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2012-12-29 2:46 PM

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Subject: Tri with Seren - CLOSED!


GROUP FOCUS: New triathletes looking for sprints or olympic distance

NAME: User name: Seren   Real name: Serenity

MY STORY: I have always been the athletic type: horse back riding, bodybuilding, climbing
rock & ice, SCUBA diving ship wrecks, sea kayaking & river running, caving, skydiving, bungee jumping, always with my best friend, my husband Michael.  But many years ago, he was injured in the line of duty as a state trooper (and has since retired) .  I had no time now for sports, I spent the next  four years  as a nurse & loving wife, helping him get back on his feet.  Michael had always been such a motivating force in my life with his endless ideas of extreme sports, I saw now that it would be up to me to get us moving again.  We couldn't just jump back into the extreme sports so in 2009 I decide our new direction was to be triathlons.  What better way to get the body moving again other than running, biking and swimming?  

When I crossed that finish line of my very first sprint with my hubby cheering me,  on I was  exhilarated!  I was so hooked ! What started out as a way to get back into sports, ended up having a life of its own.   Since then I have run many sprints and olympic distances and half marathons and this past year stepped up to the 70.3 distance , full marathons and uphill bike races.    My goal now is to perfect the 70.3 distance and go for my first ironman distance in January 2015 in New Zealand.  

FAMILY STATUS: Married 20 years.  2 cats

CURRENT TRAINING:  I generally train 7 days a week.   I find I am happiest when in motion.  I switch between high intensity days and low intensity days.   Although with a new job I find training will sometimes have to take a back seat.  I love training in the wee hours of the morning.  I feel it sets me up for a fantastic day!


Hyannis Half Marathon

Whiteface Mountain Hill Climb – bike race

Rev 3Portland70.3

Lake George70.3

Mt. Greylock Uphill bike race

Mt Desert Island Marathon

2013 RACES:  (not a complete list)

Lowell1st run 5K (with my husband)

Wachusett Hill Climb bike race

Mooseman 70.3

Black Fly Tri weekend – Bike TT  - Olympic and Sprint Triathlons

IcelandReykjavek Marathon

Pumpkinman 70.3

Kancman Unsanctioned Triathlon

WEIGHTLOSS:  I lost 40lbs that first year and I’ve gained 10lbs back.  I’m looking to lose those
10lbs – but more importantly I am hoping to shave 3-4% body fat by race season  

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR:  Triathlon is a sport I am very passionate about and
I love to share that passion with people just getting into the sport.   As with any sport, one needs to train smart in order to remain with it long term and the first step to doing that is by learning from those that have taken the path before you.   I will be here at least 2x a week to answer questions, introduce training and weight loss info, and cheer you on to reach your goals.

2013-01-06 5:14 PM
in reply to: #4553135


Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN

Hello Serenity, I would like to join.

Name: Jimmy

STORY: I am a first year dental student at the University of Washington in Seattle. I just got interested in doing triathlons and I am joining in hopes of gathering information for doing one this summer, either the half or full ironman. Played football, lacrosse and swam in high school. Not much of a long distance runner but have done 2 full marathons. I have also done local bike rides (200 mile one day rides) so long distance biking is my strongest aspect.


CURRENT TRAINING:  Casual exercise (basketball)

2012 RACES:  Seattle Marathon, Seattle to Portland (STP) Bike Ride (204 miles)

2013 RACES:  STP, Hope to do full ironman


GOALS:  Do my first full ironman

2013-01-06 5:20 PM
in reply to: #4553135

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN

Hi everyone! My name is Loretta im 23 years old, product designer and Mexican, I live in Merida, Yucatan, so its really great for tri, since I live so close to the sea Im sort of newbie in TRI, nver done an event but Ive been training for some months now and really lovn it! Ive been a competitive swimmer all my life and done some open water events, so anything you wanna ask about swimming I would be happy to answer.

