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2008-12-19 8:08 PM

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Richmond, BC
Subject: Marinus' gang - Thanks to a great group!

NAME: Marinus Waterberg

* Update Jan 28th: I am re-opening the group for a few more members. Ideally you will be training for Ironman Canada 2009, however I welcome anyone who has triathlon goals.

I have been a runner for about 10 years doing distances up to and including the marathon. A few running partners of mine did Ironman. They were not supermen & superwomen, but average people who did exceptional things. I had been a long time admirer of Ironman and I thought if they can do it maybe I can too. With their support, I did my first Ironman in 2005.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with one grown daughter 

CURRENT TRAINING: Training for Ironman Canada 2009 on August 30th. This would be my 3rd IMC.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Disney World "Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge". Disneyland Half. Fall Classic Half marathon.

2009 RACES:  "First Half" half marathon, UBC Olympic Tri, New Balance Half Iron, Ironman Canada

WEIGHTLOSS: Just to be at a healthy race weight, which for me is 185 - 190lbs

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I have been a group leader with various run groups, and continue to be a group leader / coach with the Steveston Athletic Association. I have taken the NCCP (Canada) "Competitive" Coaching certificate course. My aim is to help guide "real people" as they work towards their triathlon goals at any distance. I have been a teacher for much of my career. Having completed 2 Ironman distance triathlons, 7 marathons, and numerous other distance events, I have experienced what you will go through. I am an "age grouper" and proud of it. More about me and my thougths is at

Real people can achieve exception things with motivation and support.

Edited by marinusw 2009-04-09 10:44 AM

2008-12-26 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN

NAME: Hughe

STORY: I got hooked last year when a buddy I use to work with told me about triathlons, we signed up for one and then he bailed at the last minute.  I trained hard for it and wasn't about to bail.  Glad I didn't.  It was amazing!!  I love sports! Swam competatively for years, scuba diver, rock climber, soccer player, you name the sport.  Love em all!!  When I started training for my first triathlon I was choked I hadn't discovered the sport years before.                                                                                                                                                                           I am 31, and two years ago after being a Chef for 9 years I decided that I needed a job that was more family focused and a better life style.  I left cooking and worked to get onto the fire department.  I have been on since October.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FAMILY STATUS: I have been married for 5 years and my wife Karyn and I have just had a baby girl (Stella).  We live in Vancouver, BC.   We have a Chesapeake Bay Retriever who loves to run with me!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CURRENT TRAINING: I train right now about 6 hours a week.  Either weights in the gym, swimming or running.  In the better weather I bike to work.                                                                                                                                                                                              RACES: This year I want to do three olympic triathlons.   Long term goal is for an IM.                                                                                                                                                              WEIGHTLOSS: I have no weight loss goals, just eat healthy and become even more fit.   

2008-12-26 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN

Hi Marinus, I am interested in joining your group.

Name: Sarah     Age: 23

I have always enjoyed sports but was never really that good.  Because of this I ended up quitting them at a younger age.  Two summers ago I decided that I wasn't working hard enough at living a healthy lifestyle and wanted to change that.  I lost weight and started working out at the gym.  I seen an ad for a triathlon and decided that it was definitly something I was interested in; however to this date I still have not yet done one.  I am signed up for my first triathlon in April, a sprint. 

I have one race under my belt, a 10km which I did in September and loved!  I realized that I love competition and the adreline rush! can't wait for the spring!

Current Training:  In the new year I will start swimming once a week.  I feel this is my strongest area so I will focus on it the least.  Up until about a month ago I was running about 5km, 3 times a week; however, due to some -30 weather I have stopped.  As soon as the weather improves a bit I plan on starting back up with that.  For cycling, I have been going to spin classes about twice a week.  I also do various other activities at the gym such as weights and boot camp classes for core conditioning.

 Races I Want to Do this year:  Several sprints throughout the summer, possibly an olympic distance in August.  Possibly some more 10km runs, and the Nike Womens Half marathon in October.


