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2009-04-09 7:21 PM

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
NAME: Rowdypaint/ Pattie

STORY: I've always described myself as "hopelessly un-athletic", but that might not be totally true.  I rode and showed horses for many years before my grey horse (in the avatar) had to retire.  That (and some extra poundage) brought me to running in 2004.  Running too much/too fast brought me to my first injury and the bike for cross training.  I'd been swimming off and on since my husband was swimming 4-5 days a week just for fun.  Then a guy at work mentioned some crazy idea of a triathlon.  I registered for my first sprint in 2005 and the rest is history.  Sound familiar to anyone? 

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a super athletic guy; he's honestly got gills and fins, is a beast on the bike, and was running 7:30 miles after about 5 months of run training.  Sadly, I'm not fast like him in the least.  No kids; lots of animals.  3 horses, 3 cats and a psycho yellow lab.  We live on a farm out in the country with lots of open roads to run and ride. 

CURRENT TRAINING: My big race this year is a 1/3 Iron distance in August.  I know, it's a crazy distance, but it sounded interesting.  I'm also doing 2 sprints, 2 Olys, and a handful of duathlons.   The run is my weakness, so I need to carefully train as to avoid shin splints/stress fracture recurrance or wake up the ITBS beast.  I'm following a modified Friel plan that I tweaked to fit our very short season. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Duathlon (short) at the end of April, Sprint tri in May, Sprint at the beginning of June, Olympic at the end of June, Olympic in July, 1/3 Iron in Aug, Duathlon in Sept and maybe another Oly in Sept.  I'll also be doing the local tri club's time trial series in May and Aug.  I'd like to do more tris, but our season here in MN is pretty short.  Plus, with my husband racing also, we have to spread our triathlon budget between two people.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Even though my experience is limited to short course racing and I'm pretty slow, this is my 4th season of racing.  I've done a lot of races and am working on refining the fine art of writing a perfect training plan.  OK, maybe that's a stretch.  Truth, I have lots of great books that help me with the plan.  I'm also a high school teacher which gives me a lot of patience, a strange sense of humor and a crazy ability to multitask (some call this extreme ADD).  Oh, and I'm completely addicted to BT and on here *way* too much.  I'm also helping a few people at work get ready for their first tri and it's been great watching them train, get registered and ask all those great questions.  I love to see people get involved in this sport! 

If this sounds like a group for you, add your info below!  Look forward to meeting ya'll!


Edited by rowdypaint 2009-04-17 11:46 AM

2009-04-16 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2075032

New user

Cheshire, CT
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
Hi Pattie - I'm interested in joining your's my info.

NAME: lduperry/Lisa

STORY: I was pretty athletic long ago but lost it all after college.  I am an active Martial Artist, but don't do nearly as much cross training as I'd like.  I had wanted to do a tri for a while, and last year convinced my husband to do a sprint race with me to help him prepare for a week-long mountain biking trip (I thought the cross training would help him reduce injuries).  Anyway, we both loved it and want to do more.  I definitely need to work on a lot of things as my time last year was pretty terrible.  I definitely had problems panicking in the water due to the fact that I couldn't see anything and that just drained me for the rest of the race.  I think my biggest problem is that I'm way too competitive, so I get frustrated when I don't do as well as I'd like, so I definitely need people to help me stay on track with my training and such.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a great guy who raced with me last year but doesn't stop pointing out that he "had to wait for me" and he "could have been faster if we hadn't agreed to stick together for the first race".  No kids but we do have a crazy dog (black lab mix) who I'm way too attached to.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've been trying to follow the 16 week sprint plan from this site but I've gotten a bit off track as my work has been insane and I've been working a lot of 11 hour days.  I'm hoping to get back into things now that the job is quieting ever so slightly.  I also participate in Martial Arts training 2-3 days a week.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: None scheduled yet but I'm hoping to do 2 tris and a long bike ride.

Hopefully I can get back to having fun and maybe even get in better shape while I'm at it Laughing
2009-04-16 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Pinckney, MI
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
Hi Pattie,

I'd like to join your group.

