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2009-04-10 4:30 PM

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Madison, MS
Subject: KVesey's Group - WORKING HARD

NAME: kvesey / Karen

STORY: I have been an athlete all of my life. I had no choice. My dad was a Marine, so I was doing pushups when I was three . Up until 5 years ago, I was primarily a runner. With my coach's encouragement, I started training for triathlons and quickly became addicted to my new sport. I am mostly a mid-pack racer, and I have done several Olympic and sprint distance races, as well as three Half Ironman races and my first Ironman at IMFL last year. Finishing Ironman was one of the biggest days of my life.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for over 20 years. No children, except we treat our dog and cats like our kids.

CURRENT TRAINING: In general, I train on my own because of my schedule. But I will meet up with friends on the weekend for long bike rides. I have worked with a coach for several years, and I rely on her to keep my training sane. I work out most days of the week and try to average 3-5 runs a week, 2-3 bikes a week, and 2 swims a week. It depends on what I'm focusing on at any given point. I also throw in some core work and yoga.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Last year was all about the Ironman. Since then, and after basking in my own personal glory , I have done a couple of running races, including the Disney Princess Half Marathon. My "off season" focus has been on running and building back some speed. (Ironman taught me to go long and slow.)

2009 RACES:  I am ramping up my 2009 season gradually. The beginning part of this year has been mainly about running, and I am planning two more half marathons to see if I can drop my time while getting stronger. The summer will start some serious Half Ironman training since I want to see if I can go under 6 hour at Ironman 70.3 Augusta. I will also do a few sprint and Olympic distance races.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am working to get to a reasonable "racing" weight this season, which means dropping a few pounds. Not a lot. But this is a bigger challenge than I anticipated. I like to eat too much.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: In short, I want to give back to the BT community. I have received so much support and great training information from everyone here. And I love to help people with their training, too. I have a lot of experience to offer from both my long-term running background and my current triathlon training. I've also coached several marathoners through their first extremely rewarding experience.

Between working with a coach for several years and doing my own research and reading, I have a good understanding of what kind of how to most effectively train for various distances and to meet different goals. 

I understand how difficult it can be to work in the training you want to do when you have a gazillion other responsibilities calling your name at the same time. Sometimes, it just takes someone with a little perspective (and sanity) to help you figure out how to put it all together.

I would like to be that voice of reason and calm for you.

Edited by kvesey 2009-05-07 6:37 AM

2009-04-16 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2077050

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN
Hi Karen,  my name is Todd and I am a member of the MS Heat Team.  I live in Brandon (Castlewoods) area.  Can I join your group?  I have been a part of other groups on here, they usually start strong and fade to a minimal amount of participation.  I would like to be a part of the group where the mentor will actually mentor, instead of everyone just posting there daily workouts and idle chit chat.

I have been training for a little over 6 months and completed the Rebelman a few weeks ago, being my very first Tri.  I was able to finish in 1:50:02.  My goals now are to finish the Soak up the Sun and make a decent showing at the Heatwave classic.  I am also considering the Heart of Dixie as my long race of the season.  Additionally, I would like to do a half marathon sometime this year and a century bike ride.

My long term goals include a couple of Olympic distance races next year and a HIM.  I will be shooting for a full marathon and an IM in 2011.
2009-04-16 5:48 PM
in reply to: #2088372

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN

Welcome, Todd! You have the honor of being my first mentee. And the fact that we're practically neighbors is great. We can definitely meet up sometimes. We'll also be at some of the same races (unfortunately, I am out of town for Soak up the Sun).

I am on my way out for the evening, but I will take a look at your logs tomorrow and may have some specific questions for you after that.

Otherwise, let's get started!

2009-04-16 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2077050

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Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN
Hi Karen,

I think this mentor program is a great idea.  I've only completed one triathlon before and it was 10 years ago.   Now, 3 kids later, I am ready to get back on the horse....
I am a collegiate athlete (swimming/softball) and currently coach Master's Swimming at the Y. 