2008-12-27 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Tucson, Arizona
Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN

I would like to join this mentor group.

 I am a 29 (almost 30) year old who is just getting started. I have some small goals for the year, but would eventually like to run a marathon and some day do an Ironman. I'm starting with small goals.

I want to run a 10k in May and I'd like to do the Tour de Tucson in November (I want to do the 109 mile ride). 

I'm starting my workouts on Monday the 29th. I'm giving myself a solid starting date and keeping the log here but also carrying a log with me to the gym. 

I need some help with weight training. I get a little lost and don't necessarily know what to work on when. I'd love to find a schedule for weight training that could help. I also need to work on my swimming and am hoping to find a program that I can sign up for and get lessons.

Thanks for your help in advance. I know I can use it.

2008-12-27 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1864322

New user

Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN

Hi Marinus

I'd love to join your group.  Here's a bit about me...

I am 38 years old, single, 3 dogs and run my own business.  I will work too many hours if I don't make time for myself - I have made time for myself in the past, and need to find that time again.  I am beginning to realize that this is not a dress rehearsal.

I started running about 5 years ago and fell in love with the sport.  A friend of mine then signed me up for a 3 km open water swim and I decided I had better do some training.  The next logical step was to train for a try-a-tri.  After realizing that it was possible to cross the finish line, I got myself a good road bike and moved up to a sprint.  Unfortunately I had to take last summer off due to a neck injury from a car accident, but was still able to get some longer distance running under my belt last winter and spring.

 Last year's races:  I had a great time at the Around the Bay race & then practically had to be scraped up off the pavement after my first marathon...  enter training hiatus...

 Currently:  I have gotten back on the horse, so to speak.  I am back running a bit (2x/wk) and have been back at a strength program to help with the injuries. 

Weightloss:  I need to take off the 15 or so pounds that I've put on over the past 6-8 months of not training.  Not to mention what the holidays have done!

 I am planning on doing the 30K Around the Bay again this year (end of March) and an Olympic tri - perhaps Muskoka?

I look forward to working with you!


2008-12-27 10:47 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN

Hi Everyone. First, sorry for the delay in getting back to this. I've had to deal with a family medical emergency. And for the next while that may mean I might be a day or so before getting back to you, but rest assured I'll be here for you.

Thanks for your postings and enthusiasm. I look forward to providing whatever answers and questions I can. My first words of advise are... it is important to enjoy the training. If you find it becoming stale lets find some way to change things up to keep it interesting. If we can help this become a lifestyle then you'll more likely keep to your training and reach your goals.

As for your individual questions, I'll get to that shortly. Welcome!


2008-12-27 10:55 PM
in reply to: #1872808

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN


Congrats on your new baby girl! I have one daughter who has now turned 21. My advise there is, when she turns 14... RUN! And don' t worry.. they eventually become human again. Maybe by 20.

I'm glad to have you on board. Three Olympic distance triathlons is quite a goal for the year. Good for you! I know some good events, if you want to discuss any options. I'll be doing the UBC Olympic myself this year. Keep it all balanced, and have FUN training towards the goal.

I welcome any questions you may have.

2008-12-27 11:07 PM
in reply to: #1873106

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN


Welcome to the group. I hope I can provide you with some guidance and support.


I started much like you. About 10 yrs I didn't like how I felt. I was out of shape. So I set my sights on the Sun Run 10K. It was a lot of work, but I felt so good when I made it. I was hooked too. Soon I did my first Half Marathon, then my first Full. I had always admired the Ironman events. But they were superhuman to me. Some of my average-person run partners did Ironman Canada, so I thought - Maybe I could!


You mentioned in the New Year you wanted to start swimming. I'll start you with two thoughts:


1) Find a local "masters" swim club. The coaching and drill will help immensely. I did my own first Try-a-Tri on my own without one, and while it can be done, a group is much better. Don't worry if you are a weak swimmer. Most groups, mine included, have different lanes for different levels. We have what we call "The Turtle Lane". That's a great place to start, without having to worry about swimming with 'The Sharks" or 'The Guppies". When you're ready, you can move up.