NAME:  Erik

STORY:  Growing up, I'd always been athletic.  Swam competitively from age 8 through high school, played soccer and ran track in high school.  I never enjoyed running for the sake of running (until last year... weird).  My neighbors got me hooked on running last fall, and I've participated in several 5k's in the last 6 months...  I'm not fast, either.  I am optimistically a 'back of the MOP' runner, so I figure I can even the odds with the pack if I add in swimming and biking (all theory, of course).   I'm probably going to be a clydesdale for quite some time... I'm 5'10 ~235 lbs, but that weight is dropping slowly/steadily... hooray for me!

FAMILY STATUS:  Married to an idly athletic woman. Until recently, we've been home-bodies and have gotten pillow-like (soft and fluffy).  We played soccer and softball together quite a bit until the kids came along.  Kids, 6 and 4, are now beginning to play their own sports (soccer, baseball, basketball) and it is fun seeing them enjoy simply being active and learning the games.  I've enjoyed the support of my wife and kids while training and participating in my races (woo!).

RACES THIS YEAR:  My first hurdle is a half-marathon in Indianapolis in just a few weeks.  I thought it would be cool to run on the Indianapolis 500 track!  The only problem is that you have to run the 13 miles to do it.  I'm looking to participate in my first triathlon at the end of May, and I've scoped out about 6 or 7 that look to be fairly nearby and within my level of ability.  So far, I've only registered for the first one.

GOALS:  Without REALLY knowing what I'm getting myself into... my goals are to simply participate.  I don't know times/splits.  I can't compare the running legs of the sprints to my 5k times, realistically (also a theory).  I'm looking forward to being able to say 'I am a triathlete'.  I think that alone will be pretty cool.

I guess my real goals are to learn more about this sport I've chosen for myself... training tips, nutrition tips, gear... heck, even the mysterious transitions!  Added bonus, meet people who are like-minded and have an interest in this sport, too, if only to make sure that I'm not the only crazy one (all my neighbors are doubting the sanity).
2009-04-16 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2088813

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
Welcome, Lisa!  I can totally relate to the OWS "freak out".  That happened to me on my first OWS practice.  In about 3 feet of water.  Duh.  It's great that your husband trains too.  Certainly help with motivation and couple time. 
2009-04-16 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2075032

New user

Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
Hi Pattie,

I would love to join your group!

Let me tell you a little about myself. I am 42, mother of 2. I love my kids and husband (USED to be athletic), dark chocolate and my dark chocolate lab mix, Henry. (as well as my daughter's turtle, fish, 2 cats, tadpoles and caterpillars - yes, all in our 1400 sq. ft. abode!)

I have always been active. I taught group fitness up until a year ago, and then I started running again (after about 13 years) and ran my second 5K last July.
I run about 3 times per week, 3-5 miles each, about 9-10 min. miles. I am prone to shin splints and runner's knee, so I don't do a lot of hill-work right now.

I also love to swim, but haven't in several years. I was pleasantly surprised however, when I jumped in the pool a few weeks ago and swam 36 laps, almost consistently. (I realized how close swimming and running are cardiovascularly!?!)

I am strength training twice a week, and biking on the stationary bike (racing speedLaughing) twice a week as well. I do have access to a bike to start training outdoors.

I came across a mini(?) triathlon here in Knoxville on July 29, (3 mile run, 8 mile bike, 350 meter swim) and really want to try it.
I have 11 weeks till the big day (I have to take a week off  beg. of June for my niece's wedding and a vacation to D.C) and am not sure if I am even supposed to train the week of.

I'll be honest, Pattie, I'm not very knowledgeable about training... so far I've just tried to listen to my body and have avoided serious injury. I pulled a sample tri training schedule off the internet, but I am not sure I really understand it.

I usually try to take off 2 days a week for recovery (Thurs. and Sun.) and right now I'm swimming on Monday, S.T. and biking on Tues. and Fri., and running on Wed. and Saturday.

Besides the tri, I'll be doing a few 5K's. I haven't really gotten turned on to distance running yet, but would probably like to try for a 1/2 marathon in the fall.

What do you think? Could you help me get ready for this triathlon?? Without over-training? (Which I could totally see myself doing!)

Thanks for your time!!