I've been training on my own for the last 6 weeks or so.  I love logging my info on BT.  It is a huge incouragement for me to see my #'s adding up.
I've read Gale Berhardt's book, Multi-Sport Athletes.  I've joined the Ytri group at Buehler YMCA in Palatine, IL.  I read articles about training and nutrition online almost daily.  But I do not have a go-to person to keep me motivated.

I'd have to say that I'm discovering running to be my weakest link.  I sure hope you have some good suggestions for me.  It took all my power to step on that teadmill today and squeeze out 2.7 miles.

My goal is to swim 2 days a week, bike 2 days a week, run 2 days a week and Pilates 2 days a week.  I try really hard to take 1 day off (strangely that is really challenging for me).
Check out my logs.  Let me know what you think about my workouts so far.
2009-04-17 12:50 AM
in reply to: #2077050

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New user

Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN
Hi Karen,

I'd like to join your group please!

I recently completed by first outdoor tri (a 300m swim/10km bike/3km run) and suck at swimming big time!! I am about to embark on a 6 month training journey to a) get my swimming up to a half decent level b) be able to complete a sprint distance tri.  it is my hope that at the end of the 09-10 season (I'm in Australia and our summer goes over the end of the year) I'll complete an Olympic Distance tri.

I have always ran and am pretty quick running off the bike... which is a good thing as I have tons to catch up from the swim Laughing  I think being part of a mentor group will keep me sane on the tough training days, and also allow me to inpart some of my experiences and knowledge with others (I work as a qualified personal trainer).


2009-04-17 3:33 AM
in reply to: #2077050


Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN
Aloha Karen,

My name is Nathan and I am wondering if you would take me as a member of your team.  I don't really consider myself a swimmer, biker, or even a runner, but I do consider myself athletic and disciplined.  I have always loved activity, whether it be running, hiking, biking, tennis, basketball, yoga, or even a simple walk.  Anything that has me moving, makes me feel more alive. 
I have toyed with the idea of a triathlon for a while, but I recently moved to Hawaii and everything I need to train is right at my fingertips 365 days a year, so I have no more excusesCool.  I am hitting the ground running, I am shooting for a sprint on May 9th, which I know leaves me very little time for training, but I have been doing a fair amount of biking, swimming, and running, just not with the clear intention of doing a triathlon.  I'm sure I am going to learn a lot of things the hard way by jumping in so quickly, but I'm prepared for that. 
I love the idea of this mentoring program and I think your style and background would pair well with my style and goals.  I'm thinking of doing another sprint June 7th and then an Olympic on July 19th.  The good thing is I'm single with no kids and I can't stand sitting around doing nothing, so I might as well be outside training- but not overtraining.

2009-04-17 7:01 AM
in reply to: #2077050

New user

Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN

Hello Karen,

My name is Dan and I come from Orangeville, Ontario, Canada.  I am a beginner Tri-athlete.  I have never done one before and looking to do about 3 this year.  I am 36 and an avid adult league hockey player. I play hockey twice a week in the winter and once a week in the summer.  I am expecting my first child in July and this has always been a goal of mine to compete in.  I have 3 races planed already.

June 6th

Lakeside Triathlon Weekend

Saturday, June 06, 2009 and Sunday, June 07, 2009

There are no significant changes to the HSBC Triathlon Series’ most long standing event.  Now in its 8th year, the Lakeside Triathlon has become one of the most popular events in our series.  With a tree-covered grass transition area, that is only meters from the spring-fee lake and meters from both the bike and run courses, who could ask for better. 


Saturday August 8 2009

Sault Ste Marie Ontario

Triathlon (Olympic)

2 people signed up

St. Joseph Island Triathlon
Swim 1640.42 yards Bike 24.85 miles Run 6.21 miles


Lakeside Triathlon II Triathlon Weekend


Saturday, September 19, 2009 and Sunday, September 20, 2009


Any help with training and suggestions would be great.