2) Think back to when you started running. Remember how it felt to run at first? it was hard, and you couldn't go too far or too fast. But one day it seemed to 'click', and you felt you could keep on running. Remember that rush? Be patient with your swimming too. It will seem hard for a while. But one day it will 'click' too.


Welcome to the group, and I hope I can be of some help.



Edited by marinusw 2008-12-27 11:27 PM
2008-12-27 11:18 PM
in reply to: #1873645

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN


Nice to have you with us. And I am glad to be able to offer you whatever help I can.


Having picked your start date is good. And so is keeping a log. It will help you track your successes and progress.


Let's break your goals down into short, medium and long term. It sounds like your 10km is first. Right? A 10Km is a perfectly reachable goal. It also takes work and support. A local run club is a fantastic way to get that peer support. It's harder to make excuses if you feel like skipping a run.


I have some great ideas for weight training for runners and triathletes. It is very important to balance the body. Too much of one thing will throw you off balance and make you prone to injury. We want to avoid that. Where will you do your weight training? If at a club they will have trainers. Ask for an introductory session to know how to use the facilities safely. Also tell them that you are looking for run or tri exercises. They can help you get started. And then with that we can add to it here.


Thanks for your interest, and welcome!





2008-12-27 11:40 PM
in reply to: #1873781

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN


Welcome to the group. It sounds like you have a very busy life. Let's make sure we keep a good balance, in all areas. If you do you'll find you have more fun, more nergy, and more success, at everything.

I always stress to people to not specifically worry about weight loss. This goes for everyone in the group. Eat healthy. Proper fueling is critical. Too little or the wrong type of fuel and you'll struggle. With good fuel you can put that fuel to use and train properly. Do both those right and the weight will take care of itself. And forget about scales, all of you. Most people will actualy gain weight at the start as they trade fat for muscle. The real test is how you feel. And next you'll see it in how your look in the miorror, and how your clothes fit.

As for your goals and training, what would be your short term and medium term goals? Let's pick a first event and work towards that.

Glad to have you with us!


2008-12-28 1:34 AM
in reply to: #1864322

New user

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN

Hi Marinus.  I would love to join your group.  I'm a 39 year old female.  I am very much starting from the beginning...again.  I finished a sprint tri 18 years ago and was on the college cycling team but I haven't done much since.  As I quickly approach 40 I am very motivated to get back into shape and experience the joys and challenges of competition, even if it is just with myself.  I'm currently out of shape - I need to lose 70 pounds - and I have to start small.  My first event is just a 5k on March 14th.  There are sprints I would like to do, one in June, July, and August (Danskin).  Depending how my training goes there is also an olympic September 13th I would love to be able to do.

I read what you said about joining a Master Swim Class.  My local YMCA has a group and I will check that out this week.   They also offer a personal training session to get you started on a workout program.  I'll also sign up for that this week as well.

I really appreciate the opportunity to be in your group and I hope with your support I'll be able to achieve my goals.


2008-12-28 2:09 AM
in reply to: #1864322

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Kuusisto, Finland
Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN

NAME:       Folkert Wierda

Location: Turku, Finland (birth place of Paavo Nurmi, greatest runner of all!)

STORY:     I have been running - on and off - all my life, one of the generation that got inspired  by the win of  Abebe Bikila, long time ago, in the Olympic Marathon. I turned 50 this year, and decided I want to still achieve some decent Marathons. Run last year - after a long time - again a half Maraton; 1:40:02. Problems with my legs (Achilles, Periostitis) forced me on the bike, and that is how I got hooked on Tri.

 I combine my training with a management job that requires a lot of traveling, and a family that includes dogs (Border Collies).


CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently training on a "winter maintenance" program, and my A-races for 2009 are a HIM in July in Finland, and my first Marathon, probably Frankfurt (Germany) in October. My target for that first Marathon will be 3:30, before that I will run a local Half Marathon where I am at 1:30. Long term I aim at an IM with high classifications in my age group

MY CHALLENGES:  Combining my traveling with training (I always take hotels with gym and pool); keeping my legs healthy.