2009-04-16 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2088825

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
Hi Erik!  Welcome to the group!  I'm right there with you at the back of the MOP running.  For me, the bike was easier to gain speed than the run.  Very cool that your half finishes on the Indy track.  That will be a blast!  As for your neighbors thinking you're crazy, get used to it.  Everyone I know (outside of the tri peeps) thinks I'm nuts. 

2009-04-16 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2090240

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
Sure, DeAnna, you can do this!  It sounds like you are already well on your way with a sensible plan.  I am also prone to running injuries, so I never run back to back days.  Bike and swim you can, but not run.  As soon as you can, get that bike outside!  It's lots different from the stat bike.  And a whole lot more fun!  I'll take a look at your logs and give some more specific advice.  Feel free to plunder through my logs for ideas.  This week is a recovery week, so not much to see lately.  Welcome to our group!
2009-04-16 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2075032


Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
I'd like to join too, please.

NAME: kath2278/Katherine

STORY: I never had any desire to do a tri, but a friend talked me into it.  Now I am committed, but still have no idea what I am doing.  And my friend backed out.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a couch potato, 2 cats, kids soon (I hope)

CURRENT TRAINING: Bike to and from work daily (3.5 miles each way with some hills).  Swimming and running about twice a week.  About 1 mile swims in intervals through a master's program at the city pools and working on the run.  Can't seem to get beyond 3 miles at a time.  Want to start doing longer bikes, but the weather hasn't been cooperating and I need new places to go and people to go with.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Sprint distance tri June 20.

2009-04-16 9:14 PM
in reply to: #2075032

New user

Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
Hi,I was attracted to your group as I've previously been a non athlete too!   I've sort of come into things a little late in life. I learnt to swim as an adult then dabbled in Pilates, cycling, surf club, kayaking. Last year I trained to do a 35km bike ride in the Tour Downunder once I found out Lance Armstrong was going to be there. I did that easily and thought what next (PS it was great seeing Lance)? So I started training for a Triathalon (sprint). The swim isn't a problem as I swim 1km regularly, obviously ditto the bike ride but I haven't run before due to injuries. This time I've taken it carefully and I'm now up to 20 min runs. I train in Broome Western Australia which is in the tropics - the heat and humidity are the hardest things so I usually train at 5.30 am and catch glorious sunrises.

Family Status
I have no kids but I've got one part time job and also work in my husband's business so I'm pretty busy. I'm hoping to do a Sprint Triathalon around July/August and hoping for a little encouragement/tips.

Since I've started training I haven't really had any fitness issues, I can't eat rubbish or drink lots if I'm to be up at 5.30am so I'm probably the healthiest and toned I've been for years, so don't have to worry about weight loss but any nutrition info would be good.

I'd like the encouragement of having a mentor as I train alone, sometimes my husband rides with me (he's much faster so I know what you mean about having a athletic partner) which is great as I go much better.  Occasionally when I get up at 5.30am he will offer to sing the "Rocky" theme but he's normally fallen back to sleep before he gets a note out - thank goodness!  I'd also like some suggestions with training schedules as I can do lots of distance just need to increase speed and put it all together now!
2009-04-16 9:51 PM
in reply to: #2075032

New user

Clear Lake, Texas
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
Love to join this group! 

My name is JS Miller. I go by my initials JS. I am 53 yrs old and this will be my first Tri. The race is a sprint and it's 129 days from now. Aug 22, 2009.

I am married with 2 kids (boys age 18 and 12)

I have been training with a personal trainer for almost a year. When I mentioned this race I thought she would tell me I was not ready or I was to old or try to talk me out of it. But she exclaimed "Let's do it!" She is also entering (she is 23 yrs old)

I started swimming yesterday and could only go about 35 meters before tiring! Ugh! That is scary. But surely I will progress with ya'lls help!!!


2009-04-16 11:41 PM
in reply to: #2075032

New user

Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
NAME: Bunny85/Sarah

STORY: Used to be incredibly athletic growing up. Thanks to family genes, ended up gaining a lot of weight and couldn't lose it no matter what I tried. Finally, in 2006 I had a gastric bypass. I've lost 130 lbs since then, and I'm so excited that I can start running again! I've been swimming since I was 3, so I'm like a fish in water. I also love to bike, it was a passion passed down through the family. I'd love to be able to get better at running and complete a triathlon this summer. I want to prove to myself and others I'm capable of doing it, and show how far I've come!

