BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-04-06 10:38 AM

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Denver area
Subject: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - CLOSED

NAME: mountain_erin / Erin

STORY: I was a swimmer in high school and thought the only good reason for running was if something was chasing you.  I've been a masters swimmer since 2004.  In 2007, a friend conned me into doing the Disney Half Marathon with her, but only after I signed up did she tell me that I was going to have to run a good chunk of it if I wanted to make the cutoff.  I broke my foot 2 weeks before the race and DNS'd.  While training, I was running and swimming, pretty much 2/3 of a triathlon.  My foot healed and I felt like I had something to prove.  I picked a sprint tri for that fall and began training it.  I was hooked but thought that the idea of doing an Ironman was INSANE.  Insanity is all relative, though, as I became an Ironman in May 2011 (Texas).

FAMILY STATUS: married with no kids.  unless you count the 2 cats and my husband as kids....

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm self-coached this year and workout with a club and by myself.  Currently training for a HIM in June.

2011 RACES: 2011 was a big year for me.  I moved from Houston to Denver and became an Ironman!  Here's the list: IMTX 70.3 (April), IMTX (May), Boulder Peak 5150 (July), Rattlesnake Oly (August), Fall Frenzy Sprint (Sept), Denver RnR Half Marathon (Oct)

2012 RACES:  Colfax Half Marathon (May), Boise 70.3 (June), SheRox Sprint (July), Survivor Mud Run (July), Rocky Mountain Oly (July) [July is BUSY!], Rattlesnake Crazy Back to Back - Oly on Sat and Sprint on Sun (August), Denver RnR Marathon (Sept).

WEIGHTLOSS: My metabolism hates me, so I focus on eating healthy instead of losing weight.  I try to eat Paleo.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I mentor friends in my tri club and have a great time doing it.  I have done all levels of triathlon and am a MOP (at best).  I am not fast but I like to have fun.  I love being a hand-holder and cheerleader and watching people become confident in this sport.

Group members and their race schedule:

Emma (Emmanem)2012 Races: You go girl triathlon (mini sprint) July 8, Greenville Triathlon sometime in August and possibly the Rev 3 Oly in October

Michelle (mim2317) 2012 RACES: Cinco de Mayo 5K (May 6th), Omaha Women's Triathlon-Sprint (June 3rd), Warrior Dash (June 10th), Hy-Vee Triathlon-Olympic (September 2nd), Omaha Half-Marathon (September 23rd)

Laura (LauraMoulden) 2012 Races: First Tri Sept 9th

Natalya (charmedangel4) 2012 Races: Marathon to Marathon 1/2 (June), Swan Lake 1/2 (June), Ann Arbor 1/2 (June), Peregrine Charities Sprint Triathlon (August 17th), Park to Park 1/2 (Sept), Quad Cities Marathon (Sept)

Marty (mrmarty) 2012 Races: First Tri in June

Christine (christineakendall2012 Races: Norway Triathlon (Sprint), REV3 OOB (Oly), Wild West Relay, Pumpkinman HIM, Maine Marathon (?)

Cynthia (movingsouth2012 Races: May Mermaid 5K, considering a du in May

Niki (nikiburk) 2012 Races: Woody's (FIRST! sprint) Triathlon on June 24; GranFondo Banff on Aug 25; Innisfail (sprint) Triathlon on Sept 8.

Katie (TriEvenHarder) 2012 Races: First sprint tri in June!

Lee (chalkboardjunkie) 2012 Races: first tri!

Christy (cbrookhart) 2012 Races: Registered for the Seattle Rock n Roll half and Issaquah sprint tri.  I'd also like to do Lake Stevens 70.3 and Seattle Marathon.

Dawn (dawn5100) 2012 Races: first tri!

Kelly (kellychorn) 2012 Races: NYC Swim Stars and Stripes Aquathlon (June), NYC Swim Liberty Island Swim (June), Cayuga Lake Triathlon (August), Cedar Beach Triathlon (October, hopefully!)

