2018-10-30 1:59 PM
in reply to: briderdt

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA

Oh, great.....you just confused 50,000,000 democrats.

2018-10-30 2:55 PM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA
Originally posted by Synon

Just saw this morning Trump said in an interview he plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil. Is this really want republicans want?

I am far, far, far right....I make Rush Limbaugh look like a flaming liberal. And no, this is not what this republican want. You have no control over where you are born and should not be punished for the sins of your parents. I have no idea wth Trump is thinking with this. I think most fair minded people believe if you were born in America you are an American...if you want to be. I say that because it works both ways. If your parents were touring China and your mama went into labor and delivered you in China, would be a Chinese citizen? Oh hail no, you'd be an American. And maybe if your parents are Mexican and you look Mexican you want to be a Mexican citizen.
2018-10-30 2:59 PM
in reply to: briderdt

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA
Originally posted by briderdt

There's a discussion on Facebook among some of my friends (from high school) about this. The anti-2nd-amendment folks are talking about how opening up the 14th amendment for this kind of change (and it's being characterized by supporters as a clarification on the original intent of the amendment, and not really a change) could backfire as "the axe swings both ways". My comment was that maybe, just maybe, that's the whole point of the executive order -- not to actually make the change, but to remind those who are after the 2nd amendment that indeed, the axe DOES swing both ways, and if you demand the 2nd amendment be dismantled, then it's open season on all of them.

That is actually a good theory. Someone should suggest that to Trump so he can backtrack and say, "I was just making a point...."

BTW, no offense, but is your avatar the symbol for a uterus? (just teasing)
2018-10-30 4:07 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA
Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by briderdt

There's a discussion on Facebook among some of my friends (from high school) about this. The anti-2nd-amendment folks are talking about how opening up the 14th amendment for this kind of change (and it's being characterized by supporters as a clarification on the original intent of the amendment, and not really a change) could backfire as "the axe swings both ways". My comment was that maybe, just maybe, that's the whole point of the executive order -- not to actually make the change, but to remind those who are after the 2nd amendment that indeed, the axe DOES swing both ways, and if you demand the 2nd amendment be dismantled, then it's open season on all of them.

That is actually a good theory. Someone should suggest that to Trump so he can backtrack and say, "I was just making a point...."

BTW, no offense, but is your avatar the symbol for a uterus? (just teasing)

I seem to recall he has that as a tattoo.

2018-10-30 5:41 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA
Originally posted by mdg2003

Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by briderdt

There's a discussion on Facebook among some of my friends (from high school) about this. The anti-2nd-amendment folks are talking about how opening up the 14th amendment for this kind of change (and it's being characterized by supporters as a clarification on the original intent of the amendment, and not really a change) could backfire as "the axe swings both ways". My comment was that maybe, just maybe, that's the whole point of the executive order -- not to actually make the change, but to remind those who are after the 2nd amendment that indeed, the axe DOES swing both ways, and if you demand the 2nd amendment be dismantled, then it's open season on all of them.

That is actually a good theory. Someone should suggest that to Trump so he can backtrack and say, "I was just making a point...."

BTW, no offense, but is your avatar the symbol for a uterus? (just teasing)

I seem to recall he has that as a tattoo.

My one and only tat. About the size of a Canadian dime.

811D4F9A-F037-496C-AEA2-AFE00DA51EAF.jpeg (1830KB - 8 downloads)
2018-10-30 7:30 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA
Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by mdg2003

Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by briderdt

There's a discussion on Facebook among some of my friends (from high school) about this. The anti-2nd-amendment folks are talking about how opening up the 14th amendment for this kind of change (and it's being characterized by supporters as a clarification on the original intent of the amendment, and not really a change) could backfire as "the axe swings both ways". My comment was that maybe, just maybe, that's the whole point of the executive order -- not to actually make the change, but to remind those who are after the 2nd amendment that indeed, the axe DOES swing both ways, and if you demand the 2nd amendment be dismantled, then it's open season on all of them.

That is actually a good theory. Someone should suggest that to Trump so he can backtrack and say, "I was just making a point...."

BTW, no offense, but is your avatar the symbol for a uterus? (just teasing)

I seem to recall he has that as a tattoo.

My one and only tat. About the size of a Canadian dime.

Wait…. Canada has their own money? And Barbara Streisand?
2018-10-31 7:01 AM
in reply to: 0

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Invasion USA

Originally posted by mdg2003
Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by briderdt

There's a discussion on Facebook among some of my friends (from high school) about this. The anti-2nd-amendment folks are talking about how opening up the 14th amendment for this kind of change (and it's being characterized by supporters as a clarification on the original intent of the amendment, and not really a change) could backfire as "the axe swings both ways". My comment was that maybe, just maybe, that's the whole point of the executive order -- not to actually make the change, but to remind those who are after the 2nd amendment that indeed, the axe DOES swing both ways, and if you demand the 2nd amendment be dismantled, then it's open season on all of them.

That is actually a good theory. Someone should suggest that to Trump so he can backtrack and say, "I was just making a point...." BTW, no offense, but is your avatar the symbol for a uterus? (just teasing)
I seem to recall he has that as a tattoo.

It's a tattoo on my back, as well as my framebuilding business logo and head tube badge. The symbolism is a traditional Thor's hammer (Mjolnir), inverted to form of a "T" (paying homage to my Norwegian heritage and my family), with a blade triskele in the center, which symbolizes "warrior for the trinity", an homage to my faith.

Edited by briderdt 2018-10-31 7:03 AM
2018-10-31 7:29 AM
in reply to: briderdt

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Subject: RE: Invasion USA
Originally posted by briderdt

Originally posted by mdg2003
Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by briderdt

There's a discussion on Facebook among some of my friends (from high school) about this. The anti-2nd-amendment folks are talking about how opening up the 14th amendment for this kind of change (and it's being characterized by supporters as a clarification on the original intent of the amendment, and not really a change) could backfire as "the axe swings both ways". My comment was that maybe, just maybe, that's the whole point of the executive order -- not to actually make the change, but to remind those who are after the 2nd amendment that indeed, the axe DOES swing both ways, and if you demand the 2nd amendment be dismantled, then it's open season on all of them.

That is actually a good theory. Someone should suggest that to Trump so he can backtrack and say, "I was just making a point...." BTW, no offense, but is your avatar the symbol for a uterus? (just teasing)
I seem to recall he has that as a tattoo.

It's a tattoo on my back, as well as my framebuilding business logo and head tube badge. The symbolism is a traditional Thor's hammer (Mjolnir), inverted to form of a "T" (paying homage to my Norwegian heritage and my family), with a blade triskele in the center, which symbolizes "warrior for the trinity", an homage to my faith.

Very cool.
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