FAMILY STATUS: I'm single and set out on my own last year. It'll be a year at the end of June since I've left the nest.  I'm the oldest of 6 kids, and they're all crazy athletic. My mom used to run marathons until she had her knee replacements. That's put her out of running for good, but she's proud to see me pick up and carry on in her place.

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now I'm edging myself back into running. I work out 5 times a week or so. I also do a lot of swimming when my knees hurt. I was originally training for the rock-n-roll Chicago half-marathon, but the idea of a triathlon seemed more appealing. I'm now focused on a Sprint Triathlon on August 9th. This will be my first race, and I'm extremely excited about it.

GOALS: I'm a relatively strong swimmer and biker, running is my weak spot. I'm hoping to build my endurance through training. I also want to master the ever dreaded transitions of a triathlon. That's probably the part that scares me the most! I would love to be able to complete this sprint triathlon, and continue on building my strength. My ultimate goal is to do an Ironman in 5-7 years.

2009-04-17 7:19 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
Hi Pattie and group. This sounds like the group for me.

My name is Cindy and I live in southwestern Ontario. The weather is still cool here in the mornings, but I like to take the dog and run along the river...I don't even notice the crisp air after about 5 minutes. I have a Golden Retriever who would rather chase geese and ducks than jog beside his mother. Other than the dog, I also have a husband who, incidentally, would also rather chase geese than run with me (LOL). Actually, he is very supportive and would like to start running with me, but has concerns re: his knees and back. Anyway, I currently attend University on a part-time basis while I work full time as a law clerk in a small litigation firm. I also play on a co-ed slo-pitch team. That's me in a nutshell.

I have been talking about doing a sprint triathlon for years...a lot of talking. This year I finally decided to take the plunge and sign up for one, figuring that would compel me to start training. I swam competitively for several years as a kid, but haven't done so for about 20 years. I have been following the "couch to 5K" program on this site, which is progressing nicely. I was planning to get into the groove of exercising on a regular basis again and then start the Original 13-week training in June (my race is in September).

I don't have anyone to train with here, and have not found a tri-club in my City, which is odd, as it' a fairly good size city (for Canada). I am really excited to have the encouragement and support of a group to keep me going.

Everyone seems to get hooked after the first tri and I have a feeling I will be no exception.

Edited by dermoski 2009-04-17 7:22 AM
2009-04-17 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
So awesome to log in this morning and see even more new faces!  I'm off to a meeting in a couple minutes, but I'll be back soon to read over your profiles.  Looks like a great group!

2009-04-17 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
Pattie...Do you have room for one more?  If so I would love to join you all.
2009-04-17 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2090387

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
kath2278 - 2009-04-16 9:13 PM I'd like to join too, please.

NAME: kath2278/Katherine

STORY: I never had any desire to do a tri, but a friend talked me into it.  Now I am committed, but still have no idea what I am doing.  And my friend backed out.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a couch potato, 2 cats, kids soon (I hope)

CURRENT TRAINING: Bike to and from work daily (3.5 miles each way with some hills).  Swimming and running about twice a week.  About 1 mile swims in intervals through a master's program at the city pools and working on the run.  Can't seem to get beyond 3 miles at a time.  Want to start doing longer bikes, but the weather hasn't been cooperating and I need new places to go and people to go with.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Sprint distance tri June 20.