Brittany (nirvie) 2012 Races: Nothing officially set yet, but I think I'm going to aim for either a 5/10k on July 8th, a "Try-a-Tri" on August 4th, working up to a Sprint tri on either Sept 1st or 15th

Jamie (jaagaard) 2012 Races: Coyote Carrera Sprint tri. May--Tempe International Oly  June--Valle Caldera Trail Half Marathon  July--Cochiti Lake Oly, August--Chile Harvest Sprint and Live Love Tri Sprint, and September Elephant Man Oly

Kevin (Cutlass454) 2012 Races: tbd

Edited by mountain_erin 2012-04-16 10:35 AM

2012-04-10 1:37 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

I'd like to join!

Name: Emma

Story: I was never the athletic type growing up.  In high school my sport was horseback riding but I had to give it up when I went to college.  My junior year of college I decided to prove to myself that I could do anything I set my mind to so I signed up for a triathlon and completed in in May 2011.  Since then a lot has changed... got engaged, graduated, got a job, moved in with my fiance, got a puppy... so my training took a back seat.  This summer I have 2 triathlons picked out and I'm seriously considering an olympic in October.  I am currently working on getting in shape through Insanity and will be running, biking and swimming a little as well. 

Family Status: Engaged with a 7 month old beagle/basset houd puppy 

Current Training:  Insanity and slowly picking up running, swimming and biking again

2011 Races: Cooper River bridge 10k, Midnight Flight 10k

2012 Races: You go girl triathlon (mini sprint) July 8, Greenville Triathlon sometime in August and possibly the Rev 3 Oly in October

Weightloss: Working on getting back to pre college weight... about 15-20 lbs need to come off

2012-04-10 1:52 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
Welcome Emma!   I love your signature!
2012-04-10 2:07 PM
in reply to: #4134000

New user

Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

I would like to join!

My name is Michelle. I am fairly new to the whole athletic thing. I started running last year and did a few 5Ks and 10Ks. Then I did my first half-marathon in Disney World this past February. I decided it was time for a new challenge.

I am 36 and single. Over the last year I have lost almost 50lbs with my half-marathon training and I am looking to loose at least another 30lbs this year.

I am currently training myself. I have started a master swim class (that has really kick it up a notch for me) and I am trying to focus on the bike.

2012 RACES: Cinco de Mayo 5K (May 6th), Omaha Women's Triathlon-Sprint (June 3rd), Warrior Dash (June 10th), Hy-Vee Triathlon-Olympic (September 2nd), Omaha Half-Marathon (September 23rd)

It's an ambitious year for me. But now that I have my HM medal...I want more!

2012-04-10 2:40 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
Welcome Michelle!  Did I understand correctly, your very first tri is this June?  Exciting!
2012-04-10 8:04 PM
in reply to: #4134000


Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Hi!  I'm Laura and would love to join your group.  I've just registered for my first sprint triathalon in MD on Sept 9th so I'm a total rookie and looking for some good advice and mentoring.  A little bit about myself:

I'm the mother of a ornery 1 year old daughter who I'm striving to be an awesome role model for!  I am also married with a small farm which includes my other 3 kids (dogs) and some farm animals.  Mini horses, ponies, goats, chickens and cats.  I am an ATHLETE!  it's what i live for and in the past year since I've had my wonderful daughter, I"ve kicked my butt back into shape with soccer, running, nin-jitsu (although I had to give that up to pursue more important priorities) and softball.  I've done 3 5k's this year and have placed first in my age groups in all 3.  My best time so far on a 5K has been 26:10.  I consider myself a health nut and exercise junkie so I said, "why not do a triathlon?"  and now I"m registered.  Finally, my work life.  I'm a mental health counselor in a maximum security male correctional facility so you can bet your bottom buck that I'm doing everything I can to be in tip top shape to protect myself and go home everyday.  I love my job those.  There's not much that could possibly be more interesting than what I do. 


thanks for listening!  I'm so pumped about doing this tri that I don't know if I'll sleep tonight!

2012-04-11 7:24 AM
in reply to: #4134000

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Edited by Nats 2012-04-11 7:45 AM
2012-04-11 9:31 AM
in reply to: #4134000

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Welcome Laura - I hope you're prepared to be addicted to triathlons.  This Kool-Aid is some powerful stuff

Ok everybody, I want to keep this pretty free flowing, but also have a teensy bit of structure to keep us focused and so we can help each other.  The teensy bit of structure is that on Monday morning (or Sunday night), I want everyone to post their goal for the week.  It can be something simple as "I want to do all of my planned workouts" or it can be specific "I want to run X miles at Y pace". 

