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2009-04-13 11:49 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: kenaxford's Group - Closed and kickin' tale !!!

NAME: Ken Axford aka: "coach Ken"

STORY: I'm admitidly a type A personality. no way around it. I guess that's why triathlon grabbed me in college and I have been doing it ever since. It seems like those type A's gravitate to triathlon. So that places me as now a 12 year triathlon veteran. I've always been a student of the sport wanting to know everything about everything. At some point I started helping others and really enjoyed seeing their successes. So that led me to coaching. I have now been coaching full time for 2 years (Fast-Tri Sports) I guess the most important thing is that I'm all about having fun while doing your best. I know that's a little contradictory to the "type A thing", but I've learned if your not having fun, you won't do your best, so no need to make yourself miserable. If you like to cut up, learn a few things, and enjoy triathlon, this is your group.FAMILY STATUS: I'm a very happily married (to the point of dorky about it) no kids yet, but a dog named Shelbie who acts like a child.
CURRENT TRAINING: My training this year will focus on shorter races and building speed so I can qualify for age group nationals and worlds (my "reach" goal) in Tuscaloosa. I typcially enjoy races of all distances from sprints to Ironman and XTERRA.
2008 races: Last year I completed my season by finishing the South Carolina half in under 5 hours. (that was my goal)

2009 races: I plan on hitting a number of local races here in the Colorado area including a few XTERRA, and finishing off with the 24 hours of triathlon in September with a team of GU ambassadors.
WEIGHTLOSS: I don't have any weight loss goals because I'm blessed with good genes and I make a constant effort to eat healthy.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Over the next 3 months, I want to help others reach their goals by being a positive, motivational, roll model and having fun in the process. Hopefully I can answer a few questions and make the folks in our group a little bit better. Admittidly, this is somewhat a usefull tool for me too. I find the other group members usually help me stay motivated in my endevors too.

Edited by kenaxford 2009-04-21 12:28 PM

2009-04-20 6:02 PM
in reply to: #2082508

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open

Open for business !!!   let's get 10 in this group so our group will stay very active.  I will be on multiple times per week (at least 3 but most likely every day)

If you lke to have fun, be silly, but work hard and do your best...  This is the group for you.

2009-04-20 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2082508

Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open
Would love to join Ken.

I am 39 years old and this is my first season of triathlons.  Completed my first triathlon on April th at the Lonestar in Galveston.  Finished in 1:21 which was 25th out of 65 for my age group and I think 6th for first timers.  I ctually felt pretty good and could have definitely gone harder.  I looked on with envy as I saw people finishing and then vomiting.  My goal is to leave i all out on the course.

I really have not been very athletic in the past.  Some weight lifting has kept me looking fit, but when I started in November I could barely run 2 miles at 9:45 pace.  I had never swam or biked.  So I have seen some huge changes and I am hooked on this sport.  I tried meditation for years but never could find the peace I find when I am pushing myself beyond my perceived limits.

I got into Tri because I am a weight loss surgeon and wanted to be a role model to my patients.  I also wanted to experience a complete life change like my patients have after the surgery.  And this has been a huge life change.

I am currently training for the Cap Tex Tri sprint on May 25th and then I really want to prepare for the Malibu Olympic in September.  I am finding balancing a very demanding work schedule and family life with training but I feel I am improving weekly.
Thanks for helping!
2009-04-20 8:30 PM
in reply to: #2082508

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Williamson, GA
Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open


I would like to join also so please save a saddle for me!  I will write more later as I'm off to put my 3 1/2 year old to bed.  Yes, time management and prioritization is one of my biggest challenges!


2009-04-20 9:40 PM
in reply to: #2082508

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New user
Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open

Name: fire eagle/ darren

Story: Well, 2 yrs ago I went to the doc for a checkup & he told me I was overweight & I had high blood pressure.  So, I thought I needed to get serious.  I bought P90X and did that off & on & have lost 13 lbs.  But got really serious about 4 months ago when my wife challenged me to do a triathlon.  She runs 5 & 10ks.  The past 4 wks I have been doing the 20 wk beginner to 1/2 ironman plan.  I used to ride bikes in college (not in races just long rides) and was always in football in high school.  This seems like it would be fun & challenging. 