Welcome  to the group, Katherine!  Great that your friend got you into this and then backed out.  Good for you, not so good for him/her.  You didn't mention where you are living, but I can totally relate to weather keeping you from those long bike rides.  It is difficult to schedule them, even in the good weather.  Great that you are riding to work though.  That's an easy way to get in the miles.  Keep working at that run; it will come.  They say that the first 3 miles is the hard part. 
2009-04-17 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2090398

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
cp007 - 2009-04-16 9:14 PM Hi,I was attracted to your group as I've previously been a non athlete too!   I've sort of come into things a little late in life. I learnt to swim as an adult then dabbled in Pilates, cycling, surf club, kayaking. Last year I trained to do a 35km bike ride in the Tour Downunder once I found out Lance Armstrong was going to be there. I did that easily and thought what next (PS it was great seeing Lance)? So I started training for a Triathalon (sprint). The swim isn't a problem as I swim 1km regularly, obviously ditto the bike ride but I haven't run before due to injuries. This time I've taken it carefully and I'm now up to 20 min runs. I train in Broome Western Australia which is in the tropics - the heat and humidity are the hardest things so I usually train at 5.30 am and catch glorious sunrises.

Family Status
I have no kids but I've got one part time job and also work in my husband's business so I'm pretty busy. I'm hoping to do a Sprint Triathalon around July/August and hoping for a little encouragement/tips.

Since I've started training I haven't really had any fitness issues, I can't eat rubbish or drink lots if I'm to be up at 5.30am so I'm probably the healthiest and toned I've been for years, so don't have to worry about weight loss but any nutrition info would be good.

I'd like the encouragement of having a mentor as I train alone, sometimes my husband rides with me (he's much faster so I know what you mean about having a athletic partner) which is great as I go much better.  Occasionally when I get up at 5.30am he will offer to sing the "Rocky" theme but he's normally fallen back to sleep before he gets a note out - thank goodness!  I'd also like some suggestions with training schedules as I can do lots of distance just need to increase speed and put it all together now!

Sounds like we have a few things in common.  I can't imagine training in that kind of heat/humidity though.  I learned at a race last year that I don't run well in the humidity and that day wasn't even that warm.  Keep training that run carefully and you should be OK.  For me, whenever I start to panic about an event and try to do too much that's when I hurt myself.  Training alone can be tough, but we'll keep each other motivated!

BTW- Real name?

2009-04-17 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2090471

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
jsmiller1 - 2009-04-16 9:51 PMLove to join this group! 

My name is JS Miller. I go by my initials JS. I am 53 yrs old and this will be my first Tri. The race is a sprint and it's 129 days from now. Aug 22, 2009.

I am married with 2 kids (boys age 18 and 12)

I have been training with a personal trainer for almost a year. When I mentioned this race I thought she would tell me I was not ready or I was to old or try to talk me out of it. But she exclaimed "Let's do it!" She is also entering (she is 23 yrs old)

I started swimming yesterday and could only go about 35 meters before tiring! Ugh! That is scary. But surely I will progress with ya'lls help!!!



Welcome, JS!  Your first race is in August, exciting!  Don't sweat the swim.  Slow down and you'll be OK.  Is your trainer working with you on the swim?  Most new triathletes (who weren't swimmers in a former life) are a bit put off by the swim.  You're not alone.  I have a friend who is an amazing cyclist and a good runner, but he struggles on the swim.  He gets through it, but it's tough for him.  Swimming is all about technique.  There's great resources out there and on this site.  I'll see what I can dig up. 

Edited by rowdypaint 2009-04-17 10:10 AM
2009-04-17 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2075032

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
I'd love to join your group if it's still open.

OK, a bit about myself...My name is Diane, I'm 46 years old... I was a couch potato for most of my life and got active in my 40's...  I started with diet & Curves and lost a bunch of weight and needed more of a challenge... so I set out to run a Marathon - BIG challenge! I accomplished that in a year, but got injured doing it... so, I decided to try a tri... less running, big challenge, etc. I got myself an AWESOME bike, got in the pool, even joined TnT and had good coaching. My very FIRST triathlon (Olympic) was supposed to be tomorrow... but, I'm taking a DNS... The same injury that plagued me on my Marathon is threatening again. I have BAD shin splints... I'm currently in Physical Therapy trying to fix the problem. I have a Sprint Tri planned for May 9, but I'm not holding my breath.

So, what do I need from a Mentor? Well, after tomorrow, my Tri coaches go away, and after PT, I'm back on my own. I'll need motivation, direction, and I'll probably have tons of questions that will need answers.

So, if you're willing to take on someone who'se already on the bench... but will come back stronger and better than ever, I'd love to join your group. Thanks!