Sound good?

Also, if anyone has any questions, panic attacks, whatever, please post!

Finally, please start using your logs and add the people in this group to your friend list.  That way we can leave each other inspires and high fives along the way.

With triathlon, I honestly think the scariest part is signing up.  The fun part is seeing the growth and changes as you train.  The race is simply a celebration of all the hard work you've put into your training.

2012-04-11 12:37 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Name:  charmedangel4/Natalya

Story: I started running consistently two years ago to lose weight. I need goals to keep me motivated and active. I started with 5K's and worked up to a half marathons and then last year completed my first full. I'm not fast but I always strive to improve with each race. After the marathon I wanted a new challenge so I decided to focus on swimming and finally learn how. After more than two months of searching I found a swim coach and yesterday was lesson #2. My goal is to complete my first Sprint Tri in August.

Family Status: Married with two cats

Current Training:  Just started swim lessons about two weeks ago. It's once a week but plan to get an area pool pass and practice at least twice a week. I've been doing a rowing challenge at my gym for the past month and will be finished today. I'm going on vacation and I will start upping my running mileage and start biking when I get back. My plans while I'm away involve lots practice in the water.

2011 Races: Go! St. Louis Half Marathon, Splish Splash Half Marathon, Carmel Half Marathon, ET Full Moon Midnight Half Marathon, Park to Park Half Marathon, Warrior Dash, Des Moines Marathon, Plus 4-5Ks, 2-10Ks and 3 at other distances.

2012 Races: Marathon to Marathon 1/2 (June), Swan Lake 1/2 (June), Ann Arbor 1/2 (June), Peregrine Charities Sprint Triathlon (August 17th), Park to Park 1/2 (Sept), Quad Cities Marathon (Sept)

Weight Loss: Lost 50 pounds training for my first half marathon in 2010, gained 15 back training for marathon last year. This year I plan to lose about 40 with a focus on my nutrition.

2012-04-11 2:03 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

I like the name of your group Erin....sign me up.  I've retired from the BMX world of racing in the past year and I'm looking for new challenges to keep me out of trouble ....yes, I said BMX that's kinda nuts for a guy my age to be riding around and jumping things on a little bike, but I loved it.

I'm looking to do my first sprint tri this June. I've been road cycling and running the past year as I've transitioned from my previous sport.

I've done a few 5 and 10K's and one 15K (injured for this one).  I did my first organized charity cycling event a few weeks ago.

I haven't been in the water to start my workouts there, but I think a June sprint tri is realistic.


See ya later!

2012-04-11 3:01 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Welcome Natalya and Marty!

If any of you guys are in need of swim workouts, holler.  I've got some 1500 yd ones and a ton of 3000 yd ones.  Swimming is my thing.  Running.... not so much.  But I'm getting better.

2012-04-11 6:08 PM
in reply to: #4134000

Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN


Can I join?

STORY:  My sister suggested we train for a 5K in 2009, which about killed both my husband and myself.  Our first race was bitter cold (19 degrees) and windy and I think we coughed the rest of the day, when we weren’t napping. J That was the beginning.  After that, we set our sights on a 10K, then a ½ marathon, and then finally at the end of 2010 we did a full marathon. I managed to pull off 2 sprints in 2010 as well as a Ragnar relay. Last year, it was 2 sprints, Ragnar and my very first HIM. I am a MOP’er, especially in the longer distances.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a triathlete with 3 children, dog, live in aging grandmother, and 10 chickens.

2011 Races: Norway Triathlon (Sprint), Ragnar Northwest Passage, Pumpkinman HIM, Farm to Farm Ultra

2012 Races: Norway Triathlon (Sprint), REV3 OOB (Oly), Wild West Relay, Pumpkinman HIM, Maine Marathon (?)

WEIGHTLOSS:  I’d like my race weight for the HIM to be down about 5 lbs, but I struggle to lose any weight. I had been at my current weight for 1 year.

GOALS for 2012: Follow the HIM training plan on BT, and work on my core strength. Integrate in the local 5K races as our schedule permits, and pick up the pace on the bike. 