Thanks and I hope you will help me with the achievement of my goal.



2009-04-17 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2077050


Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN

Hi Karen,

Let me introduce myself, I am AJ and i am from Burlington Ontario, I am 20 years old (not sure if there is like an age limit on your group)

Story: every since i was little i wanted to be an athlete. when i was 8 years old i started equestrian and i eventually i competed in Eventing up the level of Provincials. then i was in a car accident and i could not walk for a good portion of 2 years. i did start up riding again but it was much different. when i was 16 years old, i stopped equestrian because of school and what not, and i started skiing. as of last year i was on the regional free-style ski team (terrian parks- aerials, half pipe, etc.) i have been an avid cyclist for years during the time i could not walk, i would bike every where, where i would end up biking to school (did not want to be bullied on the bus). i bike about 50k a day. (i would use cycling as cross training in the summer while i was not skiing.)

Family: i have a boyfriend of around 3 1/2 years.

Training: now that i have started college i have fallen out of everything i do. so i need a new start/ new sport. with the reccommendation of a friend in the Armed Forces, i have wanted to try doing a tri. (maybe at the end of the season?)

Edited by KittyHawk 2009-04-17 9:09 AM
2009-04-17 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2077050


Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN
hi Karen,

I am interested in joining your mentoring group.  I have previously done 2 sprint triathlons (the last one was a few years ago) and really enjoyed them, but have lost my motivation somewhere along the line and am looking for some encouragement to get moving again.

2009-04-17 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2077050

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN

Welcome, everyone!

I wanted to let you know that I've quickly read your introductions, and I am very excited to work with each of you this spring. I see a lot of connections, and I think we can develop a positive, and hopefully motivating, group.

I will respond to everyone individually, but am pressed for time right now. I plan to get back online this evening. I just wanted to let you know that I read your posts and am happy to include you in our mentor group.

Talk to you soon.

2009-04-17 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2077050

User image


Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN
If you are still open, I'd like to join.  A few things about me

NAME: cshollon/Cory

STORY: I'm 36 yo and living in Las Vegas.  I was fairly athletic growing up, but then I went to college and grad school and started smoking more than anything else.  A quick marriage and divorce while still in college packed on the pounds, but I managed to get back to what I consider a "fighting weight" (180) when I joined the USAF in 1998.  I fly fighters, and even though its a fairly physically demanding job at time, I still gained a bunch of weight over the last 5 years or so.  I was still smoking and eating too much and just not moving outside my job.  I got digusted with myself and started losing weight last year.  I've dropped 35 pounds so far, but I'm stuck at 190.  To help keep me motivated, I took up training for triathlons and got hooked.  I've quit smoking, but I still struggle with it pretty much daily.

Married, two kids.

General base training right now with two to three workouts in each discipline each week and one rest day.  I'm logging about 15 miles running, 3 hours on the bike, and 2K+ yds on each swim workout

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did one tri last year, doing one tomorrow and have several more planned this year with the "A" races being a half marathon in early August and a half Ironman in late October. 

WEIGHTLOSS: I am stuck at 190.  I can't seem to move down any more.  I've tried cutting back to 1500 cals per day, but still not dropping the weight.  I'm 6'1", 36 yo and 191 as of last Monday.

Stay quit smoking
Weight 180
Finish Soma Half Ironman (<6 hours)
Finish ET Half Marathon (<2 hours


2009-04-17 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2077050


Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN
Hi Karen

My name is Jon and I would love to joing your group, if it is still open.

I am almost 27 married with an 8 yo daughter and a 2 yo son.

I have been involved in many sports throughout my life including, basketball, martial arts, boxing, track & field and baseball. Since starting and graduating college it has been a blur being a full time husband/dad and working full time.