Family Status: I am married to my best friend and have an 8 yr old princess.

Current Training: Like I said, I'm doing the 20 wk course. I'm just now tapering off the P90X thing but want to keep the core & upperbody stuff thrown in now & then.

2008 Races: I have never done a triathlon and I'm 44.  Hopefully, not too old to start.

2009 Races:  I want to work my way to a 1/2 thats planned in Sept.  but am going to do some sprint & olympic too.  maybe build up? I really don't know... Well, I have one planned this Saturday, a sprint Xterra (1000m sw, 16m bike, 4m run).  I thought I better just jump in...I probably need some pointers.

Weightloss: My current bio is 5'9", 185 lbs.  I want to lose about 15-20 more.  By the way my blood pressure has come down from 2 yrs ago.

What will make me a good student: I am excited about it and I don't know anything.  I think I said that.  I'm willing to learn, ya know just getting in shape because you need to is good but it does get a little boring.

Thanks for your time, I'm pumped. 


2009-04-20 10:04 PM
in reply to: #2082508

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New user

Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open
Hi!  Would love to be a part of your group.  I need some motivation to get in shape.  Since moving from Texas to California, I have been very inconsistent at working out.  Part of my problem is that I either go 200% or 0% and I burn out a lot.  I am a type A personality too and always set goals for myself, but haven't been able to conquer my weight and physical fit goal.  I'm ready to start training.  I am planning on participating in a "completion sprint triathlon" on July 26, 2009 in San Luis Obispo.  I am just ready to be in shape and feel better about myself.

2009-04-21 1:32 AM
in reply to: #2082508

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open

Garth, Terry, Darren, and Yvette... Welcome to the group. It sounds like we all have the work / life balance issue. I guess that is the biggest challenge for any age grouper. I'm so excited that most of you are doing your first race soon. That should be exciting for all of us to look forward to and hear about the results.

Darren, are you doing the Ft; Yargo XTERRA this weekend? I have a couple buddies doing that race. Look out for the Fast-Tri Sports Jerseys. If you see a guy with a lot of tattoos, that's one of my best friends named Doss. (introduce yourself to him)


If you want a few pointers ahead of time, hit me up in this forum so everyone can see.  Good luck and do a race report afterwards so we can see how you did.

Edited by kenaxford 2009-04-21 1:34 AM
2009-04-21 5:33 AM
in reply to: #2082508

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New user

Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open
Good morning-
I would love to join your group. Right now I need to hurry to get to work( spent to much time on BT while drinking coffee) so I will post a bio later today.


2009-04-21 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2082508

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Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open
Hey, would love to join your group.

My name is Mike, I am 20 years old (turning 21 in July) and am currently gearing up for an iron distance race in just over four months. I'm on a university exchange program and currently am living in Australia (awesome training weather here... much warmer than Canada). I currently lack focus and come from a running background. Last september I completed my first half-iron race and am completely hooked on the sport. Just a small side-note, i am a type 1 diabetic but so far this has not really had a major effect on my training.

Hope to keep chatting with you all
2009-04-21 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2082508

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Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open

Ken, I would like to join your group if there is room for one more.

I am 25 and live in Charlotte, NC. I have competed in a couple of 5K races, but I am very new to triathlons. I have already signed up for a sprint race in June and an Olympic race at the end of September. I work a typical 9-5 job, and do most of my training after work and on weekends.


2009-04-21 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2082508

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Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open

I'd like to join your group if it's still open...

About me:

Story: Mattie, 29 years old (30 in June), live just outside of Charlottesville, VA. Current girlfriend used to do triathlons, and got me into cycling last year. She tried to get me interested in tris, but at that point I had no interest, then something suddenly flipped in my head this year and I got going. I started training about 2 months ago to try and get in better shape. I had been doing some cycling to prepare for an MS150 ride coming up in June, but hadn't been doing any running or swimming until lately. After a short build up, my running is getting a little better, but the swimming is the real challenge.