Happy Training! 


2012-04-11 6:25 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Name: Cynthia

Story: I gave my first tri a try in 2008 and in 2009 I did a lot or races and LOVED it... but then 2010 saw only one tri and nothing since.  Well, I did do a 5K last May and wore my finishers necklace for months despite never running another step that year, oops.  When the May 5K was announced last Fall, I signed up, one of the first entrants.  And now with it a month away, I'm moving, walking and running, trying to get there.  I replaced my road bike on Monday - it was stolen in December.  The pool is open.  So no more excuses!  I'm back on BT and would love support to keep me honest and moving!  I am dealing with chronic sinusitis and want to avoid surgery; running today was weird with my sinuses ticking at me but I felt like I had plenty of O2 and feel no worse for it two hours later.  Maybe exercise will clear it out!

Family Status: married, two kids 7&5

Current Training:  wogging, building up time and distance.  need to schedule swim and bike time.

2011 Races: May Mermaid 5K

2012 Races: May Mermaid 5K, considering a du in May; both awesome all women events.  Need to check race calendar for more :-)  There are plenty of sprints to choose from just need to review family calendar and commit.

Weightloss:  The pregnancy weight is still here, dropping 20+ lbs would be awesome... after a lifetime of being the stick-skinny girl, this is weird.  

2012-04-11 11:23 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Alberta, Canada
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Okay... here goes... if there's room, please count me in!

~ ~ ~

Name: nikiburk / Niki

Story: I swam when I was younger (as well as a short stint in university) and have always been somewhat athletic - played nearly every sport I could in high school, still play volleyball every winter, was playing slopitch for a while... basically, you name it and I will play it. After I had my first son, I joined an amazing gym and was introduced to running. While there, I was introduced to running (even though, like Erin, I thought the only good reason for running was if something was chasing you) and I don't mind it to much. I have a friend from university who did her first Ironman last year and I've been following her adventures a little bit, so I've always been curious about triathlon. For whatever crazy reason, I signed up for my first one this year... June 24! Now I need to get my act together and get training (as I just got over a case of bronchitis and I have a very crazy work-schedule to contend with).

Family Status: Married for over 6 years with 2 boys (ages 4 and 2) and 1 cat.

Current Training: I need to get going! I had to take time off with the bronchitis, but before that I had hopped back in the pool for the first time in a long time. I work a lot... and so my intent is to train before work and possibly lunch-hours, as needed.

2011 Races: I ran my first 5K in April 2011, did a fun run (5K) in May, and did a "Resolution Run" (5K) on New Year's Eve.

2012 Races: Signed up for my first triathlon - Woody's (sprint) Triathlon on June 24; looks like I might be participating in the GranFondo Banff (not a triathlon event, but one heck of a cycling event) on Aug 25; and I plan on signing up for the Innisfail (sprint) Triathlon on Sept 8.

Weightloss: When I was on my mat-leave after my second son, and essentially living at my gym (which is not a typical gym), I lost around 45 lbs. I have since gained about 10 lbs back as 2011 was a stressful year for our family and I was not nearly as active as I would like. This is the year to reclaim my life... and I would like to lost some weight along the way, if all works out. 

2012-04-12 3:28 AM
in reply to: #4134000

Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Hi Erin

I'd love to join your group if there's still space?  Really liked your ideals and beliefs and was encouraged by some of the replies you've already given to the others. 

I am female, 43 years of age, married, no children but 2 very lovely dogs and 1 cat!  I am English but live in South-West France as my husband is French.  I'm a Pilates Teacher.

I'm very new to training.  I've always ridden horses and done aerobics classes but never been athletic.  I started doing a bit of running around a year and a half ago inspired by my husband whom does crazy things like ultra marathons!  I find running extremely hard as I am asthmatic and my speed never seems to improve.  Despite this I managed to get myself through a marathon in 5hrs 25mins.  Slow, I know, but a massive achievement for me.  I do find my asthma very frustrating as it does hold me back quite substantially in terms of improving on times, speed etc.  I do everything SLOWLY.  My mind is very competitive but unfortunately my body won't allow this side of me to surface!