I have never done a tri, I ran some distance races back in high school and did fairly well but I am definitely not a very good swimmer and I can successfully identify a bike, how to pedal and move forward (i'll probably be riding my mountain bike the first race..haha)

I plan on starting my training this coming monday as I have and Olympic Tri that I want to participate in on Jul 11th in Boise ID. I realize I will have an agressive schedule but I am tired of the excuses so I am in it to finish, will work on moving up in placement later. I want to do a full ironman and an xterra tri, eventually.

2009-04-17 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2077050

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Lake Stevens, WA
Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN
Hi, Karen! Looks like you're still open, but you have a lot of membership requests already!  I just noticed this mentor program TODAY!  I am signed up for my first triathlon--on June 27.  I've been doing a lot of running since the beginning of the year because I'm also part of a marathon training group.  Unfortunately, the marathon is the same day as my triathlon, and I gave precedence to this triathlon, since it seems to be the perfect one for my very first!  The swim is only 1/4 mile--piece of cake!  While I'm not a speedy swimmer, I've always been comfortable in water since I was a small child.  The run is only 2.6 miles on a trail around the lake, so no worries there.   While the bike ride is only 10 miles, I'm told that the course is hilly--hills are typical on triathlon courses in WA state!  So my weak point will be the bike portion, because I'm having a hard time getting out on my bike.  (It would help if I practiced how to change flat tires--I've never had a flat yet, but it could happen!)

Let me know if I can really be in your group for sure!  Thanks!

Edited by run45 2009-04-17 3:03 PM
2009-04-17 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2077050


Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN
Hi Karen,

I would like to join your group if i can, it says 5 people per group and looks like you have more than five so not sure if you're still taking people.

A little about me....

Well, none of my family is athletic at all, yet somehow I LOVE sports and running and being active no matter what it is. I have grown to love running and while not really a pro at it, I still love it! I love bike riding too, and actually trained for the MS 150 about 4 yrs ago, but got into a car accident right before the ride and haven't been on a bike since.

However, I plan to have my first Triathlon July 19, 2009 and am super excited about it! But have no idea what the 'right' way to train is. Which is why I am here :-)

I plan to run, swim and bike ride twice a week each, and include strength training somewhere in there.

Also, I am 24, soon to be 25 right before the race, and am engaged to be married in October 2009 so a little bit of weight loss would be nice too (when isn't it) :-)

I hope you can be that voice of reason and calm.

2009-04-18 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2077050


Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN
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I'm Christine and I'd also like to join this group.
There's only one problem though: I'm not yet 18 so I'm wondering whether this is allowed? However, I would love to become more fit and be able to do triathlons (I already run a bit). Weight loss is also a big motivation for me. I've recently gotten into working out and I really LOVE it!! (Not kidding here in the least.)
Anyway, if I'm allowed to join, please tell me?

2009-04-18 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2090035

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN

Marsha, it's great to have you in the group. I am always very impressed (and personally motivated) by parents who find a way to make the time for triathlon training. Good for you! 

I'll take a look at your logs over the next couple of days and leave you some thoughts and ideas, but as for the whole running thing... Try not to think about it as a chore. Running is playtime, and there's nothing that says you have to go out and run for 30 minutes straight at one speed. Find ways to make it more interesting. Break up the run with walks. Whatever you need to do get through it. A few months ago, my sister, the mom of two toddlers, was training for a 5k and used some of her runs to get the dog out too. She e-mailed me all frustrated because the dog kept stopping to sniff stuff. I told her to enjoy Louie being a dog and not worry about it. She still ended up with the same result and a great 5k a few weeks later.

On the other hand, you may never get into running. Some people don't. Then, it's just a matter of accepting it's part of the process and doing what you need to do to get through your races. You don't have to love or even enjoy running.

But I hope that you will.  

2009-04-18 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2090630

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN

lee.eddison - 2009-04-17 12:50 AM Hi Karen,

I'd like to join your group please!

