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2018-06-18 9:20 AM

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Subject: Seperating kids from parents
I agree that children should not be separated from illegal aliens who cross the border illegally - the parents and their children should be deported together immediately.

"To be clear, there is no official Trump policy stating that every family entering the US without papers has to be separated. What there is a policy that all adults caught crossing into the US illegally are supposed to be criminally prosecuted — and when that happens to a parent, separation is inevitable.

Typically, people apprehended crossing into the US are held in immigration detention and sent before an immigration judge to see if they will be deported as unauthorized immigrants.

But migrants who’ve been referred for criminal prosecution get sent to a federal jail and brought before a federal judge a few weeks later to see if they’ll get prison time. That’s where the separation happens — because you can’t be kept with your children in federal jail."

This same policy applies to anyone who breaks the law. If parents are taken to jail the children would be put in foster care - assuming they don't go say with relatives.

Anyway you look at this, it is ugly....but I guess children are usually the ones most hurt by the illegal acts of their parents.


Putting on my tinfoil hate.....I think the MSM have all been told to work double-shifts and report on this story to distract from the damning FBI IG report.

Edited by Rogillio 2018-06-18 9:39 AM

2018-06-18 10:01 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents

This has been going on through multiple administrations......only now has it become such a giant issue. 

I guess it's just one more thing President Trump has to fix, among many.

2018-06-18 5:49 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents
This net result of this 'media action' will make Trump's numbers rise even more. This is a distraction from the IG report and the win with NK. They have to keep inventing s***, hoping something will stick. This makes me dig in further and actually want to become actively involved in politics, both financially and by volunteer work. Listening to the usually sane Ted Cruz today makes me want to kick him in the nu… shins.
2018-06-20 7:37 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents
Top CNN story today, "Trump gambles with immigrant lives."

Chaps my backside to hear this nonsense. I have a passport and my family members have them. Inside these LEGAL documents are the immigration stamps from all the countries we have been privileged enough to visit. The most difficult to visit was China. There was a lengthy visa application process, but we did it and visited yet another country, legally. What's my point? All these countries demand that we check in and out with their immigration officers. And of course, they don't want to miss collecting their departure taxes and fees. What is wrong with expecting foreign nationals to honor our immigration process? Why is Trump being called a nazi for finally enforcing the immigration laws of my country? I say shame on anyone who doesn't expect it.

I'm sorry you got separated from your kids. Maybe you should have considered the consequences of breaking the law the very second you entered MY country illegally. G—amn the DNC and the media lapdogs for painting this picture differently that what it is.
2018-06-20 8:55 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents
Originally posted by mdg2003

Top CNN story today, "Trump gambles with immigrant lives."

Chaps my backside to hear this nonsense. I have a passport and my family members have them. Inside these LEGAL documents are the immigration stamps from all the countries we have been privileged enough to visit. The most difficult to visit was China. There was a lengthy visa application process, but we did it and visited yet another country, legally. What's my point? All these countries demand that we check in and out with their immigration officers. And of course, they don't want to miss collecting their departure taxes and fees. What is wrong with expecting foreign nationals to honor our immigration process? Why is Trump being called a nazi for finally enforcing the immigration laws of my country? I say shame on anyone who doesn't expect it.

I'm sorry you got separated from your kids. Maybe you should have considered the consequences of breaking the law the very second you entered MY country illegally. G—amn the DNC and the media lapdogs for painting this picture differently that what it is.

You know what really burns my asz?

Campfire with a flame about 2 feet high!

The lamestream media see this as an aha!-finally gotach moment as if this will finally bring Trump down. They still do not understand why Trump was elected. This krap has been going on for years. What the videos all over FB and elsewhere of Bill Clinton, Obama and Hillary all saying "we need to secure our border" "we need to stop the flow if illegal immigrants". Basically saying the exact thing Trump has been saying and said all through his campaign. The difference is, we finally have a president with the political balls to actually address illegal immigration.