I realised I wanted something more than just pounding the streets & trails without ever seeing much of an improvement.  I bought a couple of Triathlon magazines and was instantly hooked on the idea of giving a couple of triathlons a go this year. 

So I started my training just 5 weeks ago.  Couldn't swim more than 1 length of 25m without stopping for breath.  Only just bought my bike 2 weeks ago so that's still a work in progress!!

I am signed up for my first "Try" a Tri on 2nd June.  400m swim, 10km bike, 3km run.  I have another similar in the middle of July and then a "Sprint" on 16th September.  I'm already panicking about being last over the line!

I currently:

Run (well, slow jog really - around 8.2km per hour on average) for anything between 5 & 9 km three times per week

Swim three times per week (around 1.2km per session but only manage 4 lengths (100m) at a time before I have to pause for say 30 seconds to catch my breath

Cycle (only just got my bike 2 weeks ago) twice per week.  In a fairly hilly area so only managing around 20km per hour at the moment and only doing around 10km at a time.

I'm 5ft 10" and around 153lbs so could really do with losing say a minimum of 7lbs but am struggling to get the energy in for sport whilst also trying to reduce my fat percentage.  Doesn't seem to be budging at the moment.

I hope you'll accept me into your programme.



2012-04-12 10:32 AM
in reply to: #4134000

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Woo-hoo, more people!  You guys are IN!

Christine - I'm actually thinking about doing Ragnar here in Colorado.  Probably not this year as its right before the Denver RnR Marathon, but I think 2013 would be fun.  I'm training for my 5th HIM, so please feel free to ask any questions.  I have a ton of friends who are doing the Boulder 70.3 as their first, so I'm getting a bunch of practice with hand holding and answering questions.

Cynthia - wogging (run/walk intervals) is how I did my first half marathon.  It worked!  As for the sinusitis, hopefully you're seeing an allergist?  I had such bad sinusitis that I would get migraines 2-3 times a week.  My allergist started me on allergy shots (4 shots a visit... for 7 years... I was really allergic).  Since I stopped with the shots, my sinuses have been awesome.  Seriously, it changed my life.

Niki - ooh, bronchitis is rough.  I had that in Dec 2010 when I was cranking up for my Ironman.  No fun. Take it easy if you need to, bronchitis is nothing to mess with.  Also, I love Calgary/Banff!  My husband worked for Kelman, which is based in Calgary.  We have a lot of friends who are from there.  I would think the Banff GranFodo would be amazing.

TriEvenHarder - I have asthma as well, although fortunately, mine seems to only be affected by the cold.  Asthma sucks.  I hear you on the competitve mindset.  I'm a slow-poke too, so instead of competing with others, I try to compete against myself. 

2012-04-12 10:57 AM
in reply to: #4134000

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

I'm double posting here, but I wanted to impart a bit of wisdom.

So last night I had to do a track workout.   (speed intervals on the track).  This is my second build week and I'm getting a bit tired.  The weather was sketchy (a big storm was moving through) so I moved my track workout to the treadmill at the gym.  I hate the treadmill - I call it the dreadmill.

As I was driving from work to the gym, I really just wanted to skip the workout and head home.  I was in a crabby mood and just wasn't motivated to spend 1 hour inside.  I sucked it up and hit the gym.

When I feel like skipping a workout, I always apply my 30 minute rule.  (this could be 15 minutes for you new people).  Give your workout 30 minutes, and if you are still unhappy by the end of the 30 minutes then you can stop.  In my experience, I almost always am feeling GOOD at the end of the 30 minutes and keep going on through my workout.  I ended up doing 1/4 mile sprint intervals and logged 5 miles on the treadmill.  I felt rockstar awesome by the end and my mood shifted from crabby to super happy.

So, when you feel like skipping a workout, just give it a try.  You'll be suprised at how good you feel afterwards.

2012-04-12 11:22 AM
in reply to: #4134000

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Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Today I plan to get in another wogging workout in mid morning.  I may be a drenched rat by the time it's done but that's when I'm kidfree -- unless I want to wait until evening (at which time I may STILL be a drenched rat).  