Edited by Folkert 2008-12-28 10:40 AM
2008-12-28 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1864322

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North Carolina Foothills
Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN
Hello Marinus ... if you still I have a spot I would like to join.

Story: My name is Bob, I was a cross country runner in HS and College. Did a lot of 5Ks in my twenties. Took up cycling in my mid thirties and started competing in Triathlons/Duathlons about 2 years ago. My first love is cycling, so I wanted to compete in that discipline, but there aren't that many races around here so I thought I could do OK in Duathlons with my running background. Started running again about 2.5 years ago and have since competed in about 6 Dus and 8 Tris. Mostly sprints, not really too interested in doing anything longer than Olympics right now.

Anyway, I am fairly proficient in the bike and run (top 20%), but usually in the bottom 20% in the swim. I taught myself to swim about 1.5 years ago and have since done about 4 OW events and the rest of my Tris were pool swims. Worked with a swim coach last summer, it helped some. Want to get a little faster in the water.

I am an avid consistent trainer (7-9 hours a week in the winter, 10+ hours a week in the spring, summer, fall). My training is usually cycling focused. I also do some virtual competitions on my Tacx I-Magic trainer during the winter. It really gets me in race shape for the Spring.

Have stayed farily healthy during my training, battling a little foot/calve issue now since I got new runnings shoes.

Family Status: Married no kids, but we have a dog and cat.

Weight Loss Goals:: None ... I have been at the same weight (145lbs) for about 8 years. I seem to have found a good balance between eating and exercise ... I enjoy eating healthy.

Racing This Year: Some local duathlons in Jan/Feb, 3-4 Sprints in the Spring, maybe an Olympic and a few more Sprints in the late Summer early Fall

Edited by rventuri 2008-12-28 10:31 AM
2008-12-28 12:08 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN


I would like to join the group if there is still room. 

Story:  Started out running but found Tri's as a way to avoid injury.  I am now in love with both and often find it hard to choose between the 2 mistresses.  I enjoy going long the most but time is often an issue in training.  Not particularly fast but I am still improving

Family Status:  Married with 2 kids 5/3 with the wife being a runner as well. (we often compete over long days)

Current Training: Starting training for RNR San Diego on the 1st as "A" race with an Oly in March.  Training for B2B Full starting shortly after as second "A" race.  I haven't done anything structured since Silverman just as a break.  I have been getting in some miles though, just not logging them.

2008 Races: 1 HIM, 3 Oly's, 1 Sprint, 1 half Mary

2009 Races:  RNR San Diego, 2 Oly's, 1 HIM, Napa to Sonoma Half Mary, Beach to Battleship Full.

Weightloss:  Maintain current weight (160 lbs)

GOALS:  I truly enjoy the personal gains of endurance sports but have found the social aspect to be rewarding as well.  I am more motivated when I interact with others facing the same challenges and find enjoyment when others succeed in their goals.  That is why I would love to be part of this group. 



2008-12-28 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: Marinus Waterberg Group - OPEN

Hello - Marinus!!!!!

NAME: got2run (Steve)

STORY: I am interested in the mentor/training group.  I am hoping this will keep me motivated as i tend to get lazy in these winter months.   In 2008, i had some medical issues and personal struggles which led to 2 dnf's and then my season was cancelled in july.  I've gotten healthy, and now looking forward to 2009.  I've been a triahtlete since 2003, when i registered for a Spirit of Racine 1/2IM.  It was a new race in our area (my hometown) and i decided it was time for a challenge, i was hooked.  I've run 41 marathons since 1981.

2009 RACES:  I have the Spirit of Racine 1/2 on my calendar and few other local sprints, plus several road races. 


I hope you will welcome me to your group.

2008-12-28 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED

To Folkert, Bob, Chet, Steve, and Shannon: Welcome to the group.

To everyone who has asked to join to this point, you will see that I have now closed the group.