This year my first tri event is on february 26 and its a sprint distance so im quite exited about it, I also want to cross Isla mujeres-playa del carmen (10k) wich is only swimming open water, the IRONMAN 70.3 cozumel on september and on november Xel-ha triathlon (olimpic distance) So im quite busy this year If i wanna do all these event anf also fit in work and friends :s

The only thing im missing in my training plan is gym workout, And have no idea what excersises I should do! so any advice would be great!







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2013-01-07 12:15 AM
in reply to: #4564960


Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN

Hello Loretta,

Nice to meet you. Wow, you have a busy year ahead of you! Best of luck! Please keep us updated.

Best wishes,


2013-01-07 5:26 AM
in reply to: #4553135

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN

Welcome Jimmy and Loretta!  Glad to have you aboard!

Jimmy you certainly have to distances covered on the run and the bike to do an ironman!  I love riding for distance....the longer the better! 

Loretta - Once you do your first triathlon, I'm betting the you'll get adicted like most of us.  THere are worse addictions.   I will get some exercises together for you to help with strength and speed.  Hopefully I will get those posted for you in the next day or so.  


2013-01-08 4:17 AM
in reply to: #4553135

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN
How is your training going? Don't forget to log your workouts in your log!  That way we can better help each other!

2013-01-08 10:28 AM
in reply to: #4553135

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN

Hey guys, I didnt train so hard today, wasnt feeling well, but I did a 2k walk, and some upper body strengh excersises, followed by a 2k run. feeling quite good, I should have my training plan ready at the end of the week! 

and Ill be back in the pool on monday so im really looking forward for that!!!


2013-01-09 5:31 AM
in reply to: #4553135

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN


On strength training.  I take mine in blocks, gaining strength in the off season and maintaining what I have in the on season.   In the off season I lift 3 days a week and in the on season only twice a week.  Regardless, I use the same exercises which is the primary movers.   Primary movers are those exercises that incorporate the most amount of muscles to do.......bench press, squat, dead lift and clean and jerk.   I start with a weight that I can do 20 - 40 reps warm up the muscles and I do that for 2 sets.  Then I go into the strength building.  I pick a weight that I can lift 6-8 reps with and I do 4 sets.  Sometimes going as low as 4 reps. 

I also mix it up with functional training - lunges,  body weight squats, plate pushes across the floor, shoulder rotations with weights, medicine ball slams (works whole core) burpees, etc......

You can search for these things on You tube - they have everything there!  Let me know if you need more than this. 


Happy training!

2013-01-09 10:16 AM
in reply to: #4553135

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN

Great, thats really helpfull, im going to train twice a week, should I do upper and lower body both days or do upper one day and lower the other day?


thanks seren!!

2013-01-09 4:53 PM
in reply to: #4553135

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN
I would break your body up into upper and lower body
2013-01-09 4:55 PM
in reply to: #4553135

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN
I finally dug my tri bike out of the garage and boy was she dirty! I must've rode her in the rain last. I have up an actual work out yesterday in order to clean and lube it. Now she is all ready for a trainer workout in the morning

2013-01-10 12:29 AM
in reply to: #4553135


Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN
So how does this log thing work, Seren?
2013-01-10 5:07 AM
in reply to: #4571254

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN

shyguy45 - 2013-01-10 1:29 AM So how does this log thing work, Seren?

When you open up BT hit the button at the top that says TRAINING LOG.   Then log what you did for a work out that can track your workouts that way.....find out what works, what a particular day felt, etc........

You can go to my logs to get an idea.   Some people use it as a blog....Use it any way you want.


How IS your training going BTW?

2013-01-10 3:58 PM
in reply to: #4553135

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN

I went for a ride today and luck wasnt on my side! I punctured one wheel twice, its the first time it happens, so at least I learned how to change it, Im getting new wheels anyway because mine are too old now.


good experience anyway!

2013-01-11 5:21 AM
in reply to: #4572748

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN
Lorettafortuny - 2013-01-10 4:58 PM

I went for a ride today and luck wasnt on my side! I punctured one wheel twice, its the first time it happens, so at least I learned how to change it, Im getting new wheels anyway because mine are too old now.


good experience anyway!