Status: Not married, no kids, I have a girlfriend I've been dating for about a year and a half.

Current Training: Right now I'm working towards my first ever triathlon, a beginner friendly sprint, on May 31. Just trying to focus on general fitness, as I have much room for improvement in all disciplines!

2009 Races: May 31, Power Sprint in Richmond. Charlottesville Tri Club sprint in June (the week after the MS150). I'd like to also do the C'Ville International as well as maybe another sprint or two and possibly another international in October.

Weightloss:  This is the biggie for me. I currently go about 260ish (which is down about 10 pounds from a couple of weeks ago!). Ideally, I'd like to be in the very low 200s, so quite a ways to go.



2009-04-21 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2082508


Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open

Edited by weber02 2009-04-21 9:31 AM
2009-04-21 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2082508


Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open

I liked your bio and would like to join your group. Here's a brief history of myself: I am a retired Army Master Sergeant so physical training as one can imagine, is really nothing new. Although I retired from the Army, I work full time as a financial management analyst for the U.S. federal government, so I'm rather sedentary most of the day....bummer. My wife and I do step aerobic classes three times per week (for the past year) which includes strength training and ab work. Additionally, I've begun to work out three times per week on my Bowflex in the morning before going to work and adding a run on various days. Running was a way of life in the Army, however, not for enjoyment but as a career must. I'm nearly 49 years old now and my goal is to complete (notice I didn't say win) a full triathlon for my 50th birthday. My wife thinks I'm nuts...whatever! Nonetheless, gotta start someplace. I'm not sure how or what to do to begin a productive program and need guidance. In addition, I'm using this to help induce motivation to stop smoking. Other than that, I'm in good shape (160 lbs) and eat healthy (most of the time). I've always liked a good challenge and looking forward to my next endeavor....a full triathlon. Additionally, I'm a musician, dad, college adjunct professor of economics, and best buddy to my Jack Russell terrier...Molly.

Looking forward to hearing from you, as well as any and all advice for this beginner.


2009-04-21 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2082508

Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open

Name: trinity / Tim

Story: I've been an athlete most of my life until my kids became active in sports and then I focused on them.  Well they're grown up now for the most part and don't require or desire me to be as involved.  That left me with no place to vent my competitive nature.  I was a treadmill runner for several years and last year was challenged to run a 5k.  I started running outside (WAY different than a treadmill) and fell in love with it especially the racing.  I injured myself during a 1/2 marathon and was looking for ways to cross-train.  That was when I was introduced to triathlons.  I had no idea there was anything other than Kona, as that was all I had been exposed to, so when I found out there were actually shorter races I threw myself into it full steam ahead.   

Family Status: I have been married to the love of my life for 15 years and have 2 children; 1 away at college and the other starting high school next year.

Current Training: I currently spend around 6-10 hours a week training in all 3 disciplines.  I am in a build phase right now so I'm doing a lot of 2 a days.

2008 Races: Last year I competed in 2 5k's, 1 10k, 1 8 miler, 1 1/2 mary.

2009 Races:  This year I have competed in 1 10k and my very first triathlon.  It was a reverse sprint however, so I am looking forward to seeing what a 'normal' one will be like because it was definitely tough finishing with the swim.  I have several sprints planned for this year and an oly in September.

Weightloss: I am mostly happy with my weight right now but I did lose 30 pounds last year.  I would like to lose about 10 more but it's not a priority right now.

What will make me a good student: I am looking forward to participating with this group.  I am eager to learn more and definitely want to learn how to go faster.  I look forward to interacting with the group.

2009-04-21 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2098793

Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open
fire eagle - 2009-04-20 8:40 PM

2008 Races: I have never done a triathlon and I'm 44.  Hopefully, not too old to start.

fire eagle, you are DEFINITELY not too old to start!  I am 45 and just finished my first triathlon a couple of weeks ago.  Welcome to the addiction!