Edited by Cardholic 2009-04-17 11:21 AM
2009-04-17 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2090601

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
bunny85 - 2009-04-16 11:41 PM NAME: Bunny85/Sarah

STORY: Used to be incredibly athletic growing up. Thanks to family genes, ended up gaining a lot of weight and couldn't lose it no matter what I tried. Finally, in 2006 I had a gastric bypass. I've lost 130 lbs since then, and I'm so excited that I can start running again! I've been swimming since I was 3, so I'm like a fish in water. I also love to bike, it was a passion passed down through the family. I'd love to be able to get better at running and complete a triathlon this summer. I want to prove to myself and others I'm capable of doing it, and show how far I've come!

FAMILY STATUS: I'm single and set out on my own last year. It'll be a year at the end of June since I've left the nest.  I'm the oldest of 6 kids, and they're all crazy athletic. My mom used to run marathons until she had her knee replacements. That's put her out of running for good, but she's proud to see me pick up and carry on in her place.

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now I'm edging myself back into running. I work out 5 times a week or so. I also do a lot of swimming when my knees hurt. I was originally training for the rock-n-roll Chicago half-marathon, but the idea of a triathlon seemed more appealing. I'm now focused on a Sprint Triathlon on August 9th. This will be my first race, and I'm extremely excited about it.

GOALS: I'm a relatively strong swimmer and biker, running is my weak spot. I'm hoping to build my endurance through training. I also want to master the ever dreaded transitions of a triathlon. That's probably the part that scares me the most! I would love to be able to complete this sprint triathlon, and continue on building my strength. My ultimate goal is to do an Ironman in 5-7 years.

You lost 130 pounds!  That's great!  You already swim and bike, so you're 2/3 the way there.  You're smart to think about transitions too.  So many people don't figure that into the race.  Practicing them in the yard is good, although the neighbors might think you're strange.  Another first race in August.  Looks like we'll have a busy summer ahead.  Welcome to the group!
2009-04-17 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2090813

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
dermoski - 2009-04-17 7:19 AM Hi Pattie and group. This sounds like the group for me. My name is Cindy and I live in southwestern Ontario. The weather is still cool here in the mornings, but I like to take the dog and run along the river...I don't even notice the crisp air after about 5 minutes. I have a Golden Retriever who would rather chase geese and ducks than jog beside his mother. Other than the dog, I also have a husband who, incidentally, would also rather chase geese than run with me (LOL). Actually, he is very supportive and would like to start running with me, but has concerns re: his knees and back. Anyway, I currently attend University on a part-time basis while I work full time as a law clerk in a small litigation firm. I also play on a co-ed slo-pitch team. That's me in a nutshell. I have been talking about doing a sprint triathlon for years...a lot of talking. This year I finally decided to take the plunge and sign up for one, figuring that would compel me to start training. I swam competitively for several years as a kid, but haven't done so for about 20 years. I have been following the "couch to 5K" program on this site, which is progressing nicely. I was planning to get into the groove of exercising on a regular basis again and then start the Original 13-week training in June (my race is in September). I don't have anyone to train with here, and have not found a tri-club in my City, which is odd, as it' a fairly good size city (for Canada). I am really excited to have the encouragement and support of a group to keep me going. Everyone seems to get hooked after the first tri and I have a feeling I will be no exception.

Welcome, Cindy!  Another person from the frozen northland.  Hope your weather is warming up like it is here in MN.  Congrats on making that comittment to your first race.  And yes, you will be hooked after the first.  My husband shied away from triathlon for the longest time because he said he couldn't run, something about bad knees.  He barely trained for his first 5k and was hooked on racing.  Crazy!  Anyway, welcome to the group and keep getting out there to train!
2009-04-17 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2091102

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
kromanowski - 2009-04-17 8:58 AM Pattie...Do you have room for one more?  If so I would love to join you all.

Sure, Katie!  Jump right in.  Tell us a little about yourself.

2009-04-17 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2091668

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Now OPEN!
Cardholic - 2009-04-17 11:13 AM I'd love to join your group if it's still open.