I don't have planned workouts or times for the next few days but I need to get that penciled, so it can be inked, and completed!  Time to sit down with the calendar and a workout plan and get it mapped...

so do I concentrate on a couch to 5K based plan since that's my calendared "race" or mix in tri workouts to get that back into the schedule?  The 5K is in mid May with a possible sprint du two weeks later.  Biking was my best tri leg so I feel I can neglect it somewhat...  As I think it through I'll plan some bike/wog workouts for the days I'm starting from home and save the wogging only for days like today when I am working out near the kids' classes.

As for my sinusitis, I've seen an ENT and the IgE tests all show clear so the cause seems not allergies.  I wish it were so "easy" to fix, or at least understand.


2012-04-12 12:18 PM
in reply to: #4145784

Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

At last - somebody that understands just how rubbish and frustrating asthma is!  I'm even more super happy that I chose you as my Mentor now!  Really looking forward to the coming months with you guys.  Am I supposed to start posting my training logs now?  Sorry, should have said, my name is Katie.  Thanks again!

2012-04-12 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

so do I concentrate on a couch to 5K based plan since that's my calendared "race" or mix in tri workouts to get that back into the schedule?  The 5K is in mid May with a possible sprint du two weeks later.  Biking was my best tri leg so I feel I can neglect it somewhat...  As I think it through I'll plan some bike/wog workouts for the days I'm starting from home and save the wogging only for days like today when I am working out near the kids' classes.

Cynthia - you know, I would probably train for the tri with slightly more focus on the run.  Slightly.  How long is the run in your du?  I'm willing to bet that training for a tri will more than help you for your 5k.  When I train, I always have some long bike rides that approximately equal to your total time racing.  So, for example, if you think a sprint tri will take you 1.5 hrs, then you should ride your bike 1.5 hrs.  This is an endurance training tactic and will help with your stamina for the entire race.  I also like to run 1+ mile farther at least once in training then what I will race (sprint - HIM distance).  That way you know you can complete the run.  Are you planning on doing any bricks?  Try to do at least 2 before your race, so you know what to expect. 

Katie - you don't need to post your logs here in this thread.  Just be sure you are recording your workouts on the log feature for BT so we can check you out and give you some encouragement.  Swimming will help with your asthma, just give it time.  Its great for breath control.

2012-04-12 5:12 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

The Du is either a super sprint at 1/7/2 (all miles) or a sprint at 1/14/3.  I'm inclined to sign up for the supersprint - partially because it is $20 cheaper, but also the distances are more reasonable considering the short training time.  And, now having looked more closely, I see it's 8 days after the 5K, not 2 weeks.  Gotta talk to my DH about our calendar those weekends, it is starting to look full! The route maps are now posted and the bike goes right by my folks' house! 

Tomorrow maybe I'll rise early for a swim, my legs have earned a day of rest from running!  Either that or a complete day of rest, afternoon thunderstorms called for, no pool for me then!

Feels good to be moving again, love wearing my Garmin too


2012-04-13 1:09 AM
in reply to: #4134000


Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Dear Erin,

       I am at a transition point in my life.  I, like many others, have verbalized that I would like to do a Triathlon.  This is strange to me because I have never ran in any type of organized race; ie, a 10K or anything like it.  I did run track in high school; one mile and two mile.  I swam competitively, as well. However, at this point in my life, I am doing absolutely nothing. I know really bad.

      So, I quit smoking in December of 2010.  I consider it my first victory towards a healthier life. I am now single with two wonderful daughters at home, (who are willing to support me). I am a teacher and a vegetarian.

      I am a very goal oriented person, so I feel choosing a high bar will motivate me!  lol See? I know this is insane.... but, I truly want to create a healthy, strong mind and body. So, I hope you accept me to your group. I will work hard.


Lee Horne


2012-04-13 1:13 AM
in reply to: #4134000


Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Sorry Erin....  trying to figure out if I am in the right spot. I think I just put my request out there for all to see! lol  I really don't care.  Okay, hope to hear from you soon.



2012-04-13 9:18 AM
in reply to: #4134000

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
Hi Lee!  Congrats on quitting smoking and making some big changes!  Welcome to the group!
2012-04-13 10:16 AM
in reply to: #4134000

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Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

It thundered all night and more is expected today so rather than dodging lightning strikes in the pool, I think this will be a complete day of rest!  OK, maybe I'll do some pushups or something.

Happy workouts to the rest of the group!


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