2018-06-20 6:45 PM
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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents

It's kind of funny that this has become such an issue.  It has been a matter of law for the 30 years I have been in Law Enforcement.  If parents bring their kids with them when they shoplift/steal (very common), or commit other crimes (not as common but we still see it), when they are arrested their children are taken from them.  What else is supposed to happen???  Even the most liberal court in the land, the 9th circuit, ruled that children CANNOT be sent to an adult facility with their parents.  Usually we can find a relative to come get them, but in many cases we send them off to a foster home through Division of Family Services.

If you break the law with your kids in tow you risk losing them for a period of time. (entering our country illegally is a crime, like it or not.....the key to know that it's a crime is looking up illegal in the dictionary)  The secret is a) don't commit crimes.....or b) don't bring your children along with you if you do.(I know it's a tough concept, but still)  I have NEVER felt bad taking children from their parents who commit crimes with them....and I can't imagine I ever will.  Hell,  most of the time I wish I could take the kids home with me, give them a good meal, let them play with a good dog, and give them a nice bed to sleep in.  I don't feel sorry for stupid parents.

Edited by Left Brain 2018-06-20 6:52 PM

2018-06-21 10:12 AM
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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents
Originally posted by Left Brain

Hell,  most of the time I wish I could take the kids home with me, give them a good meal, let them play with a good dog, and give them a nice bed to sleep in.  I don't feel sorry for stupid parents.

In a perfect world. I was listening to a local talk show the other day. Some guy called in and was demanding that the local Christ faith churches drive down to B-ville and pick up some of these kids. Implication was that if they were such Christians, they should feel obligated to help out. Of course the first question the host had was, "Great idea, how many of these kids are you caring for at the moment?" Followed by, " So they need to drive down with a van and demand the authorities just fill er up with kiddos?" The call went downhill from that point, the caller got nasty and dropped all pretense of giving a sh** whether these kids lived or died, the host followed up by playing some 'flogging the mule' soundbite. Like the DNC, this caller was still suffering PEBH and just wanted to damage Trump; they really don't care about these kids.

Anyone seen Schumer at the Texas border in a $5K suit doing volunteer work in these shelters? Any of the liberal muckrakers or Hollywood hitters been down there playing with or feeding kids? Peter Fonda open his checkbook and send some food and toys?

Edited by mdg2003 2018-06-21 10:14 AM
2018-06-21 10:45 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents

Originally posted by mdg2003
Originally posted by Left Brain

Hell,  most of the time I wish I could take the kids home with me, give them a good meal, let them play with a good dog, and give them a nice bed to sleep in.  I don't feel sorry for stupid parents.

In a perfect world. I was listening to a local talk show the other day. Some guy called in and was demanding that the local Christ faith churches drive down to B-ville and pick up some of these kids. Implication was that if they were such Christians, they should feel obligated to help out. Of course the first question the host had was, "Great idea, how many of these kids are you caring for at the moment?" Followed by, " So they need to drive down with a van and demand the authorities just fill er up with kiddos?" The call went downhill from that point, the caller got nasty and dropped all pretense of giving a sh** whether these kids lived or died, the host followed up by playing some 'flogging the mule' soundbite. Like the DNC, this caller was still suffering PEBH and just wanted to damage Trump; they really don't care about these kids. Anyone seen Schumer at the Texas border in a $5K suit doing volunteer work in these shelters? Any of the liberal muckrakers or Hollywood hitters been down there playing with or feeding kids? Peter Fonda open his checkbook and send some food and toys?

I'm serious when I say that Trump derangement syndrome, or PEBH as you call it, should be made an official disease.  These folks have lost their damn minds.  I'm trying to imagine going through life being this upset at who got elected President.  LMAO

2018-06-21 12:48 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents
Originally posted by mdg2003

Originally posted by Left Brain

Hell,  most of the time I wish I could take the kids home with me, give them a good meal, let them play with a good dog, and give them a nice bed to sleep in.  I don't feel sorry for stupid parents.