Thats how you get experience!  When I first started riding, I knew nothing!  Didn't even have a spare tube with me.    Then I progressed up to carrying it with me but not knowing how to change a flat.  So I took a short course but I needed lots of practice.  It used to take me 20 minutes just to change the flat.  Now I think I got it down to 6 or 7 minutes.   And once, just like you, I got 2 flats but only had enough for one flat.  I had to call my husband to come get me.  Luckily I was on my way home from a 60 mile ride and was only 8 miles from the house! 

2013-01-11 10:43 AM
in reply to: #4553135

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New user

Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN

Yeah thats quite an experience, Thats why I never ride by myslef, My mates lent me some spare tubes they had with them 

Today Im getting my new tires what do u think of these??? only mine arent going to be the pro 3, but their quite similar. YOu think these are good for training and competing??



2013-01-11 8:55 PM
in reply to: #4553135


Rockville, MD
Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN

Hi Serenity,

I am interested in joining this group.

NAME: Brian

MY STORY: I have done three sprint triathlons.  I am 29 years old and I have knee problems.  They aren't serious, but they are occasionally painful, and nagging.  You will probably hear a lot from me about my knees.  Last year, the knees (and my job) kept me from getting in shape for any races.  That's going to change this year!


CURRENT TRAINING: I am working up to the Olympic-distance 16-week plan, 3-run, 2-swim, 2-bike per week. I also do some weight training with resistance bands via the website My race is on June 8 so I need to get to the "starting line" for the plan by Feb. 15.

2012 RACES: None due to my knees and my overworking job, which I quit in June 2012. Previously have done one sprint race each year in 2011, 2010, and 2009.

2013 RACES: YMCA Rocky Gap - 06/08/13 - International - Swim 1500 Meters, Bike 22 Miles, Run 6.2 Miles

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: Maybe lose 5 lbs of fat but gain 5-10 lbs of muscle.

2013-01-12 7:18 AM
in reply to: #4553135


Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN
Hi serenMy name is Paul Nelson I live in Denmark,Western Australia and have decided to undertake training in order to compete in a triathlon and eventually full ironman.I played competitive rugby for 15 years and still remain active in both work and outside work.This is a new challenge for me and I am determined to succeed.How do you start????much or any help will be greatly appreciated.Kind regardsPaul
2013-01-12 8:46 AM
in reply to: #4573850

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN
Lorettafortuny - 2013-01-11 11:43 AM

Yeah thats quite an experience, Thats why I never ride by myslef, My mates lent me some spare tubes they had with them 

Today Im getting my new tires what do u think of these??? only mine arent going to be the pro 3, but their quite similar. YOu think these are good for training and competing??




Loretta I use the Pro 4's myself but I used the Pro 3's last year and they were just fine.  I have a habit of up-grading tires every time I buy new one whether its my car or my bikes!   I used my Pro 3's til they were bald!  They are great tires.   I put my new tires into the equipment tracker so I know how many miles I ride on them so I can avoid getting bald tires in the future!  

Hows the strength training coming.   One thing I forgot to mention but you may already know this is FORM is key!  If you have bad form, it can cause all kinds of issues.   If you have any questions there should be someone at your gym (staff) that can help you out. 

2013-01-12 8:53 AM
in reply to: #4574707

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN
br1an_tri - 2013-01-11 9:55 PM

Hi Serenity,

I am interested in joining this group.

NAME: Brian

MY STORY: I have done three sprint triathlons.  I am 29 years old and I have knee problems.  They aren't serious, but they are occasionally painful, and nagging.  You will probably hear a lot from me about my knees.  Last year, the knees (and my job) kept me from getting in shape for any races.  That's going to change this year!


CURRENT TRAINING: I am working up to the Olympic-distance 16-week plan, 3-run, 2-swim, 2-bike per week. I also do some weight training with resistance bands via the website My race is on June 8 so I need to get to the "starting line" for the plan by Feb. 15.

2012 RACES: None due to my knees and my overworking job, which I quit in June 2012. Previously have done one sprint race each year in 2011, 2010, and 2009.