OK, a bit about myself...My name is Diane, I'm 46 years old... I was a couch potato for most of my life and got active in my 40's...  I started with diet & Curves and lost a bunch of weight and needed more of a challenge... so I set out to run a Marathon - BIG challenge! I accomplished that in a year, but got injured doing it... so, I decided to try a tri... less running, big challenge, etc. I got myself an AWESOME bike, got in the pool, even joined TnT and had good coaching. My very FIRST triathlon (Olympic) was supposed to be tomorrow... but, I'm taking a DNS... The same injury that plagued me on my Marathon is threatening again. I have BAD shin splints... I'm currently in Physical Therapy trying to fix the problem. I have a Sprint Tri planned for May 9, but I'm not holding my breath.

So, what do I need from a Mentor? Well, after tomorrow, my Tri coaches go away, and after PT, I'm back on my own. I'll need motivation, direction, and I'll probably have tons of questions that will need answers.

So, if you're willing to take on someone who'se already on the bench... but will come back stronger and better than ever, I'd love to join your group. Thanks!

Hey Diane, you're in!  Shin splint suck, don't they?  I battled that myself and it still bugs me from time to time.  Have you had films done to be sure it's not a stress fracture?  Shoes checked?  Orthotics?  I've been down that road and know how frustrating it can be.  You can still swim and ride though.  My sports med doc told me to focus on the bike and not run as much.  His logic was that if I was fast enough in the water and on the bike, I was just going to have to deal with being slow on the run.  Whatever.  Anyway, welcome to the group!

2009-04-17 12:32 PM
in reply to: #2075032

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
So before I tell you all my story I want to welcome all of the people who are new to BT...this is a great site with great people...use their knowledge...their experience and their dedication!

So now about me...

NAME: Katie

STORY: I guess I struggle to say whether I have always been unathletic or not...I am 28 years old, and swam competitively from the time I was 10 till 18.  I was never the fastest person but I held my own and didn't embaress myself too badly.  I was never any good at running and really the only physical activity I liked was swimming.  I got burnt out on 6-8 practices a week and then went to college where I became a "desk potato." I got my BS and then went on to get my MD...all the while getting fatter  During my second year of residency I decided that I needed to get back in shape and started walking...eventually added some jogging in.  In April of last year I decided I was going to do a mini tri in August.  I started trying to get to the pool and riding my bike.  August 2008 I completed my first mini tri!  And now I am hooked, but still learning about the sport and trying to improve! Additionally last summer I was diagnosed with diabetes...since then I have lost 40 lbs and have my blood sugar under good control. Running is still my weakest event, but it is improving! 
FAMILY STATUS: Married to a fairlyathletic guy;  my goal is to catch him... both running and in weight.  No kids(yet?) but we have one very fat cat named Charlie who thinks that he is a dog.  We live in downtown Chicago and so finding space for a long ride is always a challenge. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I am following the 20 week bike centered sprint plan...and I am thinking about increasing my run days to three a week.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 30 mile bike ride May. Sprint triathlon in June and August. Assorted running events to keep things interesting. Century ride in September/October.  I have this crazy idea that I want to try to do a half marathon at some point...need to figure out a plan for that and try to build up slowly...I stuggle a little with PF and increased speed and distance tend to upset my left foot

Edited by kromanowski 2009-04-17 12:32 PM
2009-04-17 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2075032

New user

Cheshire, CT
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
I just want to say hi to everyone in the group.  This is my first time participating in one of these groups, but I'm hoping it'll be a great motivator (I'm counting on you guys!).  Also, if anyone has any tips on how to get over a serious fear of the open water PLEASE pass them on - I'm willing to try ANYTHING!  I know I can do the distance as I swim a lot farther than that in the pool without any stops, it's just the unknown of what's beneath me that freaks me out.  Funny story is that one time there was a scuba class at my town pool and I literally had to get out of the pool and go home because I was totally freaking out that there were people underneath me!

Edited by lduperry 2009-04-17 2:36 PM
2009-04-17 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2075032

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Rowdypaint's Mentor Group- Sorry, we're full...
Lisa, Deanna, Katherine, and Cindy...I tried to stop by your training logs to say hi, but it appears that you have them set to I will say hi here...Welcome to BT and hope you all have a great weekend!

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