In a perfect world. I was listening to a local talk show the other day. Some guy called in and was demanding that the local Christ faith churches drive down to B-ville and pick up some of these kids. Implication was that if they were such Christians, they should feel obligated to help out. Of course the first question the host had was, "Great idea, how many of these kids are you caring for at the moment?" Followed by, " So they need to drive down with a van and demand the authorities just fill er up with kiddos?" The call went downhill from that point, the caller got nasty and dropped all pretense of giving a sh** whether these kids lived or died, the host followed up by playing some 'flogging the mule' soundbite. Like the DNC, this caller was still suffering PEBH and just wanted to damage Trump; they really don't care about these kids.

Anyone seen Schumer at the Texas border in a $5K suit doing volunteer work in these shelters? Any of the liberal muckrakers or Hollywood hitters been down there playing with or feeding kids? Peter Fonda open his checkbook and send some food and toys?

2018-06-22 9:03 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents
Turns out the video of the 2 yo sobbing that the lamestream media got so much mileage out of and is on the cover of Time magazine was never actually separated from her family. Doesn't matter to the MSM though. The damage is done. Kinda like when a lawyer says something in court and the judge tell the jury to 'disregard that'. Kinda hard, if not impossible to do. Try this, close you eyes and don't think about a red monkey. Think about anything but make sure you don't think about a RED MONKEY.
2018-06-22 9:14 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents

When you look at all of the made up crap the left wing media and democrats has thrown at the wall trying to bring Trump down, this is the most ridiculous. 

I think it's good though......and I hope it stays in the headlines long enough for the truth to come out.  There is just no way to tell these folks that they are their own worst enemy.  This "story" will soon be exposed for the BS it is.

2018-06-22 10:09 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents
2018-06-22 10:22 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents

No mention of that over at CNN. Lots of articles about Flotus'ss's green jacket. Also a few implying that anyone wishing for immigration control are racist bigots.
2018-06-22 10:27 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents

Originally posted by mdg2003 No mention of that over at CNN. Lots of articles about Flotus'ss's green jacket. Also a few implying that anyone wishing for immigration control are racist bigots.

Well, you are but I'm not.

2018-06-22 10:35 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents
WE SHOULD RIP BARRON TRUMP FROM HIS MOTHER’S ARMS AND PUT HIM IN A CAGE WITH PEDOPHILES AND SEE IF MOTHER WILL WILL STAND UP AGAINST THE GIANT SHE IS MARRIED TO. 90 MILLION PEOPLE IN THE STREETS ON THE SAME WEEKEND IN THE COUNTRY. F*CK [asterisk swapped the 'u' by me because the very sight of that word with an actual 'u' would offend people....but Henry was not so thoughtful]

— Peter Henry Fonda (@iamfonda)

So suggesting the Fist Child be kidnapped and rapped by a pedophile?

Every time the liberal like Fonda and DiNiro spout off like this they drive more people to vote republican. If they had any sense they'd keep their trap shut. Reminds me of Ron White, "I had the right to remain silent.....but I didn't have the ability."
2018-06-22 11:00 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents

I've enjoyed watching them expose themselves.

2018-07-02 8:57 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents

Dear Dems - PLEASE make abolishing ICE your main platform.....you're on to something there! 

2018-07-03 11:17 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents

abolishing ice is the dumbest ducking thing i've ever heard.  some idiot congressman on npr said that, and then proceeded to say no i meant like, reforming their operations.  then why did you say abolish ice?  idiots.

2018-07-03 11:33 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents
Originally posted by dmiller5

abolishing ice is the dumbest ducking thing i've ever heard.  some idiot congressman on npr said that, and then proceeded to say no i meant like, reforming their operations.  then why did you say abolish ice?  idiots.

Holey moley, Dave and I are actually in agreement!
2018-07-03 11:41 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents

some cops shot some people, lets abolish police too!

2018-07-03 1:50 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents





hahahaha.jpg (100KB - 3 downloads)

2018-07-03 1:58 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Seperating kids from parents
Originally posted by Left Brain




We saw a similar thing in Scotland with a similar fence around a Braveheart statue. The irony is the statue had a big sign proclaiming FEEEEEDDOOOOM! Ala Mel Gibson.

(Glasgow Mel Gibson.jpg)

Glasgow Mel Gibson.jpg (773KB - 4 downloads)
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