2009-04-21 10:10 AM
in reply to: #2099032

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New user
Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open
Here's some questions:

I'm doing a sprint Xterra tri Sat.
1.  I've never swam in open water with others, pointers?
2.  The bike portion is kinda scary. They have some rock areas on the trail that look like the bottom of a riverbed.  Do I just run & carry my bike through these?  I've also got knee & shin pads by the way.

Its called the Red River Xterra challenge here in OK. 
I'm learning how to use this BT site. 

2009-04-21 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2082508

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open
Ken, I count 10 but can you squeeze in one more?  This being my first post and all Laughing

NAME: Kevin, age 34

STORY: Lifelong athlete looking for a new challenge.  I'm competitive by nature and am borderline obsessed with learning as much TRI info as I can right now while training as hard as I can

FAMILY STATUS:  Married w/ two toddler girls

CURRENT TRAINING:  Started the 3x 20 Week Program that I found here on BT.  I modified it slightly for the fitness level I was at - basically the programs month 2 is my month 1.  I'm in my first month, week three right now.  Just started logging it here at BT.  I've also been spending many hours reading the forums, learning as much as possible.

2009 RACES:  I'm sticking with SPRINT TRI's.  There are 3 that I'm planning to race.  I've set my goals for these races high, but I think they are realistic based on the past results of these races and my planned fitness level come race day

WEIGHTLOSS:  I'm 6'3, 220lbs today.  Was 245lbs on 1/1/09.  Would like to be down to 200-205 range by raceday moreso because I think I'd be faster, though I'm comfortable where I'm at right now.  I think the big increase in cardio combined with the decrease in weight training will lead to a natural weightloss.  My diet is pretty spot on right now.

WHY I'd BE A GOOD STUDENT:  Dedication to this process, focus, intensity, desire to learn and to push myself

Edited by Mainer22 2009-04-21 11:34 AM
2009-04-21 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2082508

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Concord, NC
Gold member
Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open
Coach Ken -- Would like to join your "family". Main reasons: Advice and encouragement. I'm not exactly a "newbie" but still have a lot to learn and improve on.

Name: Bill, Age 54

STORY: I'm a runner by heart, but started swimming about 4 years ago because I wanted to start cross training. My first triathlon was the YMCA Hurley Sprint, in Salisbury, NC, in July of 2006, which involved a lake swim. Not a good experience, but I did finish and was "hooked" even with the brutal swim. Bought a Trek Equinox 7 about 3 years ago and have crossed trained with it since then. In November of 2007 I joined NOMAD's Masters Swim program and it was THE best thing to help me with my swimming. I was doing all kinds of things wrong. I'm still not as fast as I want to be, but it's not for a lack of effort.

INJURIES: Recovered from plantar fasciitis, which took about 18 months of no running to heal. (No pun intended.)

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm currently putting in about 10+ hours of training each week. I recently bought a Tacx Flow and I'm glad I did, what a workout! I have the Latta Plantation Sprint coming up in June, which involves a 850 yard lake swim. Although I have over 61 miles of swimming in a pool this year, the lake doesn't have that black line I'm use to seeing.

2008 RACES: Tri the Rock, Rock Hill, SC and Take Flight, Huntersville, NC.

RACES SO FAR: Did the Huntersville, NC MAP Sprint Triathlon at the end of March. Placed 4th in my age group.

2009 RACES: Tri the Rock Sprint Triathlon, Rock Hill, SC; Tri Latta Sprint Triathlon (Lake Swim), Huntersville, NC; Take Flight Triathlon, Huntersville, NC. Lowe's Motor Speedway Time Trials (10 miles) and a couple local 5K runs for fun.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: No real concern. I fluctuate between 188 and 191. I have been eating the right foods for about six months now and would recommend the "Eat This Not That" supermarket book to everyone and take it with you when you shop. You'll be surprised on some of the food choices you have been making. I'm in marketing and we can be clever.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, two boys, both married.

2009-04-21 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2082508

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Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open
Hey Coach Ken-

Is this group still open?