I recently completed by first outdoor tri (a 300m swim/10km bike/3km run) and suck at swimming big time!! I am about to embark on a 6 month training journey to a) get my swimming up to a half decent level b) be able to complete a sprint distance tri.  it is my hope that at the end of the 09-10 season (I'm in Australia and our summer goes over the end of the year) I'll complete an Olympic Distance tri.

I have always ran and am pretty quick running off the bike... which is a good thing as I have tons to catch up from the swim Laughing  I think being part of a mentor group will keep me sane on the tough training days, and also allow me to inpart some of my experiences and knowledge with others (I work as a qualified personal trainer).




Congrats on your first outdoor tri. I tell you what...even though I was a decent swimmer before triathlons, I totally sucked at open water swims. I remember one race where I came out of the water dead last.

It will come, though. Swimming is a little more tricky than the other two sports, but with the right coaching, drills, and practice, practice, practice, it will definitely get better.

I'll take a look at your logs in the next day or so and leave some of my thoughts and ideas.

2009-04-18 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2090663

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN

nstone77 - 2009-04-17 3:33 AM Aloha Karen,

My name is Nathan and I am wondering if you would take me as a member of your team.  I don't really consider myself a swimmer, biker, or even a runner, but I do consider myself athletic and disciplined.  I have always loved activity, whether it be running, hiking, biking, tennis, basketball, yoga, or even a simple walk.  Anything that has me moving, makes me feel more alive. 
I have toyed with the idea of a triathlon for a while, but I recently moved to Hawaii and everything I need to train is right at my fingertips 365 days a year, so I have no more excusesCool.  I am hitting the ground running, I am shooting for a sprint on May 9th, which I know leaves me very little time for training, but I have been doing a fair amount of biking, swimming, and running, just not with the clear intention of doing a triathlon.  I'm sure I am going to learn a lot of things the hard way by jumping in so quickly, but I'm prepared for that. 
I love the idea of this mentoring program and I think your style and background would pair well with my style and goals.  I'm thinking of doing another sprint June 7th and then an Olympic on July 19th.  The good thing is I'm single with no kids and I can't stand sitting around doing nothing, so I might as well be outside training- but not overtraining.


Welcome to the group! I think maybe we should plan a group meeting at your place. In Hawaii.

I bet you'll do great at your first race next month. I know when I did my first triathlon, even though I was fairly proficient at each of the disciplines, I was surprised at how hard it was to put them all together. But fun!

In the next couple of days, I'll take a look at your logs and give you some ideas and thoughts.

I look forward to working with you!

2009-04-18 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2090790

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN

shanks18 - 2009-04-17 7:01 AM

Hello Karen,

My name is Dan and I come from Orangeville, Ontario, Canada.  I am a beginner Tri-athlete.  I have never done one before and looking to do about 3 this year.  I am 36 and an avid adult league hockey player. I play hockey twice a week in the winter and once a week in the summer.  I am expecting my first child in July and this has always been a goal of mine to compete in.  I have 3 races planed already.

June 6th

Lakeside Triathlon Weekend

Saturday, June 06, 2009 and Sunday, June 07, 2009

There are no significant changes to the HSBC Triathlon Series’ most long standing event.  Now in its 8th year, the Lakeside Triathlon has become one of the most popular events in our series.  With a tree-covered grass transition area, that is only meters from the spring-fee lake and meters from both the bike and run courses, who could ask for better. 


Saturday August 8 2009

Sault Ste Marie Ontario

Triathlon (Olympic)

2 people signed up

St. Joseph Island Triathlon
Swim 1640.42 yards Bike 24.85 miles Run 6.21 miles


Lakeside Triathlon II Triathlon Weekend


Saturday, September 19, 2009 and Sunday, September 20, 2009


Any help with training and suggestions would be great.


Thanks and I hope you will help me with the achievement of my goal.




Welcome to the group. I am happy to help you get through those first triathlons this summer. I'll take a look at you logs and give you some thoughts and suggestions in the next day or so.