2013 RACES: YMCA Rocky Gap - 06/08/13 - International - Swim 1500 Meters, Bike 22 Miles, Run 6.2 Miles

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: Maybe lose 5 lbs of fat but gain 5-10 lbs of muscle.


Welcome to the group Brian.  You are young to have knee issues.   Did you injure them doing a sport?  When you are in this game long enough you are sure to have issues with one body part or another.   YOu just got to learn how to train with your limitations.  I myself have been battling bilateral achille tendonitis since the beginning.  When I was a new runner I ran on the beach but didn't know enough to take my mileage down for the change in terrain.   Even today, 3 years later, if I dont use proper form, I can get into trouble.

My coach told me when I am running to imagine being pulled down the road by a rope....that will move your hips and pelvic girdle into the right place.  Then he told me to stick out my chest so I don't round over.   And finally to hit the pavement or trail or treadmill with a flat foot - thereby distributing your weight evenly.   Just food for thought!


Don't forget to log your workouts on your page so we can all encourage each other!

Edited by Seren 2013-01-12 8:54 AM
2013-01-12 2:02 PM
in reply to: #4553135


Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN

Hello Seren,

My name is Jean.  I am new to this.  I have always wanted to do a triathalon, but the swim has always scared me away.  I have been lazy for the last three months.  I am 41 years old and I have been active my entire life.  I have currently been involved in a bootcamp 4 days a week.  I have only completed one marathon, but I do enjoy running.  I have completed a few adventure races which were a blast.  I talked to a buddy of mine and I decided to start my training with a swim, which will be my first in years. YIKES!!!  He suggested my goal be 20 min non stop slow.  He said I must get earplugs.  I can't wait to get started. 

Here's some more info about me. I live in Jackson, Mississippi.  I am a single mother of two amazing children.  My daughter is 12 and my son is 11.  I work full time and like to play hard.  I want to stay healthy and I want to always be the fun/active mom.  I am petite.  Weight is not an issue for me actually loosing too much is.  I'm the one people hate, the person that people say "Why are you working out?" Irritates the crap outta me.  Anyway, I thought it would be best for me to concetrate on strength training as well due to my small frame, so I considered continuing my 5am boot camp and do my other training in the evening.  I am open to any suggestions and would love to be a part of your group if that is ok.

Can you help me with a schedule??? My friend told me to just concentrate on swimming this week. What do you think??




2013-01-12 2:31 PM
in reply to: #4574932


Rockville, MD
Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN
Seren - 2013-01-12 9:53 AM
br1an_tri - 2013-01-11 9:55 PM

My coach told me when I am running to imagine being pulled down the road by a rope....that will move your hips and pelvic girdle into the right place.  Then he told me to stick out my chest so I don't round over.   And finally to hit the pavement or trail or treadmill with a flat foot - thereby distributing your weight evenly.   Just food for thought!


Don't forget to log your workouts on your page so we can all encourage each other!


I did not injure my knees in any way.  This just started up from running (I think) in mid-2011. I have done a lot of reading into knee injuries and I believe my problem is "runner's knee."  I am working on building strength in my quads and hip abductors through strength training - I have read that these are the key muscles to help absorb the pounding from running and protect your knees.

Also, I am just starting off my training real slow.  I started out just walking in the fall and now I am getting into to some slow running.

I will try your ideas next time I go for a run (Sunday).  I'm having trouble picturing the whole "pulling down by a rope" thing.  

I logged in all my training from the last week so you can see what my training looks like!

2013-01-13 2:55 PM
in reply to: #4575221

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN
jeanholmes - 2013-01-12 3:02 PM

Hello Seren,

My name is Jean.  I am new to this.  I have always wanted to do a triathalon, but the swim has always scared me away.  I have been lazy for the last three months.  I am 41 years old and I have been active my entire life.  I have currently been involved in a bootcamp 4 days a week.  I have only completed one marathon, but I do enjoy running.  I have completed a few adventure races which were a blast.  I talked to a buddy of mine and I decided to start my training with a swim, which will be my first in years. YIKES!!!  He suggested my goal be 20 min non stop slow.  He said I must get earplugs.  I can't wait to get started. 