NAME:  Kurt Carroll aka Kurtie

STORY:  Have wanted to do a tri for sometime, a friend convinced me to sign up for one this spring -- did my first sprint 4/19.  Finished 1:30:19 -- ahead of my expectations.  Felt like I nailed the swim but need to train more on bike and running.  Main result of this passed Sunday, I loved it!  What a great time, great folks.  Can't wait to do another, have been dissecting my stats, trying to figure out how/where to improve.  Have generally stayed in shape over the years (just turned 40) but have slacked abit over the past five.  Previously played waterpolo and rugby and ran the occassional community race.  Get bored just "working out" so tri's seem like the perfect  sport for me to stay in shape, compete, and have a good time.  Definitely need to focus on these latter two.  In the tri this past weekend, ranked 99 for the swim...finished 170 at the end...need to lower that second number.  That's too many people passing me in the transitions, bike, and run.

FAMILY STATUS:  Partnered and have a dog.

CURRENT TRAINING: Disjointed.  Swim a 3x / week.  Haven't biked enough this spring (blaming it on the cold/soggy DC weather).  Need to run more -- paranoid of knee issues (see rugby reference above).   Weight training 2-3x week.

2009 Races: Complete Rumpass in Bumpass Sprint.  Signed up for Nation's Triathlon (Olympic) September.  Would like to schedule two or three sprints before September.  Will do Marine Corps Marathon in October if I get my mileage up.

WEIGHTLOSS:  Not a problem; good genes.  Would like to add muscle mass.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD STUDENT (or is that a MENTO?): Have had a taste of how great triathlons and want more of it.  Have a benchmark of my performance and want to surpass it.  Realize I can improve faster and better by working with someone who has done this before.  And I'm looking forward to meeting more people who love the sport.


2009-04-21 12:27 PM
in reply to: #2082508

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open


Eleven Already.  YEAH !!!!!  I can tell we are going to have a good group.  It looks like a lot of excited athletes and some good goals to reach.  I have listed everyone below.  let's all add each other to our friend list so we can check in, help motivate, send "inspires", etc.


Garth - “gpdtx”: 

                1st season of triathlon with 1 completed already.  Way to go!!! 

goal race:  Malibu Olympic

Terry - “tw04429”

                3rd season of triathlon.

Darren - “fire eagle”

                1st season – planning on sprints, Olympics, and a half Iron

                Goal race: September ½ Ironman

Yvette - “yvettem”

                1st season of tri

                Goal race:  July Sprint

Susan - “skyle”

                Busy as the rest of us.  Bio to come shortly

Mike – “mouseman”

                Living in Austraila. 

                Goal race: July / August Ironman

Mike – “sebeniecherm”

From Charlotte:  right down the road from my alma mater of Appalachian State.  Go Mountaineers !!!

                Goal race: June sprint and September Olympic

Mattie - “mattie rocks”

                First season of tri.

                Goal race: late May sprint

Paul - “weber02”

                Retired ARMY master sergeant working as financial analyst.  Thank you for 

                your service!!!

                First season or tri.

                Goal race not chosen yet…

Tim - “trinity”

                First season of tri.  One down the hatch already.  Good work !!!

                Goal race: September Olympic

Kevin - “mariner22”

                Lifelong athlete looking for a new challenge.

                Goal race: several sprints this season

2009-04-21 12:32 PM
in reply to: #2082508

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Closed and kickin' tale !!!

13 total !!!   holy cow !!!   Kurt and Bill... welcome to the cool kid club.  (just kidding)  You two jumped in while I was writing the other message.

this will be a big group so we should be very active.  Let's keep things positive, fun, helpful and motivating.

2009-04-21 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2099688

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Open

fire eagle - 2009-04-21 9:10 AM Here's some questions:

I'm doing a sprint Xterra tri Sat.
1. I've never swam in open water with others, pointers?
2. The bike portion is kinda scary. They have some rock areas on the trail that look like the bottom of a riverbed. Do I just run & carry my bike through these? I've also got knee & shin pads by the way.