I like the wide range of experience, goals, and locations. I hope that I had help you reach your goals. And if you have any specific questions, please feel free to drop me a message. The e-mail is best for one-on-one questions. You can use either the mail here, or feel free to contact me through the e-mail listed on my own site I also encouarge the entire group to share thoughts, succcesses, and even struggles among the group too. Together the group is stronger than individually.

This is an exciting time for us all.




2008-12-29 11:03 AM
in reply to: #1864322

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED

Hi everyone. I thought today I would put up a link to a strength training article previously published on this site. Have a look at:

Strength and particularly core strength is very important. I recommend you try to put some in your training at least once per week. And work all areas i.e. legs, arms, core etc. My two top choices for you are lunges and lat pull downs. Enjoy.

2008-12-29 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1864322

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
So who's "A" race is up first?  My first is May 31st so I have a ways to go.  My first structured workout of the season is Thursday.  It is when I start logging again.  When is everyone getting started for the season?
2008-12-29 11:57 AM
in reply to: #1875896

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Tucson, Arizona
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED

My first race is on March 1. It's a 5k run/walk. I will probably have to walk some at this point, but it's a start.

I'm starting my log this evening. My workouts start today when I get off work.



2008-12-29 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1875896

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North Carolina Foothills
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
Don't know that I really have an "A" race. Definately looking forward to an Olympic distance event I have scheduled in August. I really enjoy competing in some of the smaller local events (lots of them here in North Carolina) ... most are very well run and offer nice terrain challenges, etc.

Basically I train all year round (a little less in the winter), and have my first race of the year, a duathlon, January 24th. True be told, I probably enjoy training more than racing, and sometimes will approach a race as a "hard" training day.

I try to update my log soon after completing my workout. Have been doing that most of this year and last year.

Edited by rventuri 2008-12-29 12:01 PM
2008-12-29 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
I've got my first "A" race in June but am looking for something else to get the season started.  There is the UBC triathlon in Vancouver but I can't get work off.  Marinus do you have any races that you know about in the near future.  It doesn't need to be a tri.  June is a long ways away and I need something to work towards. 
Do you have any good swimming work outs?  I swam competatively for 9 years so I am good at working out in the pool.  I just need to find a training schedule that would be good for tri's.  
I'm going to put the baby down and head to the gym in our building.  You all got me motivated.  I'm going to start off with the 20 week olympic plan.  I can't bike outside, the weather is brutal.  I'll hit the indoor bike.   Is anyone else following a plan?

2008-12-29 3:37 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED

I have no specific "A" race planned, but the 1/2IM (Spirit of Racine) is always a race of high priority to me.  So far it looks as though I will designate it my A race.

I'm finishing up the year with some nice workouts.  On the first, i will continue logging my workouts.  I normally don't follow any specific plan, just simply choosing the workout that best fits my schedule that day and how I'm feeling.  Sometimes i might do more running for that week, or be on the bike everyday, i always taper before more important races/longer races.  Others i might just train through.  

Next few months (jan/feb) there are a few 5K's to run and a couple indoor triathlons that break up the winter and let you gauge your fitness.   

Good Luck to everyone and i look forward to being active in this training group.  


Where are you all from?  I live in Racine, WI

2008-12-29 8:38 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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North Carolina Foothills
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
Advance, NC ... a few miles southwest of Winston-Salem, NC
2008-12-29 10:17 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED
Hey Steve do you train on Lake Michigan?  I'm from Vancouver BC, Canada  
2008-12-29 11:17 PM
in reply to: #1864322

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Richmond, BC
Subject: RE: Marinus' Group - CLOSED


For a good early season race in our local area I normally recommend the First Half half marathon. That's my first event this year. But if you were not one of the earlybirds who tried to register in the first 3 hours you'll have missed out. Next is UBC Tri, but you've already mentiooned that.

For swim workouts, I have some ideas. but I always recommend a Masters group first. What part of town is easiest for you? I know a couple of good ones around.

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