2009-04-18 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2091141

User image

Madison, MS
Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN

KittyHawk - 2009-04-17 9:06 AM

Hi Karen,

Let me introduce myself, I am AJ and i am from Burlington Ontario, I am 20 years old (not sure if there is like an age limit on your group)

Story: every since i was little i wanted to be an athlete. when i was 8 years old i started equestrian and i eventually i competed in Eventing up the level of Provincials. then i was in a car accident and i could not walk for a good portion of 2 years. i did start up riding again but it was much different. when i was 16 years old, i stopped equestrian because of school and what not, and i started skiing. as of last year i was on the regional free-style ski team (terrian parks- aerials, half pipe, etc.) i have been an avid cyclist for years during the time i could not walk, i would bike every where, where i would end up biking to school (did not want to be bullied on the bus). i bike about 50k a day. (i would use cycling as cross training in the summer while i was not skiing.)

Family: i have a boyfriend of around 3 1/2 years.

Training: now that i have started college i have fallen out of everything i do. so i need a new start/ new sport. with the reccommendation of a friend in the Armed Forces, i have wanted to try doing a tri. (maybe at the end of the season?)


I am a fellow equestrian. I, too, spent much of my youth riding and showing horses. Gave it up when I went to college because of the expense. Someday, I hope to go is my first love.

I am impressed that you in now way let your devastating as it was...stop you from being the athlete you want to be. It sounds like a triathlon is definitely doable. You may want to look at some sprints in your area toward the end of the season so you have a goal to focus on with your training.

I'll take a look at your logs in the next day or so and give you some ideas and feedback on your training.

2009-04-18 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2091288

User image

Madison, MS
Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN

tgoodman80138 - 2009-04-17 9:39 AM hi Karen,

I am interested in joining your mentoring group.  I have previously done 2 sprint triathlons (the last one was a few years ago) and really enjoyed them, but have lost my motivation somewhere along the line and am looking for some encouragement to get moving again.



That's exactly what I'm here for: motivation. I'm always happy to give someone a quick (and gentle) kick.

I'll take a look at your logs in the next day or so and give you some pointers and ideas. The most important thing for me is that we keep this fun. We already have jobs and other responsibilities. Triathlon should be our playtime.

2009-04-18 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2077050

User image

Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - CLOSED
YEAH Karin, great to hear from you!!
I forgot to tell you what races I'm planning on doing.

Subaru US Women's Triathlon Series - Naperville (Triathlon)
6/14/2009 in Naperville , Illinois

Wauconda Sprint Triathlon (Triathlon)
7/26/2009 in Wauconda , Illinois

Pleasant Prairie Triathlon - Sprint (Triathlon)
8/16/2009 in Pleasant Prairie , Wisconsin

Lake Geneva Triathlon - SuperSprint (Triathlon)
9/12/2009 in Fontana , Wisconsin

The only one I've even paid for is the Subaru (race for Ovarian Cancer Research) in Naperville.  The Wauconda Sprint I will probably do as a relay (swim of course).
I've heard great things about Pleasant Prairie and I'll probably sign my kids up for the kids tri.  And my parents live in Lake Geneva.  So there you have it.

Thanks for the encouragement on the run.  I definately need to change my thinking.  It will come with time.  I can see progress every time I go out there.

Excited to be part of you group!  Look forward to working with you.
2009-04-18 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2091805

User image

Madison, MS
Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN

cshollon - 2009-04-17 11:57 AM If you are still open, I'd like to join.  A few things about me

NAME: cshollon/Cory

STORY: I'm 36 yo and living in Las Vegas.  I was fairly athletic growing up, but then I went to college and grad school and started smoking more than anything else.  A quick marriage and divorce while still in college packed on the pounds, but I managed to get back to what I consider a "fighting weight" (180) when I joined the USAF in 1998.  I fly fighters, and even though its a fairly physically demanding job at time, I still gained a bunch of weight over the last 5 years or so.  I was still smoking and eating too much and just not moving outside my job.  I got digusted with myself and started losing weight last year.  I've dropped 35 pounds so far, but I'm stuck at 190.  To help keep me motivated, I took up training for triathlons and got hooked.  I've quit smoking, but I still struggle with it pretty much daily.