Its called the Red River Xterra challenge here in OK.
I'm learning how to use this BT site.

congrats on the commitment.  1st tip...  enjoy the race and look around once in a while.  Your first race only happens once.

swim:  note: it can get busy, but remember that no one is intentionally trying to hurt someone else.  If you are not there to win, you can wait about 2 -5 seconds and get behind all the crazies.  things typically space out pretty quickly and you will have more elbow room.  the best tip is to try and get in your rhythm and forget everyone else is around you.  Also, practice sighting every few strokes so you keep swimming straight.

bike:  The rock section is up to you and your comfort level.  Typically, you would be able to cary momentum over the rocks and stay upright.  however, if they ar real big, you won't lose much time by dismounting, carrying your bike, and jumping back on again.  Weigh the pro's and cons.  (good for you for doing your course recon')

2009-04-21 5:21 PM
in reply to: #2100086

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Closed and kickin' tale !!!
Ken, thanks for having me and thanks for volunteering your knowledge and experience....

Question about training - The last few days I've been experiencing tired, heavy legs when running.  No injuries or soreness, just really fatigued.  I assume this is somewhat normal due to the volume of training and have just been pushing on.  I noticed it a little in the pool, but alot on the run.  Is this something that my legs will adjust to or a sign I'm pushing too hard too soon??
2009-04-21 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2101071

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Closed and kickin' tale !!!

Mainer22 - 2009-04-21 4:21 PM Ken, thanks for having me and thanks for volunteering your knowledge and experience....

Question about training - The last few days I've been experiencing tired, heavy legs when running.  No injuries or soreness, just really fatigued.  I assume this is somewhat normal due to the volume of training and have just been pushing on.  I noticed it a little in the pool, but alot on the run.  Is this something that my legs will adjust to or a sign I'm pushing too hard too soon??

By looking at your logs and without knowing your full history, I think you might be going too hard too soon.  The volume (ie: length of time) you are running would seem to be manageable.  Try slowing down a bit and see if that helps.  (ie: less intensity)  Also, make sure you are well hydrated and nurished.  Also make sure you warm up gradually for the first few minutes.  walk, to a slow jog, to a jog, etc.  Don't just take off running.

It might also be that you need some rest.  Most coaches will now use a method called periodiation that periodically gives you a chance to recover and gain on the work you've done.  Try backing off your intensity first and let me know if that helps. 

2009-04-21 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2082508

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Williamson, GA
Subject: RE: kenaxford's Group - Closed and kickin' tale !!!

NAME: Terry (Axford) Whitmore  Yep... Ken has spread the tri-bug throughout the family!

STORY: I have been involved in sports off and on throughout my life.  I come from a family of athletes.  Gymnastics, softball, tennis, running, and now swimming and biking.  This is my third season of triathlons.  I did three sprints in 2007 and learned a TON.  I did one sprint last year.  My 2008 season was derailed severely as my family moved last summer (a good thing though).  I tend to be very inconsistent in my training and diet.  I work full time in customer support for a software company, so life/time management is always a challenge.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm happily married (10+ years) and have a 3 1/2 year old little boy that I adore!

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm late in starting my training this year and am just beginning to train.  I have only remnants of a base, so I feel like I'm starting all over again.

2008 races: Peachtree City Sprint.  I cheered hard as Ken did the SC Half.  Does that count????  (Just kidding)

2009 races: 10K in July, two sprints in August, maybe another in June just for pracice, and several 5K's.  Possibly an Oly in Sept.

WEIGHTLOSS: My weight has been a constant battle for me.  I'm about 20 lbs below my all time high and have about 20 more to go.  I'm focusing on that this year and know that triathlon training will help me drop the pounds.  I'm 5' 1" so 20 lbs is quite a bit for my frame.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD STUDENT: I love this sport!!  I am very emotional about it (so proud of anyone who participates at any level), but need my own motivation and focus to become more consistent in training.  I have A LOT to learn and have lots of room for improvement in all areas.

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