Here's some more info about me. I live in Jackson, Mississippi.  I am a single mother of two amazing children.  My daughter is 12 and my son is 11.  I work full time and like to play hard.  I want to stay healthy and I want to always be the fun/active mom.  I am petite.  Weight is not an issue for me actually loosing too much is.  I'm the one people hate, the person that people say "Why are you working out?" Irritates the crap outta me.  Anyway, I thought it would be best for me to concetrate on strength training as well due to my small frame, so I considered continuing my 5am boot camp and do my other training in the evening.  I am open to any suggestions and would love to be a part of your group if that is ok.

Can you help me with a schedule??? My friend told me to just concentrate on swimming this week. What do you think??





Welcome to the group Jean!  When are you think ing of doing a triathlon?  Do  you have one in mind?   Have you looked thru the free programs that BT offers here?   How much time to you have to train?  Lots of question I know but it will give me a better idea of how to help you with a workout schedule.

    But in the meantime check out and download Mr. Smooth to your desktop.  He has the perfect stroke!  I watch him for 15 min before I head to the pool.     You can mix up your strokes so you don't get so bored.

Front crawl, back stroke, breast stroke.  you can utilize kick drills with a kick board.   Loretta, another member,  is a competitive swimmer.  She may have some good insight.  



2013-01-13 3:01 PM
in reply to: #4575256

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN


I did not injure my knees in any way.  This just started up from running (I think) in mid-2011. I have done a lot of reading into knee injuries and I believe my problem is "runner's knee."  I am working on building strength in my quads and hip abductors through strength training - I have read that these are the key muscles to help absorb the pounding from running and protect your knees.

Also, I am just starting off my training real slow.  I started out just walking in the fall and now I am getting into to some slow running.

I will try your ideas next time I go for a run (Sunday).  I'm having trouble picturing the whole "pulling down by a rope" thing.  

I logged in all my training from the last week so you can see what my training looks like!

A lot of times issues with knees and ankles, calf cramps, etc.... is from poor form.  the "rope around the hips" visulizaition is so the the hips fall into the proper alignment.   Chi RUnning promotes the same form.   If your even out of alignment a millimeter that can cause issues over time.  Sometimes not - if your lucky!  So if you cant "see " the rope, stand flat up against the wall, then run.  Are you in the same alignment or did your hips move backward?   Another way to stave off injuries is doing just what you are doing....starting slow.  You should add more than 10% to your running each week.  THats either in mileage or in time.  I run for time and I add 5 min to my long run each week while keeping all the run days to 30 min.  

2013-01-13 3:01 PM
in reply to: #4575256

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Subject: RE: Tri with Seren - OPEN


I did not injure my knees in any way.  This just started up from running (I think) in mid-2011. I have done a lot of reading into knee injuries and I believe my problem is "runner's knee."  I am working on building strength in my quads and hip abductors through strength training - I have read that these are the key muscles to help absorb the pounding from running and protect your knees.

Also, I am just starting off my training real slow.  I started out just walking in the fall and now I am getting into to some slow running.

I will try your ideas next time I go for a run (Sunday).  I'm having trouble picturing the whole "pulling down by a rope" thing.  

I logged in all my training from the last week so you can see what my training looks like!

A lot of times issues with knees and ankles, calf cramps, etc.... is from poor form.  the "rope around the hips" visulizaition is so the the hips fall into the proper alignment.   Chi RUnning promotes the same form.   If your even out of alignment a millimeter that can cause issues over time.  Sometimes not - if your lucky!  So if you cant "see " the rope, stand flat up against the wall, then run.  Are you in the same alignment or did your hips move backward?   Another way to stave off injuries is doing just what you are doing....starting slow.  You should add more than 10% to your running each week.  THats either in mileage or in time.  I run for time and I add 5 min to my long run each week while keeping all the run days to 30 min.  

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