Married, two kids.

General base training right now with two to three workouts in each discipline each week and one rest day.  I'm logging about 15 miles running, 3 hours on the bike, and 2K+ yds on each swim workout

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did one tri last year, doing one tomorrow and have several more planned this year with the "A" races being a half marathon in early August and a half Ironman in late October. 

WEIGHTLOSS: I am stuck at 190.  I can't seem to move down any more.  I've tried cutting back to 1500 cals per day, but still not dropping the weight.  I'm 6'1", 36 yo and 191 as of last Monday.

Stay quit smoking
Weight 180
Finish Soma Half Ironman (<6 hours)
Finish ET Half Marathon (<2 hours



Welcome to the group. A fighter pilot, eh? Very cool. I work for a company that does aircraft maintenance and logistics support, including several fighters. 

Sounds like you've got a good start on your training. How did the race go today, BTW? I think weight is one of those things we all struggle with, but at this point, I would suggest that you not focus so much on the weight and focus more on training and eating healthy. I think you may find the weight loss will come around.

I'll take a look at your logs in the next day or so and share some thoughts.

2009-04-18 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2091903

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN

jonnyk - 2009-04-17 12:26 PM Hi Karen

My name is Jon and I would love to joing your group, if it is still open.

I am almost 27 married with an 8 yo daughter and a 2 yo son.

I have been involved in many sports throughout my life including, basketball, martial arts, boxing, track & field and baseball. Since starting and graduating college it has been a blur being a full time husband/dad and working full time.

I have never done a tri, I ran some distance races back in high school and did fairly well but I am definitely not a very good swimmer and I can successfully identify a bike, how to pedal and move forward (i'll probably be riding my mountain bike the first race..haha)

I plan on starting my training this coming monday as I have and Olympic Tri that I want to participate in on Jul 11th in Boise ID. I realize I will have an agressive schedule but I am tired of the excuses so I am in it to finish, will work on moving up in placement later. I want to do a full ironman and an xterra tri, eventually.


I rode a mountain bike for my first triathlon. Nothing wrong with that. Plus, you'll be very friendly with your mountain bike if you do Xterra races.

I applaud your commitment to sign up for and do a race. It will be fun, and you have plenty of time to get ready for it.

I'll take a look at your logs in the next day or so and give you some ideas and feedback.

2009-04-18 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2092088

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: KVesey's Group - OPEN

run45 - 2009-04-17 1:16 PM Hi, Karen! Looks like you're still open, but you have a lot of membership requests already!  I just noticed this mentor program TODAY!  I am signed up for my first triathlon--on June 27.  I've been doing a lot of running since the beginning of the year because I'm also part of a marathon training group.  Unfortunately, the marathon is the same day as my triathlon, and I gave precedence to this triathlon, since it seems to be the perfect one for my very first!  The swim is only 1/4 mile--piece of cake!  While I'm not a speedy swimmer, I've always been comfortable in water since I was a small child.  The run is only 2.6 miles on a trail around the lake, so no worries there.   While the bike ride is only 10 miles, I'm told that the course is hilly--hills are typical on triathlon courses in WA state!  So my weak point will be the bike portion, because I'm having a hard time getting out on my bike.  (It would help if I practiced how to change flat tires--I've never had a flat yet, but it could happen!)

Let me know if I can really be in your group for sure!  Thanks!

It's going to be a big group, but I'm not turning anyone away. I think we'll manage just fine.

I'll take a look at your logs in the next day or so. Unfortunately, I can't help with the tire changing. I am awful at it, but have been lucky so far with no flats in races. I'm sure my time will come.

So, what can I call you (rather than run45)?

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